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Game of September 2, 2011 at 19:30, 11 players
1. 613 pts PIThompson
2. 517 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 368 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aklopsy   H8    40    40   yapoks
 2. ?cfgioo  11E    36    76   oologic
 3. aeiostw  10E    33   109   swap
 4. adeimru  12A    26   135   mired
 5. ?behins   8A   104   239   nebbishy
 6. afimnpw  B10    32   271   painim
 7. ahinrtu  A12    52   323   math
 8. deeinor   F1    63   386   ordinees
 9. deirttu   5E    32   418   intrude
10. ailrstu   1C    77   495   sutorial
11. aeelnnt   2I    22   517   lateen
12. agijnrt   B2    60   577   nartjie
13. adegllo   J7    66   643   gladiole
14. bfnoruu   1L    46   689   four
15. eeiouvx   C1    40   729   sex
16. egiouvw   A1    43   772   vow
17. befgnoy   4K    37   809   fogey
18. abceiqt   8J    33   842   libate
19. cenquvz  D11    31   873   zee

Remaining tiles: cnquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7586 FilePIThompson  8 11:08  -260  613     1.7586 PIThompson  8 11:08  -260  613 
  2.6115 FileGrace_Tjie  3 10:01  -356  517            Group: intermediate
  3.5865 Filenarisa      1 19:47  -505  368     1.6115 Grace_Tjie  3 10:01  -356  517 
  4.4575 Fileremij       1 12:00  -670  203     2.6638 rn.roselle  3  5:08  -674  199 
  5.6638 Filern.roselle  3  5:08  -674  199     3.6867 pinecone    0  2:17  -835   38 
  6.5198 FileAndy1990    1  8:11  -696  177            Group: novice
  7.5985 Filesuz2you     0  9:17  -736  137     1.5865 narisa      1 19:47  -505  368 
  8.  -  Filekokkie      0  6:40  -785   88     2.5198 Andy1990    1  8:11  -696  177 
  9.5951 Fileneyetifu    0  3:40  -794   79     3.5985 suz2you     0  9:17  -736  137 
 10.5206 Fileayoba       0  1:49  -802   71     4.5951 neyetifu    0  3:40  -794   79 
 11.6867 Filepinecone    0  2:17  -835   38     5.5206 ayoba       0  1:49  -802   71 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4575 remij       1 12:00  -670  203 
                                             2.  -  kokkie      0  6:40  -785   88 

On 1st draw, YAPOKS H8 40 --- YAPOK the South American opossum [n]
Other moves: YAPOK H8 38, YAPOKS H4 38, YAPOK H4 36, KAYOS H4 34, KLAPS H4 32
YOLKS H4 32 PIThompson
SLOPY H8 28 Grace_Tjie
PLAYS H4 26 neyetifu
SKY H7 20 suz2you

On 2nd draw, OO(L)OGIC 11E 36 --- OOLOGIC pertaining to oology [adj] --- OOLOGY the study of bird's eggs [adj]
Other moves: FOGI(E) I7 29, F(U)GIO I7 29, COOF G6 28, C(H)OOF G5 28, C(H)OOFS 13C 28
COOF G6 28 PIThompson
F(L)ICK 12D 26 narisa
FOG I7 23 Grace_Tjie, neyetifu, suz2you

On 3rd draw, SWAP 10E 33 --- SWAP to trade [v]
Other moves: TWEAK 12D 32, STOW 10C 30, WAITES 12A 30, WAP 10F 30, SOW 10D 29
SWAP 10E 33 PIThompson
STOW 10C 30 Grace_Tjie
WAP 10F 30 neyetifu
WAITS 13D 9 narisa

On 4th draw, MIRED 12A 26 --- MIRE to cause to stick in swampy ground [v]
Other tops: AMIDE 12B 26, MARID 12A 26, MURED 12A 26, MURID 12A 26, RADIUMS 13B 26
Other moves: DAME 12C 25, DIME 12C 25, DIRAM 12A 25, DREAM 12A 25, RADIUM I4 25
MIRED 12A 26 PIThompson, narisa
DIME 12C 25 Grace_Tjie
DRAM I6 23 suz2you

On 5th draw, NE(B)BISHY 8A 104 --- NEBBISH a downtrodden nobody [adj] --- NEBBISHY meek and insignificant [adj]
Other moves: NEB(B)ISHY 8A 95, BESHIN(E)S 13F 84, B(E)SHINES 13F 82, (D)ISBENCH K5 78, BANISHE(D) 9G 74
H(Y)MENS A10 30 Grace_Tjie
H(O)MIES A10 30 PIThompson
MINE A12 18 narisa
BENCH K8 12 suz2you
BE(L)CH K8 11 pinecone

On 6th draw, PAINIM B10 32 --- PAINIM a heathen [n]
Other moves: MAWN A12 27, IMPAWNS F2 24, MAIM A12 24, FAWNS 13D 22, FIRMAN C10 22
MAWN A12 27 Grace_Tjie, pinecone
MAIM A12 24 PIThompson
MAIN A12 18 narisa
MANI A12 18 suz2you

On 7th draw, MATH A12 52 --- MATH mathematics [n]
Other moves: MIHA A12 46, AH A14 38, HA A14 32, SHAIRN 13H 26, SHANTI 13H 26
MATH A12 52 PIThompson
MIHA A12 46 Grace_Tjie
HA A14 32 suz2you
AMIN 15A 21 narisa

On 8th draw, ORDINEES F1 63 --- ORDINEE one that is being ordained [n]
Other moves: (B)RIERED C8 32, ERRED C10 28, DREE C11 22, ERED C11 22, IRED C11 22
(B)RIERED C8 32 PIThompson
REDOES F3 9 suz2you
DIRE J10 9 narisa
DIE B6 8 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, INTRUDE 5E 32 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
Other tops: UNTIRED 5E 32, UNTRIDE 5E 32, UNTRIED 5E 32
Other moves: ETOURDI 1D 27, OUTRIDE 1F 27, TUTORED 1C 27, DETORT 1C 24, DETOUR 1C 24
OUTRIDE 1F 27 PIThompson
TRODE 1D 21 Grace_Tjie
ROTTED 1E 21 narisa
TORT 1E 12 remij

On 10th draw, SUTORIAL 1C 77 --- SUTORIAL relating to cobbling [adj]
Other moves: TRISULA L2 75, TRISULA L4 75, RITUALS 6I 70, TISSULAR 13F 70, RURALIST 2D 60
TAILORS 1B 24 PIThompson
RAILS L1 21 narisa
TOILS 1E 15 Grace_Tjie
ROAST 1E 15 remij

On 11th draw, LATEEN 2I 22 --- LATEEN a sailing vessel [n]
Other tops: ANENT 4H 22, ENATE 4H 22
Other moves: EARN C10 20, ARET C11 19, ERNE C11 19, NEATEN 4I 19, NEATEN 6I 19
ENATE 4H 22 PIThompson
NEAT 6I 15 Grace_Tjie
ANT 2J 9 narisa
DEALT J5 8 Andy1990
DENT J5 7 remij

On 12th draw, NARTJIE B2 60 --- NARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: JEAN L1 38, JEAT L1 38, RAJ 1M 34, TAJ 1M 34, JIRGA J10 31
JEAN L1 38 PIThompson, narisa
JIG J10 27 Grace_Tjie
JIN J10 26 Andy1990
JET M1 20 remij
SING 13H 6 kokkie

On 13th draw, GLADIOLE J7 66 --- GLADIOLE a flower of the iris family [n]
Other moves: DEAL 1L 30, GALLED 3J 30, GOALED 3J 30, GADE A1 29, OARED C10 28
DEAL 1L 30 PIThompson
GADE A1 29 Grace_Tjie
GALE A1 25 remij
DOG 1M 20 Andy1990
DEAL L1 14 narisa
SLAG 13H 6 kokkie

On 14th draw, FOUR 1L 46 --- FOUR a number [n]
Other moves: BUFO A1 40, BOUN 1L 38, FOB 1M 31, FUB 1M 31, FOB A1 30
FOUR 1L 46 PIThompson, rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie
FUB 1M 31 remij
FERN L1 22 narisa
BON 1M 21 Andy1990
BON A1 19 kokkie

On 15th draw, SEX C1 40 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: SOX C1 40
Other moves: REX C12 36, SILVEX 13H 34, XI A1 29, XU A1 29, VEX 3H 28
SOX C1 40 PIThompson
SEX C1 40 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle, remij
AXE 3B 20 Andy1990, narisa
EX K5 9 kokkie

On 16th draw, VOW A1 43 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: OWRIE C10 34, OWRE C10 29, OWE A2 26, VOW 3J 26, WIVE 4K 25
VOW A1 43 PIThompson, Andy1990, rn.roselle, Grace_Tjie
WOVE 4K 25 narisa
WE A1 18 remij
EGO K5 7 kokkie

On 17th draw, FOGEY 4K 37 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: BOGEY 4K 34, BONEY 4K 32, BEFOG 4K 30, EBONY 4K 30, GOBY 4I 30
FOGEY 4K 37 PIThompson
YO D3 27 rn.roselle, narisa, ayoba
OYE 4J 20 Grace_Tjie
YEN 4K 17 Andy1990
BEEFY 14I 13 kokkie
G*Y 7J 7 remij

On 18th draw, LIBATE 8J 33 --- LIBATE to pour in honour to [v]
Other moves: BASILECT 13F 28, ABRI C10 26, BRAE C11 25, BRAT C11 25, BRIE C11 25
QI E4 22 ayoba, Grace_Tjie, Andy1990, PIThompson, narisa, rn.roselle
YATE O4 7 remij
AYE O3 6 kokkie

On 19th draw, ZEE D11 31 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: CAZ M7 27, AZAN 9H 25, NAZE M7 24, QI 4E 22, QI E4 22
CAZ M7 27 PIThompson
QI E4 22 ayoba, Grace_Tjie, narisa, kokkie
ZA M7 21 rn.roselle, remij

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