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Game of September 2, 2011 at 23:18, 8 players
1. 424 pts raggedy01
2. 177 pts iwhist
3. 30 pts joeroberts

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??jovwz   H4    50    50   zowie
 2. acgklry   7D    71   121   garlicky
 3. eelnort   K5    40   161   elytron
 4. adeimns  10G    69   230   daimones
 5. ceefnor   M6    86   316   conferee
 6. aainotv   8A    33   349   avion
 7. aeeilpr   4C    32   381   realize
 8. aehioqs   J2    49   430   qis
 9. deeiort   B7    78   508   overedit
10. adirstv  15A    37   545   tsadi
11. abehpsy  14J    46   591   phase
12. aegotuu   2J    28   619   quote
13. aadegrt   O1    98   717   gradate
14. abinouv  15H    39   756   avion
15. fhilntu   L1    35   791   fouth
16. beilnuu   N5    24   815   lube
17. bimopux  11D    39   854   buxom
18. gijnpwy  12B    34   888   djin

Remaining tiles: gipwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5920 Fileraggedy01   1 21:45  -464  424     1.6633 iwhist      1  4:57  -711  177 
  2.6633 Fileiwhist      1  4:57  -711  177            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filejoeroberts  0  2:00  -858   30     1.5920 raggedy01   1 21:45  -464  424 
  4.3827 Filedenbay      0  1:15  -859   29     2.5005 gmills0     0  0:41  -875   13 
  5.4420 Filepickrose    0  2:39  -860   28            Group: not rated
  6.5005 Filegmills0     0  0:41  -875   13     1.  -  joeroberts  0  2:00  -858   30 
  7.  -  Filejeannie108  0  1:00  -878   10     2.3827 denbay      0  1:15  -859   29 
  8.  -  FileJack22      0  1:43  -884    4     3.4420 pickrose    0  2:39  -860   28 
                                             4.  -  jeannie108  0  1:00  -878   10 
                                             5.  -  Jack22      0  1:43  -884    4 

On 1st draw, ZOW(I)(E) H4 50 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other tops: WO(O)(T)Z H8 50, W(O)O(T)Z H8 50
Other moves: JOW(A)(R) H4 42, JOW(E)(D) H4 42, JOW(L)(S) H4 42, JOW(L)(Y) H4 42, VOZ(H)(D) H4 38
VOW H7 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, GARL(I)CKY 7D 71 --- GARLIC an herb used in cooking [adj] --- GARLICKY smelling or tasting of garlic [adj]
Other moves: LAKY G5 37, ZYGAL 4H 36, YAK G5 35, ROCKLAY 5G 32, KAY I3 31
CLAW 6E 11 denbay

On 3rd draw, ELYTRON K5 40 --- ELYTRON a hardened forewing of certain insects [n]
Other moves: ENTREZ 4C 30, NERTZ 4D 28, ZLOTE 4H 28, ZONER 4H 28, ENROL 8A 24
ZONER 4H 28 raggedy01

On 4th draw, DAIMONES 10G 69 --- DAIMON an attendant spirit [n]
Other tops: SIRNAMED F5 69
Other moves: AMIDONES 10G 67, ADERMINS F4 65, ANADEMS E5 40, SEAMAID E5 40, DENIM 8A 35
SIZED 4F 15 raggedy01

On 5th draw, CONFEREE M6 86 --- CONFEREE one upon whom something is conferred [n]
Other moves: CONFEREE M3 80, ENFORCE 11A 77, ENFORCE 9A 71, CONFEREE M4 68, CONFRERE F1 67
ENFORCES N3 65 raggedy01

On 6th draw, AVION 8A 33 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other moves: AVANTI H10 30, VINO 8A 28, ATONIA 8J 27, OVATING D1 24, AVANT 11E 23
VAN I3 23 iwhist

On 7th draw, REALIZE 4C 32 --- REALIZE to understand completely [v]
Other moves: PEARE 6B 26, EPEIRA L1 25, PAIL L12 24, PAIR L12 24, PALE L12 24
PAR I3 21 raggedy01
PA I3 18 iwhist
PER 12L 10 jeannie108
PA A7 4 Jack22

On 8th draw, QIS J2 49 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HOISE 14J 46, SHAKE J4 42, HOSE J2 34, OHIA N5 34, SHEA N5 34
SHA 5D 26 iwhist
ASH 14L 26 raggedy01

On 9th draw, OVEREDIT B7 78 --- OVEREDIT to edit more than necessary [v]
Other moves: EDITOR 5D 28, VERDITE B8 26, DIORITE 3I 25, ADROIT H10 24, AERIED H10 24
TONED 8K 21 iwhist
RID K1 18 raggedy01

On 10th draw, TSADI 15A 37 --- TSADI a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: DAVITS 14H 32, DITAS A11 32, ASTIR 15A 31, QADIS 2J 30, QAIDS 2J 30
QAIDS 2J 30 raggedy01
VATS 14J 29 iwhist

On 11th draw, PHASE 14J 46 --- PHASE to plan or carry out by phases (distinct stages of development) [v]
Other moves: HYPE L12 41, HYPS L12 41, ABYES 3C 40, EPHAS 3C 40, YEAH L12 40
YAPS L12 32 iwhist
BASH 14K 32 raggedy01
YAH L12 30 joeroberts

On 12th draw, QUOTE 2J 28 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUATE 2J 28, QUOTA 2J 28
Other moves: TOGAE 15G 27, AGOUTA H10 24, GOATEE 13I 22, TANGO 8K 21, TOEA 15H 21
QUOTE 2J 28 iwhist
QUOTA 2J 28 raggedy01
QUAT 2J 13 gmills0
NOG 8M 12 pickrose

On 13th draw, GRADATE O1 98 --- GRADATE to change by degrees [v]
Other moves: ADAGE O1 43, GRADE O1 42, GRATED O1 42, DRAG O1 39, DREG O1 39
GREAT O1 36 raggedy01
DARTED 12B 16 pickrose

On 14th draw, AVION 15H 39 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other moves: BUNIA 15G 30, NUBIA 15G 30, OBIA 15H 27, BAVIN 11D 25, NOVA 15G 25
VIA 15H 22 raggedy01

On 15th draw, FOUTH L1 35 --- FOUTH abundance [n]
Other moves: HEFT 9A 32, FOHN L1 28, HOUF L1 28, FOUNT L1 26, LEFT 9A 26
FILTH 13A 22 raggedy01

On 16th draw, LUBE N5 24 --- LUBE a lubricant [n] --- LUBE to lubricate [v]
Other tops: BILE N5 24, BINE N5 24, UNBE 3C 24
Other moves: BEAN L12 22, LUBE 3B 22, BIN N5 21, BUN N5 21, LIB N5 21
BLUE 3A 18 raggedy01

On 17th draw, BUXOM 11D 39 --- BUXOM healthily plump [adj]
Other moves: XI 5E 38, XI 15N 36, XU 15N 36, OXIM 14E 35, OXIM 11E 33
XI 15N 36 raggedy01

On 18th draw, DJIN 12B 34 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: AJWAN E4 30, JIN 14F 28, WINO 5E 28, JAW A7 27, JAY A7 27
JAW A7 27 raggedy01

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