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Game of September 5, 2011 at 00:10, 9 players
1. 529 pts immy
2. 482 pts iwhist
3. 448 pts TwoFold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acerrst   H4    74    74   carters
 2. ?enotuv   8A    83   157   ventouse
 3. aeeikos   I6    25   182   ease
 4. ?glnors   E4    82   264   prolongs
 5. aeirtux   J2    56   320   retax
 6. dehlnot   K3    29   349   doh
 7. aemnnpt   1J    48   397   penman
 8. fgilort   L4    30   427   gift
 9. acflotw   F6    29   456   fou
10. adeiosw   A5    66   522   waivodes
11. abbortw   B3    35   557   brow
12. acilnoy   M7    87   644   acyloin
13. abeehry  L12    40   684   hery
14. adeipqu   D1    53   737   piqued
15. beilmtz  14F    44   781   blitzer
16. eeimnou  15E    30   811   mein
17. aeiklou   1D    33   844   pikau
18. deiijtu  10E    28   872   gjus
19. aadeitv   K8    31   903   deviate

Remaining tiles: agilo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6805 Fileimmy        3 15:59  -374  529     1.6805 immy        3 15:59  -374  529 
  2.6632 Fileiwhist      2 16:51  -421  482     2.6632 iwhist      2 16:51  -421  482 
  3.6406 FileTwoFold     2 16:45  -455  448     3.6406 TwoFold     2 16:45  -455  448 
  4.3554 FileBananaTree  0 21:38  -762  141     4.6345 matrix      1  4:11  -800  103 
  5.5052 Filegmills0     1  6:49  -773  130            Group: novice
  6.6345 Filematrix      1  4:11  -800  103     1.5052 gmills0     1  6:49  -773  130 
  7.  -  FileBrenda_Lee  0  6:44  -820   83            Group: not rated
  8.  -  Filejeannie108  0  1:11  -893   10     1.3554 BananaTree  0 21:38  -762  141 
  9.  -  FileJack22      0  1:57  -894    9     2.  -  Brenda_Lee  0  6:44  -820   83 
                                             3.  -  jeannie108  0  1:11  -893   10 
                                             4.  -  Jack22      0  1:57  -894    9 

On 1st draw, CARTERS H4 74 --- CARTER one that carts [n]
Other tops: CRATERS H4 74
Other moves: CARTERS H2 70, CARTERS H3 70, CARTERS H6 70, CARTERS H7 70, CARTERS H8 70
CRATERS H4 24 iwhist, immy

On 2nd draw, VENTOU(S)E 8A 83 --- VENTOUSE a suction cap and chain used to assist in difficult childbirth [n]
Other moves: OVERTU(R)N 6E 70, OVER(H)UNT 6E 70, TU(R)NOVER 6A 70, VENTOUS(E) 10B 70, V(E)NTOUSE 10B 70
CU(R)VE 4H 18 immy
TROVE 6G 16 iwhist
VOTER 6D 10 jeannie108
COVE 4H 9 Jack22

On 3rd draw, EASE I6 25 --- EASE to free from pain or trouble [v]
Other tops: SEIK I8 25
Other moves: ACKEES 4G 24, CAKES 4H 22, COKES 4H 22, OAKIEST D2 22, OSE I7 22
OSE I7 22 immy
SAKES 10H 19 BananaTree, iwhist
VENTOU(S)ES 8A 11 TwoFold

On 4th draw, (P)ROLONGS E4 82 --- PROLONG to lengthen in duration [v]
Other moves: LOR(I)NGS J1 74, CL(A)NGORS 4H 72, GR(A)NOLAS 5B 71, L(O)RGNONS C2 70, RESOL(I)NG B7 70
NOGS J4 20 immy
SL(U)NG J2 19 TwoFold
SOR(I)NG J9 15 iwhist

On 5th draw, RETAX J2 56 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: TAXI J4 56
Other moves: AXE J5 55, XI J6 54, XU J6 54, EAUX J3 53, EX F5 52
AXE J5 55 iwhist, immy
XU J6 54 TwoFold
VEX A8 13 BananaTree
RETAX 9H 12 Brenda_Lee

On 6th draw, DOH K3 29 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: EH F5 28, HENTED 3I 28, HOD K3 27, HELED 3I 26, HELOT K1 26
DOH K3 29 iwhist, immy
EH F5 28 TwoFold
HELD 3I 12 Brenda_Lee
HERD 2H 8 BananaTree

On 7th draw, PENMAN 1J 48 --- PENMAN an author [n]
Other moves: NEMPT 1G 42, EMPT 1H 39, TAMP 1G 39, TAPEN 1H 39, TEMP 1G 39
MAP L4 30 immy, TwoFold
PENNANT C3 22 Brenda_Lee
PAM I1 21 iwhist
PAVE A6 9 BananaTree

On 8th draw, GIFT L4 30 --- GIFT to present with a gift (something given without charge) [v]
Other moves: FOU F6 29, FORTING C3 28, GIF L4 28, LOFTING C3 28, ROLFING C3 28
FOU F6 29 immy
OF I2 22 iwhist
FORGE B4 11 Brenda_Lee
TOT 4J 6 BananaTree

On 9th draw, FOU F6 29 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: AW 2M 24, FALCON C3 24, FLACON C3 24, OW 2M 24, MOWA M1 23
OW 2M 24 immy, TwoFold
FLOAT D2 22 iwhist
FLOG 10B 16 Brenda_Lee
FACET B5 12 BananaTree

On 10th draw, WAIVODES A5 66 --- WAIVODE the leader of an army [n]
Other moves: SWAD 8L 37, MOWAS M1 32, ASIDE 8K 31, WASE M3 31, AWE 2M 28
SWAD 8L 37 immy, iwhist
AWE 2M 28 TwoFold
WAVES A6 11 BananaTree
WIDEN C4 10 Brenda_Lee

On 11th draw, BROW B3 35 --- BROW the forehead [n]
Other moves: BOW B4 34, AROW B3 33, TROW B3 33, ROW B4 32, TOW B4 32
BROW B3 35 immy, TwoFold
BOW B4 34 iwhist
ABORT N1 14 BananaTree

On 12th draw, ACYLOIN M7 87 --- ACYLOIN a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ACYLOIN K7 76, CAY C1 30, CLY C1 30, COY C1 30, ICY C1 30
AY 2M 24 iwhist
OY 2M 24 immy, TwoFold
TOY 7L 7 BananaTree

On 13th draw, HERY L12 40 --- HERY to praise [v]
Other moves: YAH 2L 37, YEH 2L 37, HERB L12 36, ABYE C1 34, BAYE C1 34
YAH 2L 37 TwoFold
HAY L12 30 immy
AYE 2M 28 iwhist
CAB 8M 21 gmills0
HOE 11L 6 BananaTree

On 14th draw, PIQUED D1 53 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: PIQUE D1 42, EQUIP D11 40, EQUIP K8 40, QUA A1 40, EQUIP J9 39
QUAD D3 39 TwoFold
QI C2 30 immy
YIPE 15L 27 gmills0
QUAY 15I 16 iwhist
HIDE 12L 9 BananaTree

On 15th draw, BLITZER 14F 44 --- BLITZER one that blitzes [n]
Other moves: BLIMEY 15G 39, BIZE N4 38, MILTZ B11 38, BLIMY 15H 36, LIMBY 15H 36
BLIP 1A 24 TwoFold
ZED 3I 23 iwhist, immy
DIM 10A 8 BananaTree

On 16th draw, MEIN 15E 30 --- MEIN to lament [v]
Other moves: MEIN H12 27, ONIUM B10 27, PUMIE 1D 27, EINE 15F 26, EMEU 2L 26
MENU N12 23 matrix
CUM 8M 21 immy
OM 2M 20 TwoFold
ONE 15G 19 iwhist
AIM N1 10 gmills0
TAME 7L 6 BananaTree

On 17th draw, PIKAU 1D 33 --- PIKAU (Maori) a rucksack [n]
Other tops: OKAPI 1A 33, PALKI 1D 33, PIKUL 1D 33, PLOUK 1D 33, POAKE 1D 33, POKAL 1D 33, POKIE 1D 33, POLKA 1D 33, POUKE 1D 33, PULIK 1D 33, PULKA 1D 33, YELK 15L 33, YEUK 15L 33, YIKE 15L 33, YLKE 15L 33, YOKE 15L 33, YOLK 15L 33, YOUK 15L 33, YUKE 15L 33, YUKO 15L 33
Other moves: ALIKE B10 31, KELP 1A 30, KILP 1A 30, KLAP 1A 30, KOAP 1A 30
YOLK 15L 33 matrix, gmills0
YIKE 15L 33 TwoFold
YUKE 15L 33 iwhist
YOKE 15L 33 immy
NAIL O1 5 BananaTree

On 18th draw, GJUS 10E 28 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: YETI 15L 21, YITE 15L 21, EDIT N12 20, IDE 2M 20, IDE N10 19
YITE 15L 21 immy, iwhist
YETI 15L 21 matrix
EDIT N12 20 TwoFold
CUD 8M 18 gmills0
NUT O1 3 BananaTree

On 19th draw, DEVIATE K8 31 --- DEVIATE to turn aside from a course or norm [v]
Other moves: AVIATED N1 30, EVADE K10 28, AVIATE K9 27, DEVA N12 26, VADE K11 26
DEVA N12 26 matrix
YEAD 15L 24 immy, iwhist
AVA A1 22 TwoFold
YETI 15L 21 gmills0
NITE O1 5 BananaTree

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