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Game sheet of Hasni (file), Game of September 5, 2011 at 11:29

Word find
Word played
1 ?DDEGTW W(A)DED H4 26 -4 26 2/3 WEDG(E)D H4 30 30 2/3
2 AEFIRSY FAIRY G8 20 -20 46 1/3 FREESIA 5E 40 70 1/3
3 AELMQRT QAT 4J 37   83 1/2       107 1/3
4 IILLRST TILS M1 21 -37 104 1/2 STILLI(E)R 8B 58 165 1/3
5 ?AEOORU ARE(S) M1 18 -2 122 1/2 UR(S)AE M2 20 185 1/3
6 CEINOUW WINCE 4A 33   155 1/2       218 1/3
7 DEIKOOT             TIKIED B1 30 248 1/4
8 EFHOPRX             EXPO N5 56 304 2/4
9 AGNNNOR             ORANG O8 30 334 2/4
10 BEEGMNO EM A1 22 -58 177 3/3 GOMBEEN M8 80 414 2/4
11 AHINOOR HOAR L9 31 -3 208 1/3 NOAH L9 34 448 2/4
12 AEHOSTY HOT 9B 17 -32 225 2/4 HOSEY 15K 49 497 2/5
13 DEJMORU             JORUM 2J 60 557 2/5
14 AADEPSY             DYSPNEA 14I 60 617 3/5
15 AEILNTU             ALUNITE 15C 77 694 3/6
16 ABIOORV             BOI 1M 26 720 3/6
17 AELTTUV             ANTE C3 25 745 3/6
18 CILOTVZ             COZ 14A 39 784 3/6
19 AFILRUV             FUCI A12 39 823 3/6
20 AINRTUV             RIZA C12 26 849 3/6
21 ALNTUVV             VAU B10 20 869 3/7

Total: 225/869 or -644 for 25.89%
Rank: 6846

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