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Game of September 3, 2011 at 13:43, 12 players
1. 596 pts PIThompson
2. 583 pts una
3. 523 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegilry   H7    28    28   glairy
 2. adhiops   8D    65    93   shipload
 3. ?acdott   D1    76   169   codettas
 4. aeiimor   1D    33   202   coremia
 5. aaeeils   C2    30   232   laesie
 6. ?ailnru   L2    76   308   urinals
 7. emnoqst   2J    38   346   mounts
 8. abdeelv  11D   106   452   deverbal
 9. eeerstu  L11    27   479   stere
10. ajrrvwy  15H    57   536   jarvey
11. deinqtu   O2   107   643   squinted
12. behoopw   B4    37   680   pew
13. abefnuw  M13    30   710   fey
14. efhinru   A1    37   747   finer
15. aegotux   N9    75   822   oxgate
16. bhnoouw  12A    32   854   hobo
17. cgiknow  A11    51   905   chowk
18. giinnuz  J10    33   938   zag

Remaining tiles: iinnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7588 FilePIThompson  8 16:58  -342  596     1.7588 PIThompson  8 16:58  -342  596 
  2.6680 Fileuna         2 17:48  -355  583            Group: intermediate
  3.6198 Filecharmz      3 19:00  -415  523     1.6680 una         2 17:48  -355  583 
  4.6993 FileStranger    4 12:32  -433  505     2.6198 charmz      3 19:00  -415  523 
  5.6881 Filereynaritz   3 15:04  -536  402     3.6993 Stranger    4 12:32  -433  505 
  6.5135 Fileginalee     1 18:51  -598  340     4.6881 reynaritz   3 15:04  -536  402 
  7.3597 Filekp10        0  9:18  -660  278     5.6391 Kenpachi    0  2:15  -865   73 
  8.5713 FileBez         0  5:42  -776  162     6.6350 danmarcy    0  1:38  -908   30 
  9.5719 Filesiuyee      0  7:23  -796  142            Group: novice
 10.6391 FileKenpachi    0  2:15  -865   73     1.5135 ginalee     1 18:51  -598  340 
 11.4608 FileChiliB.     0  2:07  -871   67     2.5713 Bez         0  5:42  -776  162 
 12.6350 Filedanmarcy    0  1:38  -908   30     3.5719 siuyee      0  7:23  -796  142 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3597 kp10        0  9:18  -660  278 
                                             2.4608 ChiliB.     0  2:07  -871   67 

On 1st draw, GLAIRY H7 28 --- GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj]
Other moves: AERILY H7 26, AGLEY H8 26, GAILY H8 26, GIRLY H8 26, GLARY H8 26
GIRLY H8 26 una, siuyee
GAILY H8 26 PIThompson, ginalee
GLARY H8 26 reynaritz
GAYER H8 20 charmz

On 2nd draw, SHIPLOAD 8D 65 --- SHIPLOAD as much as a ship can carry [n]
Other tops: HAPLOIDS 8E 65
Other moves: HAIRDOS 11E 44, SPAROID 11E 40, HYPOID 12G 30, PSOAI G9 27, HYOIDS 12G 26
PHO G9 25 PIThompson
DISHY 12D 24 una
SHADY 12D 24 charmz
AH I8 20 siuyee
HAIR 11E 14 ginalee

On 3rd draw, COD(E)TTAS D1 76 --- CODETTA a short coda [n]
Other moves: COSTAT(E)D D6 70, D(I)CTATOR 11A 70, DICTATO(R) 10G 62, DICTATO(R) F7 62, CATHOD(E) E5 48
CODA(S) L4 28 una, charmz, PIThompson, reynaritz
COAT(S) L4 26 siuyee
TOAD(S) L4 24 ginalee

On 4th draw, COREMIA 1D 33 --- COREMIUM an organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: CIMIER 1D 30, MORAE C2 29, MORIA C2 29, MORAE E2 28, MORIA E2 28
CREAM 1D 27 PIThompson, charmz, reynaritz
CRIME 1D 27 una, Stranger
COMER 1D 27 siuyee
MOOR 2B 12 ginalee
MIC 1B 7 kp10

On 5th draw, LAESIE C2 30 --- LAESIE lazy [adj]
Other moves: ALIAS L4 28, EALES L4 28, EASEL C3 26, LEASH E4 25, LEISH E4 25
ALIAS L4 28 Stranger, una
LIES L5 21 charmz
SALE L8 21 PIThompson
AILS L5 21 reynaritz, siuyee
HEELS E8 16 ginalee
DEALS K8 12 kp10

On 6th draw, URINAL(S) L2 76 --- URINAL a fixture used for urinating [n]
Other tops: IN(S)ULAR L6 76
Other moves: LU(M)INARY 12A 72, UN(F)AIRLY 12A 72, UN(W)ARILY 12A 72, (D)IURNAL 2I 71, URANYLI(C) 12D 70
URINAL(S) L2 26 PIThompson
LUNAR(S) L3 24 reynaritz
NAIL(S) L4 22 una
RAIL(S) L4 22 charmz, siuyee
LARN(S) L4 22 Stranger
RAINY 12D 16 ginalee
MAIL H1 7 kp10

On 7th draw, MOUNTS 2J 38 --- MOUNT to get up on [v]
Other moves: MOUES 2J 36, MOUNT 2J 36, MOUSE 2J 36, MOUST 2J 36, MOSQUE 2H 31
MOUNTS 2J 38 PIThompson, Stranger
QUEST 2K 28 charmz, ginalee
QUOTE 2K 28 una
QAT 6K 12 kp10

On 8th draw, DEVERBAL 11D 106 --- DEVERBAL a word derived from a verb [n] --- DEVERBAL derived from a verb [adj]
Other moves: EVADABLE J4 68, EVADABLE J6 68, EVADIBLE 10D 68, EVADIBLE F4 68, EVADIBLE 4H 66
BLEED B6 32 PIThompson, una
BLADE B6 30 danmarcy
BRAVED 11G 24 ginalee
BADLY 12D 22 Stranger
BALDY 12D 22 charmz
VEER 11E 14 kp10

On 9th draw, STERE L11 27 --- STERE a unit of volume [n]
Other tops: STEER L11 27, STURE L11 27
Other moves: ESTER L10 25, SEER L11 23, SERE L11 23, SUER L11 23, SUET L11 23
STEER L11 27 PIThompson, Stranger, una, charmz, ginalee
STURE L11 27 reynaritz
USERS O1 18 kp10

On 10th draw, JARVEY 15H 57 --- JARVEY the driver of a carriage for hire [n]
Other moves: JA 10J 52, JERRY 15K 45, AWRY 3J 40, WAVERY 13I 38, WARREY 15H 36
JA 10J 52 una, PIThompson
JERRY 15K 45 Stranger
JAR 14J 26 reynaritz, charmz
WEARY 13K 22 kp10

On 11th draw, SQUINTED O2 107 --- SQUINT to look with the eyes partly closed [v]
Other moves: QUIRE 3I 59, QUIET 12A 56, QUIETED 13I 54, QUIETEN 13I 52, QUEEN 13I 48
SQUINTED O2 57 una, Stranger, charmz
QUIET 12A 56 reynaritz
QUEEN 13I 48 ginalee
EQUANT 6I 37 PIThompson
QUAD 6J 34 kp10

On 12th draw, PEW B4 37 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other tops: HOPED K4 37, PEH B4 37
Other moves: PHOEBE G8 36, HOWE 12A 34, WHEEP 13I 34, WEB B4 33, HOBO 12A 32
PEW B4 37 PIThompson
HOWE 12A 34 Stranger
HEY M13 30 charmz
EH B5 30 una
WEEP 13J 18 ginalee
HEAP 6J 17 kp10

On 13th draw, FEY M13 30 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: FANE A1 30, WANE A1 30
Other moves: ALOWE 2B 29, BANED K4 28, FA 10J 28, FANE 12A 28, FE 10J 28
FEY M13 30 charmz, reynaritz
WANE A1 30 PIThompson
FA 10J 28 Stranger
FE 10J 28 una
BEEF 13K 18 ginalee
WEAN 6J 15 kp10

On 14th draw, FINER A1 37 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINER a refiner [n]
Other tops: INFER A1 37
Other moves: FINER 12A 32, FINE A1 30, FIRE A1 30, HIRE A1 30, NIFE A1 30
FINER A1 37 PIThompson, una
FINER 12A 32 Bez
RIFE N11 29 Stranger
FIRE 12A 28 charmz
FINE 5J 14 kp10, ginalee

On 15th draw, OXGATE N9 75 --- OXGATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: DETOX D11 42, AXE 9H 37, GOX 12C 37, TAX 12C 35, TEX 12C 35
GOX 12C 37 PIThompson, charmz
TEX 12C 35 Stranger
TAX 12C 35 reynaritz, una
TAX N8 31 Bez
DEX D11 22 kp10

On 16th draw, HOBO 12A 32 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other moves: BOHO 12A 30, OH E5 30, BOH K4 29, BOOH 12B 29, HO M9 29
HOBO 12A 32 reynaritz, PIThompson
HO M9 29 Stranger, una
HOB K4 29 Bez
WHO 12B 24 charmz
HOON 5I 14 kp10

On 17th draw, CHOWK A11 51 --- CHOWK (Hindi) a marketplace [n]
Other moves: WICK 13B 45, WOCK 13B 45, CHINK A11 42, HOWK A12 42, OWING 13A 40
CHOWK A11 51 Stranger, PIThompson
HOWK A12 42 Kenpachi, kp10
CHINK A11 42 una, Bez
HICK A12 39 charmz
HOCK A12 39 ginalee
WINCH A8 39 reynaritz, ChiliB.

On 18th draw, ZAG J10 33 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZA J10 31, WIZ 14A 30, BIZ C12 28, WINING 14A 28, ZING 5J 28
ZAG J10 33 PIThompson, Stranger, charmz
ZA J10 31 reynaritz, una, Kenpachi
ZING 5J 28 ChiliB., kp10, Bez
WING 14A 16 ginalee

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