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Game of September 5, 2011 at 19:56, 6 players
1. 520 pts susieq8182
2. 483 pts Joykor
3. 472 pts immy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efhttu   H3    30    30   thefts
 2. adegoot   5E    36    66   dogeate
 3. almnost   K4    70   136   telamons
 4. begkntu   L1    30   166   kune
 5. ?adhijo   1G    57   223   hijack
 6. deenosx   6B    61   284   desex
 7. aceilru   8A    80   364   auricles
 8. eeoqruy   C3    48   412   equerry
 9. aeeinor   D1    34   446   nori
10. efglopr   M2    32   478   golfer
11. aeinpru  11E    70   548   unpraise
12. abilmrs   B8    41   589   umbrils
13. aabceet  A12    38   627   beat
14. adiooos   8K    38   665   misdo
15. aeiitvw   2I    35   700   aw
16. aceginz   1A    42   742   azine
17. egnoopw   2A    37   779   wo
18. acdgint  H10    36   815   arcing
19. deiopvv  M11    30   845   dovie

Remaining tiles: noptvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6867 Filesusieq8182  5 23:14  -325  520     1.6867 susieq8182  5 23:14  -325  520 
  2.6016 FileJoykor      3 18:57  -362  483     2.6016 Joykor      3 18:57  -362  483 
  3.6802 Fileimmy        3  9:41  -373  472     3.6802 immy        3  9:41  -373  472 
  4.6635 Fileiwhist      3 12:40  -379  466     4.6635 iwhist      3 12:40  -379  466 
  5.4445 Filepickrose    0  4:05  -803   42            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filejeannie108  0  1:03  -823   22     1.4445 pickrose    0  4:05  -803   42 
                                             2.  -  jeannie108  0  1:03  -823   22 

On 1st draw, THEFT(S) H3 30 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other moves: FET(C)H H4 28, FET(C)H H8 28, FE(C)HT H4 28, FU(R)TH H4 28, FU(R)TH H8 28
H(A)FT H5 18 Joykor

On 2nd draw, DOGEATE 5E 36 --- DOGEATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: HOTDOG 4H 22, ODEA G4 22, ODEA I4 22, FAGOTED 6H 20, HOOTED 4H 20
AGED G8 9 Joykor

On 3rd draw, TELAMONS K4 70 --- TELAMON a male figure used as a supporting column [n]
Other moves: MALTS L1 30, MANOS L1 30, MOANS L1 30, MOATS L1 30, MOLAS L1 30
MOLAS L1 30 susieq8182
ALMOST L1 28 Joykor

On 4th draw, KUNE L1 30 --- KUNA Croatian monetary unit, = 100 lipa [n]
Other tops: BUKE J7 30, BUKE L1 30
Other moves: BEGUNKS 11E 28, KEB 6D 28, KUNE J7 26, NUKE J7 26, KEB 4D 25
KUNE 4B 19 susieq8182
BEN L7 17 Joykor

On 5th draw, HIJA(C)K 1G 57 --- HIJACK to seize a vehicle while in transit [v]
Other moves: JOUA(L) 2J 54, J(U)DOKA 1H 51, JIHAD 6B 46, HADJI M2 45, HADJI(S) M2 45
HIJA(C)K 1G 57 Joykor, susieq8182
MAJO(R) 8K 42 immy, iwhist

On 6th draw, DESEX 6B 61 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: OX 2I 59, DEX 6D 55, NOX 6D 54, SEX 6D 54, SOX 6D 54
OX 2I 59 iwhist, immy, susieq8182
NOX 6D 54 Joykor

On 7th draw, AURICLE(S) 8A 80 --- AURICLE the external ear or ear-shaped part [n]
Other moves: AURICLE 2A 77, AURICLES 11D 70, AURICLE G7 66, AURICLE M4 64, RADICULE B4 63
AURICLE(S) 8A 30 susieq8182
MILER 8K 24 immy
MARLE 8K 24 iwhist

On 8th draw, EQUERRY C3 48 --- EQUERRY an officer in charge of the care of horses [n]
Other moves: REQUOTE 3C 36, OY 2I 35, ROQUET 3C 32, EYRE L7 28, ROQUE C2 28
EYE L7 25 immy, iwhist

On 9th draw, NORI D1 34 --- NORI dried seaweed pressed into sheets [n]
Other tops: RANI D1 34
Other moves: ANI D2 30, RAI D2 30, REI D2 30, AI D3 28, MAIRE 8K 24
RANI D1 34 Joykor
AI D3 28 immy
QI 4C 22 iwhist, jeannie108
ANY 9A 10 susieq8182

On 10th draw, GOLFER M2 32 --- GOLFER one that golfs [n]
Other moves: GOFER M2 31, MOPER 8K 30, PELF M2 29, FLONG 1A 27, GOLF M2 26
MOPER 8K 30 Joykor, immy, iwhist
FLONG 1A 27 susieq8182

On 11th draw, UNPRAISE 11E 70 --- UNPRAISE to deprive of praise [v]
Other moves: PANIER J7 26, PUHA 4F 26, PUNIER J7 26, PAH 4F 23, PUH 4F 23
PAH 4F 23 iwhist, immy
CAPRINE E8 22 susieq8182
NEAP J9 16 Joykor

On 12th draw, UMBRILS B8 41 --- UMBRIL a visor [n]
Other moves: BLAM N3 38, BISMAR M9 37, SLAM N3 34, ARMILS H10 33, BASIL M9 31
BRASIL H10 27 susieq8182
SAM 8M 26 immy, iwhist
BARN 1A 18 Joykor

On 13th draw, BEAT A12 38 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other tops: BEET A12 38
Other moves: REBEC H11 30, AB 2I 29, CREATE H10 27, ABAC 12L 26, BAHT 4F 26
BEAT A12 38 immy, susieq8182
BEET A12 38 Joykor, iwhist

On 14th draw, MISDO 8K 38 --- MISDO to do wrongly [v]
Other moves: SODA N2 31, AIDOS M9 26, ODSO C12 26, ADIOS M10 24, AROIDS H10 24
MISDO 8K 38 susieq8182
SAD 8M 23 immy
SOD 8M 23 iwhist
RADIO H11 21 Joykor

On 15th draw, AW 2I 35 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: TRIVIA H10 30, RIVET H11 27, AVINE 1A 24, TWINE 1A 24, ANTIHIJA(C)K 1C 23
AW 2I 35 immy, iwhist
TRIVIA H10 30 susieq8182
RIVET H11 27 Joykor

On 16th draw, AZINE 1A 42 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 1A 39, DEZINC N8 38, DAZING N8 37, ARCING H10 36, ZA 2F 36
ZEIN 1A 39 susieq8182
DAZING N8 37 Joykor
ZA 2F 36 iwhist, immy

On 17th draw, WO 2A 37 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: ZEP B1 33, GO 2A 31, NO 2A 28, ORGONE H10 27, REWON H11 27
WO 2A 37 iwhist, immy, susieq8182
GO 2A 31 Joykor
DEW N8 15 pickrose

On 18th draw, ARCING H10 36 --- ARC to make an electric discharge [v] --- ARCING an electrical discharge [n]
Other moves: TRAGIC H10 30, ACTIN 3F 28, DIACT M11 28, DICTA M11 28, CRIANT H10 27
ARCING H10 36 susieq8182
DANG M11 24 Joykor
DING 12L 22 immy, iwhist
RING H11 6 pickrose

On 19th draw, DOVIE M11 30 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other moves: DIVE M11 28, DOVE M11 28, DEV M11 26, DIV M11 26, DOPE M11 26
DIVE 12L 24 immy, Joykor, iwhist
VINED 14F 21 pickrose, susieq8182

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