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Game of September 4, 2011 at 09:44, 7 players
1. 481 pts Stranger
2. 477 pts charmz
3. 402 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dfoqru   H4    52    52   quoif
 2. aginnrt   5E    86   138   naturing
 3. adooprv   4A    28   166   parvo
 4. cginosu   8H    95   261   focusing
 5. dehilrt   A4    92   353   philtred
 6. aeiiins   9E    27   380   anise
 7. aeeijns   N6    32   412   jannies
 8. ?aadmuy  B10    47   459   malady
 9. eeilrtw  15A    33   492   wyte
10. aegipst  12H    78   570   gaspiest
11. einortz  14D    72   642   trizone
12. bdelruw  15H    46   688   burled
13. klortwy  C11    39   727   kow
14. abeilot   O1    36   763   obelia
15. aeilmry   N1    33   796   may
16. deeioru   M2    26   822   dee
17. ehiloru   6D    30   852   reh
18. efilotx  13L    38   890   ox
19. eflotuv   6J    32   922   fou

Remaining tiles: ceiltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7019 FileStranger    4 10:25  -441  481     1.7019 Stranger    4 10:25  -441  481 
  2.6205 Filecharmz      1 17:55  -445  477            Group: intermediate
  3.5083 Filemarigold    0 18:05  -520  402     1.6205 charmz      1 17:55  -445  477 
  4.6070 Filedadalee     2 12:20  -644  278     2.6070 dadalee     2 12:20  -644  278 
  5.4430 Filestrykyster  0 15:45  -678  244            Group: novice
  6.5664 Filejimbo       0  3:35  -835   87     1.5083 marigold    0 18:05  -520  402 
  7.5164 Fileginalee     0  0:36  -896   26     2.5664 jimbo       0  3:35  -835   87 
                                             3.5164 ginalee     0  0:36  -896   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4430 strykyster  0 15:45  -678  244 

On 1st draw, QUO(I)F H4 52 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUOD(S) H4 48, QUO(A)D H4 48, QUO(I)F H8 40, QUO(A)D H8 32, QUO(I)F H5 32
QUO(A)D H4 48 marigold
QU(A)D H8 26 ginalee
QU(I)D H5 26 strykyster

On 2nd draw, NATURING 5E 86 --- NATURING creative [adj]
Other moves: IGNORANT 6E 65, TRAIN(I)NG 7C 61, TRA(I)NING 7E 60, QINTAR 4H 30, TRANQ 4D 28
QUO(I)FING H4 20 charmz
GRIN I2 19 marigold
QI 4H 11 strykyster

On 3rd draw, PARVO 4A 28 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other tops: VORAGO L1 28
Other moves: VAPOR 6B 26, APOD 4L 24, VAPID J2 23, ARVO 4L 22, DROOP 4B 22
PRO 4C 12 charmz
FAVOR 8H 12 strykyster

On 4th draw, FOCUSING 8H 95 --- FOCUS to bring or adjust to a point [v]
Other moves: SCOUGING L1 80, CONGIUS 9B 79, SOUCING 9H 79, COURSING C1 74, SOURCING C1 74
COUPING A1 36 Stranger, marigold
INCOGS 9C 29 charmz
SCOP A1 24 strykyster

On 5th draw, PHILTRED A4 92 --- PHILTRE to put under the spell of a love potion [v]
Other moves: HIRPLED A1 39, PHILTER A4 36, PHILTRE A4 36, PITHED A4 36, DEATH B2 34
HIRPLED A1 39 Stranger
HELP A1 27 strykyster, marigold, charmz

On 6th draw, ANISE 9E 27 --- ANISE a North African plant [n]
Other moves: NISI 9F 26, SI 9H 23, AINS 9E 22, ANES 9E 22, ANIS 9E 22
SI 9H 23 marigold
ANES 9E 22 charmz, Stranger
AIS 4L 12 strykyster

On 7th draw, JANNIES N6 32 --- JANNY (colloquial) a janitor [n]
Other tops: JENNIES N6 32
Other moves: JA 3B 31, JINNEE N6 31, AJEE 4L 30, JANES N6 30, JANNS N6 30
JA 3B 31 Stranger
JINNS N6 30 charmz
JAG L3 22 marigold
JINS M7 20 strykyster

On 8th draw, MA(L)ADY B10 47 --- MALADY an illness [n]
Other tops: MAU(N)DY B10 47, MAYDA(Y) B10 47, MA(Y)DAY B10 47
Other moves: MAD(L)Y B10 45, MAY(E)D B10 45, MA(R)DY B10 45, MAU(B)Y B10 43, MAYA(N) B10 43
MAY M11 22 charmz
YAG L3 14 strykyster
M(O) O11 8 Stranger

On 9th draw, WYTE 15A 33 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: WYLE 15A 33
Other moves: TREW 6C 31, LEW 6D 30, REW 6D 30, TEW 6D 30, WEE C13 30
WYTE 15A 33 Stranger
EYRIE 15A 27 marigold
TYRE 15A 24 charmz
TYER 15A 24 strykyster

On 10th draw, GASPIEST 12H 78 --- GASPY in a gasping manner [adj]
Other moves: SEPIA C9 32, SPAG C10 32, TEPAS C9 32, AEGIS C9 29, STIPA O11 29
PAGES E11 27 charmz
GAPES E11 27 marigold
STAGE O11 26 Stranger, dadalee
SPIRT C1 14 strykyster

On 11th draw, TRIZONE 14D 72 --- TRIZONE a country formed of three zones [n]
Other moves: TOZE O12 39, TREZ O12 39, AZIONE F5 37, ZO 3B 37, ZOSTER J10 37
TREZ O12 39 charmz, Stranger
ZERO C2 26 dadalee
ZO 11I 24 strykyster

On 12th draw, BURLED 15H 46 --- BURL to finish cloth by removing knots [v]
Other moves: REDUB 15H 44, WELD 15H 43, WED 15H 41, WUD 15H 41, BEDU 15H 38
WELD 15H 43 charmz, dadalee
WUD 15H 41 Stranger
BED 15H 35 marigold
GROW H12 24 strykyster, jimbo

On 13th draw, KOW C11 39 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: DAYWORK 11A 36, YOW C11 36, KOW 6D 34, YOW 6D 33, WRY 10D 32
TOWY O12 30 Stranger, jimbo, charmz
WONKY F7 25 dadalee
WEY M11 23 marigold
WAT 13A 12 strykyster

On 14th draw, OBELIA O1 36 --- OBELIA a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION [n]
Other moves: BOATEL 4J 30, BOATIE 4J 30, BATE D12 26, BETE D12 26, TRIABLE C3 26
LOB 6D 24 Stranger
BETED M11 20 charmz
TABLIER E8 18 dadalee
TALE O12 12 jimbo

On 15th draw, MAY N1 33 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v] --- MAY used as an auxiliary to express permission [v]
Other tops: YAM N1 33
Other moves: ATIMY O11 32, ETYMA O11 32, MERRILY C1 32, MY 10E 32, RIMAYE 11E 32
MERRILY C1 32 dadalee
LEY 6D 30 Stranger
MERRILY C2 26 marigold
YELM 14L 26 charmz
TRAY O12 21 jimbo

On 16th draw, DEE M2 26 --- DEE the letter D [n] --- DEE to die [v]
Other tops: DAKERED 11A 26, DEI M2 26, DETOUR O10 26, DOE M2 26, DOR M2 26
Other moves: EIDE 13J 25, DE M2 24, DO M2 24, REIRD E11 24, RODEO 6D 22
DEE M2 26 Stranger
DETOUR O10 26 dadalee
DOR M2 26 charmz
DI M3 20 marigold

On 17th draw, REH 6D 30 --- REH salt or Indian soil [n]
Other moves: EH 6E 29, HOO 6F 29, OH 6E 29, HIRE I3 24, OGRISH L4 24
REH 6D 30 Stranger
HIRE 14L 22 charmz
THOU O12 21 dadalee
HERO C2 14 marigold

On 18th draw, OX 13L 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: FIXT 14L 36, OX 11K 35, FIX 14L 34, FOX 14L 34, TEXT O12 33
OX 13L 38 Stranger, dadalee
FIX 14L 34 marigold, charmz

On 19th draw, FOU 6J 32 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: FEU 6J 32
Other moves: FOE B6 31, FE 6J 28, FEU 11I 27, FOU 11I 27, VOLUTE 11E 25
FE 6J 28 Stranger
EVO 14M 24 charmz
FIE M7 23 dadalee
VEE 11M 21 marigold

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