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Game of September 5, 2011 at 04:01, 5 players
1. 519 pts mireille2
2. 396 pts tunafish08
3. 286 pts lorispr

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. demnnov   H4    28    28   venom
 2. ?aghinu   4H    82   110   vauching
 3. deeehor   K1    72   182   reechoed
 4. adinstu   1F    83   265   unitards
 5. efoprtw   7B    72   337   wetproof
 6. eiknopz   8A    52   389   zone
 7. ?aalmoo   2J    40   429   meatal
 8. aacgnrs   5B    74   503   cranages
 9. cefirvy   C3    44   547   fervency
10. deesuuw   8K    33   580   dewed
11. eiilost   F7    62   642   roiliest
12. adinrsu  13F    74   716   sundaris
13. eeikort  10F    72   788   lorikeet
14. aablort  B10    39   827   bloat
15. ailpqrx  14I    53   880   ax
16. gijlopt  A13    44   924   jig
17. bloprty  C12    44   968   by
18. iloprtu  12J    34  1002   topi

Remaining tiles: ilqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6357 Filemireille2   2 17:41  -483  519     1.6357 mireille2   2 17:41  -483  519 
  2.  -  Filetunafish08  0 23:09  -606  396            Group: novice
  3.5322 Filelorispr     0 13:54  -716  286     1.5322 lorispr     0 13:54  -716  286 
  4.  -  Filealearn1     1  9:11  -858  144            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileMegs86      0  1:26  -990   12     1.  -  tunafish08  0 23:09  -606  396 
                                             2.  -  alearn1     1  9:11  -858  144 
                                             3.  -  Megs86      0  1:26  -990   12 

On 1st draw, VENOM H4 28 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other tops: MOVED H4 28
Other moves: MOVED H8 26, VENOM H8 26, DEVON H4 22, DOVEN H4 22, MONDE H4 22
VENOM H6 20 tunafish08

On 2nd draw, VAU(C)HING 4H 82 --- VAUCH (Devonshire dialect) to move quickly [v]
Other moves: HAU(D)ING G7 80, HAU(D)ING I7 80, HAU(L)ING G7 80, HAU(L)ING I7 80, HAU(S)ING G7 80
NAH I5 23 mireille2
VAIN 4H 7 tunafish08

On 3rd draw, REE(C)HOED K1 72 --- REECHO to echo again [v]
Other moves: HEDGER O1 33, HEDGE O1 30, HOD 5K 30, EHED G6 29, EHED I6 29
EH 3L 25 mireille2
GREED O4 21 tunafish08

On 4th draw, UNITARDS 1F 83 --- UNITARD a leotard that also covers the legs [n]
Other moves: AUDIENTS 2G 72, SINUATED 5B 71, UNSTAID G8 64, UNSTAID I8 64, SINUATED 2E 63
TUNDRAS 1G 27 mireille2
DRAINS 1J 24 tunafish08

On 5th draw, WETPROOF 7B 72 --- WETPROOF waterproof [adj]
Other moves: TWERP 2B 42, GOWFER O4 39, WROTE J6 36, POWER G5 34, FORPET L7 33
WEE 2J 30 mireille2
FORGET O1 30 tunafish08
FROG O1 24 lorispr

On 6th draw, ZONE 8A 52 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: DIZEN 8K 48, DOZEN 8K 48, GINZO O4 45, OZEKI L8 42, ZING O1 42
ZONE 8A 52 mireille2
DOZEN 8K 48 tunafish08
ZONK 6J 37 lorispr

On 7th draw, MEA(T)AL 2J 40 --- MEATAL pertaining to a meatus [adj]
Other moves: A(B)LOOM 2A 36, ALA(R)M 2B 34, (B)LOOM 2B 34, (C)LOAM 2B 34, (G)LOAM 2B 34
ALA(R)M 2B 34 lorispr
MO(N)GOL O1 24 mireille2
ZOOM(S) A8 15 tunafish08

On 8th draw, CRANAGES 5B 74 --- CRANAGE the use of a crane [n]
Other tops: CARNAGES 5B 74
Other moves: ANGAS 9A 34, CARAPS E3 34, ANGA 9A 33, CARPS E4 32, CRAPS E4 32
GAPS E5 28 lorispr
CLAGS O1 24 tunafish08
CARNAGES 5B 24 mireille2

On 9th draw, FERVENCY C3 44 --- FERVENCY eagerness [n]
Other moves: PRICEY E7 40, PRIVY E7 40, DEIFY 8K 39, PRICY E7 38, DECRY 8K 36
FEY 4D 35 mireille2, lorispr
DIVER 8K 30 tunafish08
DEFY 8K 12 Megs86

On 10th draw, DEWED 8K 33 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other moves: PSEUD E7 30, DEEDS 8K 24, DUDES 8K 24, DEWS 9E 23, HEWS L4 22
WEDS 9E 21 tunafish08
NEPS E5 20 lorispr
DEWS L7 16 mireille2

On 11th draw, ROILIEST F7 62 --- ROILY muddy [adj]
Other moves: OWLIEST M7 24, CEILIS 9C 23, CLOTES 9C 23, WILIEST M8 22, STELA D1 21
NIPS E5 20 lorispr
SLOG O1 15 mireille2
DOLES O8 7 tunafish08

On 12th draw, SUNDARIS 13F 74 --- SUNDARI a timber tree [n]
Other moves: DENARIUS N7 72, DENARIUS L7 71, DENARIUS 12E 70, UNITARDS 14C 61, CANIDS 9C 25
DINS G9 18 mireille2
DRAINS 13A 14 tunafish08
DA E9 8 lorispr

On 13th draw, LORIKEET 10F 72 --- LORIKEET a small parrot [n]
Other moves: KIORE B10 57, KITER B10 57, REKNIT H10 45, REKNOT H10 45, KNEE H12 39
REKNOT H10 45 mireille2
KNOT H12 39 lorispr
TRIKE L11 20 tunafish08
FORK I7 16 alearn1

On 14th draw, BLOAT B10 39 --- BLOAT to swell [v]
Other tops: BLART B10 39, BOART B10 39, BOLAR B10 39, BORAL B10 39
Other moves: ABATOR 12I 31, ABORT 12K 28, LABOR 12J 28, LOBAR 12J 28, TABOR 12J 28
BLOAT B10 39 mireille2
BLOG O1 21 lorispr
NAB H13 15 alearn1
BLOAT 14B 14 tunafish08

On 15th draw, AX 14I 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: PAX 12J 48, QI 12L 46, AXIL 12K 44, AX 11J 42, LAX 12J 42
QI 12L 46 mireille2
LAX J12 26 alearn1
QI L12 22 tunafish08
LAX 13A 20 lorispr

On 16th draw, JIG A13 44 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: JIG 15G 38, JOG 15G 38, JOLT 12A 38, JOL 15G 34, TOPI 12J 34
JIG 15G 38 mireille2
JOLT 12A 38 tunafish08
TOPI 12J 34 alearn1

On 17th draw, BY C12 44 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other moves: BOYLA D1 38, OY C12 38, POLY 12L 36, PORY 12L 36, OB C12 34
OY C12 38 mireille2
PORTLY 6J 19 alearn1
TOY 14L 16 tunafish08

On 18th draw, TOPI 12J 34 --- TOPI a sun helmet [n]
Other moves: PULI 12J 32, TULIP 12J 32, LOP 12J 30, TOP 12J 30, TUP 12J 30
TOPI 12J 34 alearn1
INTO H12 25 tunafish08
PORT 12L 24 mireille2

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