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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of September 4, 2011 at 17:29

Word find
Word played
1 ILMPSTY             LIMPSY H7 34 34  
2 EEGINOR             ERINGOES 11A 68 102  
3 AAACDEN             ADAMANCE 9E 65 167  
4 ?AAHIRT             TARA(K)IHI 8A 92 259  
5 DEKLNSU SULKED M9 39 -17 39 1/6 UNDECKS K5 56 315 7/7
6 ABDIJOT JABOT L1 46   85 2/7       361 7/8
7 DEEGINS JIGS 1L 36 -49 121 6/6 SDEIGNE M9 85 446 6/8
8 DILOTWY JOWL 1L 42 -9 163 2/6 DEWILY A10 51 497 6/8
9 AACILRV JAVA 1L 42 -50 205 2/6 CAVALIER 15G 92 589 6/8
10 ?AMOORU MAR(S) O12 63 -53 268 5/7 AMOROU(S) O9 116 705 6/9
11 BEEHNTT JETE 1L 33 -49 301 2/6 TEREBINTH C6 82 787 6/9
12 EEIOPTU JEEP 1L 39   340 2/6 JUPE 1L   826 6/9
13 EIOORWX OXER M3 42   382 1/6       868 5/9
14 EFIOOTV FE 14J 28 -1 410 2/6 AFIRE B8 29 897 5/9
15 FGINORT OF 2N 23   433 2/5       920 3/9
16 EIOOSUZ ZOA 2J 32 -17 465 2/4 TOUZES 6C 49 969 3/9
17 GINORTT POT N1 10 -13 475 5/5 POGO N1 23 992 3/9
18 IILNQRV QI 12L 22 -4 497 2/5 VIRINO D1 26 1018 3/9

Total: 497/1018 or -521 for 48.82%
Rank: 7316

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