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Game of September 2, 2011 at 08:51, 7 players
1. 523 pts iwhist
2. 519 pts mylover81
3. 362 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiprrs   H3    24    24   spired
 2. ?ghilrt   2H    83   107   alright
 3. aaegorw   G7    27   134   wager
 4. adefstu  H10    47   181   defast
 5. abeestv  11E    52   233   bereaves
 6. aeioorx   I6    45   278   exo
 7. aalmnou   3K    33   311   noma
 8. aceiior   J4    37   348   race
 9. ?aeilou   O3    77   425   douleia
10. eijlmpt   L6    42   467   jimpest
11. aaeelno   M6    27   494   anoa
12. agilltw  10D    34   528   tawed
13. deiinno   G7    24   552   wagered
14. cinortu   N9    78   630   ruction
15. bhlnotu  15L    33   663   hunt
16. bfgiilr   3B    26   689   fibrils
17. egnooyz  12A    62   751   zooey
18. giinnos  A10    48   799   sizing
19. delnnou   B1    28   827   unfond

Remaining tiles: eklqvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6624 Fileiwhist      5 17:01  -304  523     1.7103 mylover81   3 21:16  -308  519 
  2.7103 Filemylover81   3 21:16  -308  519            Group: intermediate
  3.4755 Filefatcat      2 20:06  -465  362     1.6624 iwhist      5 17:01  -304  523 
  4.6470 FileGypsylady   2 17:58  -500  327     2.6470 Gypsylady   2 17:58  -500  327 
  5.6875 Fileyab         1  2:00  -757   70     3.6875 yab         1  2:00  -757   70 
  6.4497 Filepreperato   1  3:10  -769   58            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filejeannie108  0  1:06  -817   10     1.4755 fatcat      2 20:06  -465  362 
                                             2.4497 preperato   1  3:10  -769   58 
                                             3.  -  jeannie108  0  1:06  -817   10 

On 1st draw, SPIRED H3 24 --- SPIRE to rise in a tapering manner [v]
Other tops: PRIDES H4 24, PRISED H4 24, REDIPS H8 24, SPIDER H3 24
Other moves: PRIDE H4 22, PRIED H4 22, PRIERS H4 22, PRISED H7 22, PRISER H4 22
PRIDES H4 24 iwhist
SPIDER H3 24 fatcat
SPIRED H3 24 mylover81, Gypsylady

On 2nd draw, (A)LRIGHT 2H 83 --- ALRIGHT satisfactory [adj]
Other moves: PLIGHT(E)R 4H 78, TRIGL(Y)PH 4B 76, LIGHT(E)RS 3A 74, R(E)LIGHTS 3A 74, SLIGHT(E)R 3H 74
LIGHTER(S) 7C 64 Gypsylady
I(N)SPIRED H1 30 iwhist
HIT I3 25 mylover81
SHIRT(S) 3H 24 fatcat

On 3rd draw, WAGER G7 27 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other tops: AWARE G6 27
Other moves: OWER G6 26, WAGE G7 26, WAG G7 25, W*G G7 25, AWA G6 24
AWARE G6 27 iwhist
WAGER G7 27 Gypsylady
WARE G7 24 mylover81
ARROW 6F 18 fatcat

On 4th draw, DEFAST H10 47 --- DEFACE to spoil the appearance of [v]
Other tops: DEFATS H10 47
Other moves: FADIEST 5E 44, STRAFED 11E 44, SAFED F8 39, TUFAS F8 38, SAFE F8 37
FATED F10 36 iwhist
FASTED F10 35 mylover81
FED I5 25 Gypsylady
FEASTED 10B 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, BEREAVES 11E 52 --- BEREAVE to deprive [v]
Other moves: BEREAVE 11E 48, SEBATE F6 36, TABES F8 35, BESAT F6 34, BETAS F6 34
BEAST F10 30 iwhist, mylover81
BESETS 14F 16 fatcat
VEST 14F 15 Gypsylady

On 6th draw, EXO I6 45 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: IXORA F5 41, EX I6 40, SOREX L11 40, OXER F5 37, XI I13 36
EXO I6 45 mylover81
EX I6 40 iwhist, Gypsylady
SEX 14H 26 fatcat

On 7th draw, NOMA 3K 33 --- NOMA a severe inflammation of the mouth [n]
Other tops: OUMA 3K 33
Other moves: LAUAN 1K 31, LOAMED 10C 29, NOM 3K 29, LAMED 10D 28, LOMED 10D 28
LAMED 10D 28 iwhist
MENU F10 24 fatcat, Gypsylady
MEAL F10 24 mylover81

On 8th draw, RACE J4 37 --- RACE to compete in a contest of speed [v]
Other tops: RICE J4 37
Other moves: ACE J5 36, ICE J5 36, CERIA 12A 24, CORIA 12A 24, ROE J5 24
REC J4 22 mylover81
ICIER 12B 20 Gypsylady
CARED 10D 18 iwhist
VICE J11 11 fatcat

On 9th draw, (D)OULEIA O3 77 --- DOULEIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: EULO(G)IAS 14A 68, (D)OULEIAS 14A 68, EULO(G)IAS 3A 66, (D)OULEIAS 3A 66, (J)ALOUSIE L6 66
(S)EL K7 16 iwhist
(S)EA K7 16 mylover81
WEXE(S) 7G 14 Gypsylady
LIE 12C 10 fatcat

On 10th draw, JIMPEST L6 42 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: MEJLIS 3C 32, PALMIET 13G 30, PELMET F10 30, J*SM 14F 29, LIMPEST L6 28
JEST 14F 27 fatcat
MELT F10 24 iwhist
PET F10 23 mylover81
JAM 13G 23 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, ANOA M6 27 --- ANOA a wild ox [n]
Other moves: LANA M5 21, LANE M5 21, LONE M5 21, ANA M6 20, ANE M6 20
LANE M5 21 mylover81
LONE M5 21 Gypsylady
ANE M6 20 iwhist
ALONE 12A 16 fatcat

On 12th draw, TAWED 10D 34 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other tops: LAWED 10D 34
Other moves: AWED 10E 33, AWE F9 32, WEAL F10 30, WEIL F10 30, WELL F10 30
LAWED 10D 34 iwhist
AWE F9 32 mylover81
WELT F10 30 Gypsylady
WIST 14F 15 fatcat
WE K10 10 jeannie108

On 13th draw, WAGERED G7 24 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other moves: INION 12B 21, DONNIES 14B 20, IODINES 14B 20, NOD 12D 20, ONDINES 14B 20
NOD 12D 20 iwhist
DON 12D 19 mylover81
INDENT 15C 8 fatcat

On 14th draw, RUCTION N9 78 --- RUCTION a noisy disturbance [n]
Other moves: RUCTIONS 3A 72, SUCTION 14H 30, CITRON N9 28, CORTIN N9 28, CURIO 12A 25
CIT 9C 15 mylover81
NO I13 10 iwhist
COURT 15D 10 fatcat

On 15th draw, HUNT 15L 33 --- HUNT to pursue for food or sport [v]
Other moves: THO O13 31, BUNN 15L 27, BUNT 15L 27, HO O14 26, BLUNT 15K 24
HUNT 15L 33 iwhist, mylover81, fatcat

On 16th draw, FIBRILS 3B 26 --- FIBRIL a small fiber [n]
Other moves: FRIB 12B 25, FIB 12C 23, RIFLIP 4C 22, GI N5 21, GLIB 12B 21
FIB 12C 23 mylover81
IF 1N 18 iwhist
FLIRT 15D 12 fatcat

On 17th draw, ZOOEY 12A 62 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other moves: ZOBO D1 50, BOOZEY D3 48, ZINGY F2 46, OOZY 12B 40, GONZO 12A 39
ZOBO D1 50 mylover81
ZINGY F2 46 iwhist
ZOO 2A 36 fatcat

On 18th draw, SIZING A10 48 --- SIZING a substance used as a glaze or filler for porous materials [n]
Other moves: ZIGS A12 42, ZING A12 42, ZINS A12 39, TANGI N2 26, INNS 13B 25
SIZING A10 48 iwhist, yab, preperato
ZIGS A12 42 mylover81
ZO A12 11 fatcat

On 19th draw, UNFOND B1 28 --- FOND having an affection for [adj] --- UNFOND not fond [adj]
Other tops: ENFOLD B1 28, UNFOLD B1 28
Other moves: DELO 2A 26, DOEN 4C 25, LENO 4A 25, DEFOUL B1 24, LOUD 2C 24
UNBONED D1 22 yab
NOD 2A 21 iwhist
BUNDLE D3 20 fatcat
DE 2A 16 mylover81
DONE C11 10 preperato

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