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Game of September 4, 2011 at 03:30, 4 players
1. 65 pts nderera
2. 45 pts BananaTree
3. 21 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaiilms   H8    22    22   alisma
 2. ahkoswy  14F    39    61   washy
 3. abeiopu  13G    28    89   paua
 4. ?deintt  15A    85   174   stinted
 5. eikorss  11E    44   218   kissers
 6. aagimnv  12A    32   250   magian
 7. ?eflprr   K4    74   324   purflers
 8. aegjruv  10D    59   383   raj
 9. bbgilnu   6H    67   450   blurbing
10. aceeitt   A7    27   477   teatime
11. egloovy   N4    69   546   venology
12. ceinotu  15J    33   579   econut
13. deiowxz  14L    69   648   zex
14. cdinoou   O6    29   677   good
15. denoquw  L12    26   703   ouzo
16. eeiortv   L1    30   733   vire
17. eefhino   2J    34   767   heinie
18. defnoqr   1N    32   799   of
19. adnortw   1F    32   831   downa
20. cdeiqrt   B6    33   864   qi

Remaining tiles: cdert

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6431 Filenderera     0  1:09  -799   65     1.6431 nderera     0  1:09  -799   65 
  2.  -  FileBananaTree  0  4:18  -819   45     2.6262 Faeythe     0  1:48  -843   21 
  3.6262 FileFaeythe     0  1:48  -843   21            Group: not rated
  4.4431 Filestrykyster  0  1:56  -853   11     1.  -  BananaTree  0  4:18  -819   45 
                                             2.4431 strykyster  0  1:56  -853   11 

On 1st draw, ALISMA H8 22 --- ALISMA a water plant [n]
Other tops: SALAMI H8 22
Other moves: MAILS H4 20, MALAS H4 20, MALIS H4 20, MILIA H4 20, ALISMA H3 18

On 2nd draw, WASHY 14F 39 --- WASHY overly diluted [adj]
Other moves: MOHAWKS 12H 38, SHOWY I10 38, HAWKS I11 37, HOWKS I11 37, WASHY I8 37

On 3rd draw, PAUA 13G 28 --- PAUA abalone [n]
Other moves: BAPU 13J 23, BOEP 13J 23, BAA 13G 22, BAPU G8 22, OUPA G11 22

On 4th draw, (S)TINTED 15A 85 --- STINT to limit [v]
Other tops: T(A)INTED 15A 85, (K)NITTED 15A 85
Other moves: TIN(C)TED 15A 82, ANTID(O)TE 8H 80, DENTI(S)T E9 78, ATT(A)INED 8H 77, DENTI(S)T I5 67

On 5th draw, KISSERS 11E 44 --- KISSER one that kisses [n]
Other moves: SKIERS 15J 39, SKRIES 15J 39, ROKIEST E9 37, KISSER 12J 32, KRISES 12J 32
SKIERS 15J 39 nderera

On 6th draw, MAGIAN 12A 32 --- MAGIAN a magician [n]
Other moves: MANGA 12A 28, MAVIN 12B 28, MAIN 10F 26, MANIA 12A 26, AGAMI 12A 24
MANIA 12A 26 nderera

On 7th draw, P(U)RFLERS K4 74 --- PURFLER something or someone that purfles [n]
Other moves: P(U)RFLER I2 64, FRA(M)PLER 8F 63, PERF(O)RM A6 39, PREF(O)RM A6 39, PR(O)F 10C 36

On 8th draw, RAJ 10D 59 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAI 10F 54, JUVE L1 52, JAGER L1 51, JUGA L1 48, JURA L1 46

On 9th draw, BLURBING 6H 67 --- BLURB to praise in a publicity notice [v]
Other tops: BULBING I2 67
Other moves: BLUING 8J 30, LIGNUM A7 27, ULLING 8J 24, BIG L3 22, BIN 13B 22

On 10th draw, TEATIME A7 27 --- TEATIME the customary time for tea [n]
Other moves: CATE L1 26, CETE L1 26, CITE L1 26, LACET 8K 24, APIECE 4J 22

On 11th draw, VENOLOGY N4 69 --- VENOLOGY the study of veins [n]
Other moves: GEOLOGY O6 48, GEOLOGY O1 39, GOOGLY O3 36, LOVEY 8K 36, GYVE L1 34

On 12th draw, ECONUT 15J 33 --- ECONUT an environmentalist [n]
Other moves: NOTICE B2 30, ONCET O11 29, ONTIC O11 29, OUNCE O11 29, ONIE O8 28

On 13th draw, ZEX 14L 69 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: WEX 14L 51, WIZ M5 51, WOX 14L 51, ZEX B6 50, DEX 14L 45

On 14th draw, GOOD O6 29 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other tops: GUID O6 29
Other moves: CONDO B6 27, CONI L1 26, DOCO L1 26, DUCI L1 26, OUZO L12 26

On 15th draw, OUZO L12 26 --- OUZO a Greek liqueur [n]
Other tops: UPDOVE 4J 26, WOUNDER D4 26
Other moves: DE 13L 25, QUEP 4H 25, QUOP 4H 25, QUENA 8D 24, TOQUE 7A 24
QUOD B5 21 Faeythe

On 16th draw, VIRE L1 30 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other tops: VETO L1 30, VITE L1 30, VOTE L1 30
Other moves: VIREO B6 28, VERB L3 27, EVOE L1 24, REVOTE B2 24, RIVE L1 24
RIP 4I 5 BananaTree

On 17th draw, HEINIE 2J 34 --- HEINIE the buttocks [n]
Other moves: EVHOE 1K 33, EVOHE 1K 33, FOHN B6 27, FEH 9C 26, FOH 9C 26
FIVE 1J 10 BananaTree

On 18th draw, OF 1N 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FONE 1G 26, FORE 1G 26, FROE 1G 26, ORFE 1G 26, DELF 9F 25
RED O1 12 BananaTree

On 19th draw, DOWNA 1F 32 --- DOWNA cannot (no inflections) [v] --- DOWNA cannot [coll]
Other moves: ONWARD B4 25, TOWARD B4 25, RAID M4 24, ANDRO 1F 23, TARDO 1F 23
FEW O1 9 BananaTree

On 20th draw, QI B6 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TRICED 2B 30, QI 3I 27, DRICE 2B 25, QI 14C 24, DELICE 9F 23
QI C14 11 strykyster
WIDE H1 9 BananaTree

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