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Game sheet of renmar (file), Game of September 4, 2011 at 12:06

Word find
Word played
1 DDEINOS             NODDIES H2 72 72  
2 ACFIPRR             FARCI G7 26 98  
3 AEINRST             RANDIEST 5E 86 184  
4 AIMOORS             AMOROSAS 8A 33 217  
5 ?EINOUV (T)ONED 4D 16 -71 16 6/7 UNVOI(C)E 12F 87 304 7/7
6 ?AHUVWX H(E)X 6D 54   70 1/7 W(E)X 6D   358 7/7
7 AEHLLPR             HEAP 4C 32 390 7/7
8 BEEHIMO HEM 13K 22 -14 92 5/6 VEHM H12 36 426 7/7
9 DEKLOTU DUKE M12 29 -10 121 2/8 TOKEN G1 39 465 7/9
10 ACENQRT QAT 3B 36   157 1/6       501 6/9
11 ABBCENO BEACON 4J 32   189 1/5       533 5/9
12 DEERRTU DENTURE O2 24 -48 213 3/6 REROUTED N1 72 605 5/9
13 AELNVWY WAVERY 1J 57   270 1/6       662 5/9
14 AINRSUZ AZON 2E 33 -43 303 2/6 MIZUNAS B8 76 738 5/9
15 DIILORT DOLT O7 27 -5 330 2/6 IDIOT O6 32 770 4/10
16 ABILLNY BAY A13 30 -44 360 2/6 BILLY(C)AN K7 74 844 3/10
17 GGILLOT INGOT 14J 16 -11 376 4/6 LIGGE 13D 27 871 3/10
18 EFJLOPT JOT A13 41   417 4/7 JET A13   912 3/10
19 EFGLOPR OF C8 18 -21 435 4/7 FROGLET 1A 39 951 3/10

Total: 435/951 or -516 for 45.74%
Rank: 6862

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