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Game of September 4, 2011 at 04:19, 6 players
1. 539 pts Kenpachi
2. 447 pts kellybelly
3. 432 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnqsw   H4    24    24   wales
 2. adnorrt   5E    32    56   ondatra
 3. adegorz   3C    46   102   grazed
 4. ?ahiory   G7    82   184   hoarily
 5. adeelmu  12B    72   256   medullae
 6. aaeiktv   4A    33   289   kaie
 7. cegmopt   A1    42   331   pocket
 8. beiotuu  H11    28   359   taube
 9. adfgins   J3    69   428   fardings
10. ?aemqrw   A1    48   476   pocketer
11. elrssuv   C7    30   506   velures
12. ?hioops  15A    95   601   isophone
13. ailmntt  B10    25   626   mam
14. eilnruw  B10    22   648   mamies
15. egijnty   8J    30   678   ninety
16. cegiovw  14E    31   709   ow
17. aeiinno  14H    22   731   biennia
18. cjlnoru   M3    36   767   jounce
19. biloqtx   N2    42   809   box
20. filrttv   O1    32   841   fil

Remaining tiles: gqrttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6409 FileKenpachi    6 18:26  -302  539     1.7233 kellybelly  6  6:38  -394  447 
  2.7233 Filekellybelly  6  6:38  -394  447            Group: intermediate
  3.5224 Fileayoba       3 20:56  -409  432     1.6409 Kenpachi    6 18:26  -302  539 
  4.4432 Filestrykyster  0 21:03  -480  361            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileBananaTree  0 18:36  -669  172     1.5224 ayoba       3 20:56  -409  432 
  6.  -  FileBarry2104   0  5:59  -764   77            Group: not rated
                                             1.4432 strykyster  0 21:03  -480  361 
                                             2.  -  BananaTree  0 18:36  -669  172 
                                             3.  -  Barry2104   0  5:59  -764   77 

On 1st draw, WALES H4 24 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other tops: WANES H4 24, WANLE H4 24, WEALS H4 24, WEANS H4 24
Other moves: ALEWS H4 18, ALEWS H8 18, LAWNS H4 18, LAWNS H8 18, SEWAN H4 18
WANES H4 24 ayoba
WALES H4 24 Kenpachi
WALES H5 16 strykyster
WEAN H8 14 BananaTree

On 2nd draw, ONDATRA 5E 32 --- ONDATRA a large American vole [n]
Other moves: ORAD I4 21, ORANT I4 20, RADON I5 20, ROTAN G3 19, ROTAN I3 19
RANT I5 14 ayoba
STRAND 8H 8 BananaTree

On 3rd draw, GRAZED 3C 46 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other moves: ZERDA 6B 44, ADOZE 4B 43, GRAZE 4B 43, ZERDA 4K 43, ADZE 4C 41
ZED 4K 37 Kenpachi
ZO 4K 33 strykyster
GRAZE 7D 25 BananaTree
ZED 7G 25 ayoba

On 4th draw, HOARI(L)Y G7 82 --- HOARILY in a hoary manner [adv]
Other tops: HOARI(L)Y I7 82
Other moves: HOARI(L)Y I8 68, HAIRY 6B 42, HOARY 6B 42, HA(I)RY 6B 41, HA(R)RY 6B 41
HOR(N)Y 4K 33 Kenpachi
YAR 4K 17 strykyster
HIS(T)ORY 8F 16 ayoba
G(L)ORY C3 12 BananaTree

On 5th draw, MEDUL(L)AE 12B 72 --- MEDULLA the central tissue in the stems of certain plants [n]
Other tops: MEDU(L)LAE 12C 72
Other moves: TAMED I5 29, EMULED 4J 28, YEALMED 13G 28, EDEMA F10 27, MEALED I7 27
EME H13 20 Kenpachi
MARE D1 18 strykyster
ALE H13 14 ayoba
GLADE C3 8 BananaTree

On 6th draw, KAIE 4A 33 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other moves: KIAAT 13A 31, TIKA F7 29, TIKE F7 29, KAVA 4K 28, KETMIA B9 28
KITE 13A 27 Kenpachi
KITE 4K 22 strykyster
MAKE B12 20 BananaTree
KA E2 6 ayoba

On 7th draw, POCKET A1 42 --- POCKET to place in a pouch sewed into a garment [v]
Other moves: KEMPT A4 39, GECKO A1 36, MECK A1 36, MOCK A1 36, PECK A1 36
POCKET A1 42 kellybelly
KEMPT A4 39 ayoba
PECK A1 36 Kenpachi
MOPE 4K 20 strykyster
MOPE B12 16 BananaTree

On 8th draw, TAUBE H11 28 --- TAUBE a German plane [n]
Other moves: BUTEO 11A 27, BITE 13A 23, BITO 13A 23, BUTE 13A 23, TIMBO B10 22
BITE 13A 23 kellybelly
BET 13A 18 Kenpachi
BLOT F11 17 ayoba
TUBE 4K 14 strykyster
PIT 1A 5 BananaTree

On 9th draw, FARDINGS J3 69 --- FARDING a farthing [n]
Other moves: POCKETING A1 54, FAMING B10 40, FANDS L1 35, FANGS L1 35, FINDS L1 35
POCKETING A1 54 kellybelly
FAMING B10 40 Kenpachi
FAD 13A 24 strykyster
SIGN 7A 22 ayoba
PAID 1A 9 BananaTree

On 10th draw, POCKETER A1 48 --- POCKETER one that pockets [n]
Other tops: POCKETER(S) A1 48, Q(U)AERE C9 48
Other moves: Q(U)EER C9 46, POCKETE(D) A1 45, POCKETE(R) A1 45, POCKET(E)R A1 45, MARQ(U)EE C7 42
POCKETER(S) A1 48 kellybelly
(S)Q**W E10 32 ayoba
QUA(T) E11 24 strykyster
AW B1 24 Kenpachi
(S)WARM 7A 24 BananaTree

On 11th draw, VELURES C7 30 --- VELURE to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat [v]
Other moves: ERUVS L1 27, VERSUS L2 27, EVULSES C7 24, VELES C9 24, LURES 13A 23
VERSUS L2 27 kellybelly
REVS L2 23 Kenpachi
SURE 9A 22 BananaTree
REVS B7 13 ayoba
MURE B12 12 strykyster

On 12th draw, ISOPHO(N)E 15A 95 --- ISOPHONE a line delineating a geographical region where a certain pronuncuation is used [n]
Other tops: ISOPHO(T)E 15A 95
Other moves: wH**PS** 15A 89, BIOPHO(R)S 14H 82, (W)HOOPIES 15B 63, HOOPS L1 37, HOP(E)S L1 35
HOOPS L1 37 kellybelly, Kenpachi
SOLO 9A 21 ayoba
MOP(E) B12 16 strykyster
HOPE(S) 15E 9 BananaTree

On 13th draw, MAM B10 25 --- MAM mother [n]
Other tops: AM 14E 25
Other moves: AM B9 22, AMAIN K3 21, RAM 11C 21, RIM 11C 21, ALMAIN 4J 20
MAM B10 25 Kenpachi, kellybelly
AM 14E 25 ayoba
AMI 4J 14 strykyster

On 14th draw, MAMIES B10 22 --- MAMIE a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: FLEW 3J 20, LINED D8 20, WIZEN F1 19, FLUIER 3J 18, ELAIN K3 17
FLEW 3J 20 kellybelly, Kenpachi
ZINE F3 15 ayoba
GREW 9J 12 Barry2104
FEW 3J 9 strykyster

On 15th draw, NINETY 8J 30 --- NINETY a number [n]
Other tops: GEY 6D 30
Other moves: NY 6E 28, TYNE F7 27, FEYING 3J 26, JO F14 25, YITE K8 24
GEY 6D 30 Kenpachi
NY 6E 28 kellybelly
JO F14 25 ayoba, strykyster
STINGY 10J 14 Barry2104

On 16th draw, OW 14E 31 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: COZING F1 24, INWOVE L7 24, OW B1 24, OWE 7L 23, NOVICE L8 22
OW 14E 31 Kenpachi, kellybelly
VOTE N6 15 ayoba
WIVE M5 14 Barry2104
VEG M7 13 strykyster

On 17th draw, BIENNIA 14H 22 --- BIENNIUM a period of two years [n]
Other moves: AZINE F2 18, FAINNE 3J 18, FANION 3J 18, EOAN 7L 17, INIA 7L 17
AZINE F2 18 kellybelly
ZONE F3 15 ayoba
FONE 3J 14 Kenpachi
FAIN 3J 14 strykyster
YEN O8 6 Barry2104

On 18th draw, JOUNCE M3 36 --- JOUNCE to move roughly up and down [v]
Other moves: CONJURE M2 34, JOTUN N6 30, JOLL F9 29, JOL O12 28, JOT N6 26
JOT N6 26 ayoba
JUT N6 26 Kenpachi
JIN M13 20 kellybelly, strykyster
COURT N4 9 Barry2104

On 19th draw, BOX N2 42 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: OX B1 40, LOX N2 38, OX 13L 38, BOLT O12 37, QIBLA N10 36
BOX N2 42 Kenpachi, kellybelly
XI 15N 36 ayoba
BOX 4L 24 strykyster
QI M13 22 Barry2104

On 20th draw, FIL O1 32 --- FIL a coin of Iraq and Jordan [n]
Other tops: FIR O1 32, FIT O1 32
Other moves: FIT D8 26, FOX 4L 26, VOX 4L 26, FIL 15M 25, FIR 15M 25
FIT O1 32 Kenpachi, kellybelly, ayoba
FOX 4L 26 strykyster

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