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Game of September 5, 2011 at 22:16, 9 players
1. 543 pts sunshine12
2. 539 pts immy
3. 529 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcddeei   H4    26    26   bedide
 2. ?chilot   4H    78   104   botchily
 3. eegjnty   J2    39   143   jetty
 4. aeeilrt   8A    80   223   elaterid
 5. ?deimow   I9    76   299   miaowed
 6. aamqrsu  12H    54   353   qormas
 7. aegorvz  15D    57   410   grazed
 8. abilnrw  14H    41   451   webinar
 9. adiilns   C2    74   525   sialidan
10. elnooos  O11    31   556   noose
11. eeilopu   B6    31   587   pilule
12. aeghnox  A11    62   649   axone
13. aafhnot   5J    39   688   thana
14. fknosty   6L    49   737   skyf
15. aenooru   3M    30   767   ran
16. egottuu   O6    24   791   fugu
17. eefgorv   J8    36   827   gofer
18. ceioptu   F5    70   897   eutropic

Remaining tiles: orttvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6704 Filesunshine12  3 15:39  -354  543     1.6704 sunshine12  3 15:39  -354  543 
  2.6805 Fileimmy        2 14:57  -358  539     2.6805 immy        2 14:57  -358  539 
  3.6665 Filern.roselle  2 19:41  -368  529     3.6665 rn.roselle  2 19:41  -368  529 
  4.6727 FileGLOBEMAN    3 15:34  -375  522     4.6727 GLOBEMAN    3 15:34  -375  522 
  5.6654 Fileiwhist      3 12:49  -548  349     5.6654 iwhist      3 12:49  -548  349 
  6.3827 Filedenbay      0  4:53  -806   91     6.6796 pinecone    0  0:39  -873   24 
  7.5091 Filegmills0     1  4:43  -811   86            Group: novice
  8.6796 Filepinecone    0  0:39  -873   24     1.5091 gmills0     1  4:43  -811   86 
  9.2859 Filedong        0  1:49  -891    6            Group: not rated
                                             1.3827 denbay      0  4:53  -806   91 
                                             2.2859 dong        0  1:49  -891    6 

On 1st draw, BEDIDE H4 26 --- BEDYE to dye [v]
Other tops: CEBID H4 26
Other moves: BEDIDE H8 24, BIDED H4 24, CEBID H8 24, CEDED H4 24, CIDED H4 24
DECIDE H4 24 immy, pinecone, GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle
DECIDE H8 24 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, BOTCHIL(Y) 4H 78 --- BOTCHILY in a botchy manner [adv] --- BOTCHY badly done [adv]
Other moves: CHI(P)OTLE 5A 74, CHLO(R)ITE 5A 74, CLOTHIE(R) 5B 74, EOLITH(I)C 5H 74, EOL(I)THIC 5H 74
BOTCHIL(Y) 4H 28 immy
HOT(E)L G7 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HOLT G9 20 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, JETTY J2 39 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: JITNEY M3 34, GEY G7 30, JEELY N1 30, EJECT K1 28, JEEING M1 28
JETTY J2 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JEELY N1 30 rn.roselle
EYEN G8 23 immy

On 4th draw, ELATERID 8A 80 --- ELATERID a click beetle [n]
Other tops: DETAILER 8H 80, RETAILED 8A 80
Other moves: ATELIER I6 75, ATELIER K6 69, ATELIER G8 65, ATELIER I8 65, ELATERID 6A 63
JAILER 2J 26 immy, rn.roselle
ARC K2 16 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 5th draw, MI(A)OWED I9 76 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other tops: DOW(N)TIME D4 76
Other moves: MOWDIE(S) I9 73, IM(M)EWED E5 48, I(M)MEWED E5 48, WI(F)EDOM E5 48, MOWED I3 41
JOWED 2J 32 rn.roselle
JOW(L)ED 2J 32 immy
WEM 9C 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, QORMAS 12H 54 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMA 12H 52, MARA H12 50, QUADS 15F 45, SQUAD 15E 45, QIS 7G 44
SQUAD 15E 45 rn.roselle, sunshine12, iwhist

On 7th draw, GRAZED 15D 57 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other moves: RAZE 7A 50, ZERO 7C 50, ADOZE 15H 48, GAZED 15E 48, REZ 7A 47
GRAZED 15D 57 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle, immy, iwhist

On 8th draw, WEBINAR 14H 41 --- WEBINAR a seminar via the World Wide Web [n]
Other moves: BOWR I3 32, B(Y)RLAW O3 30, LAWIN 9A 29, RAWIN 9A 29, ROWAN I3 29
RAW 9A 23 immy
WAR 9C 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WAR(Y) O1 18 gmills0
SWAB M12 18 rn.roselle
BIZ G13 17 iwhist

On 9th draw, SIALIDAN C2 74 --- SIALIDAN an alderfly [n]
Other moves: SIALIDAN C6 72, DISA O12 34, NISI O12 28, ASCI K2 27, JAILS 2J 24
DISA O12 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JAILS 2J 24 immy, iwhist, rn.roselle, gmills0

On 10th draw, NOOSE O11 31 --- NOOSE to secure with a type of loop [v]
Other tops: LOOSE O11 31
Other moves: SONCE K1 29, LOSE O12 28, NOSE O12 28, OOSE O12 28, NOLES 15K 27
LOOSE O11 31 gmills0, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, iwhist, rn.roselle
JOLES 2J 24 immy
SLOE N3 6 dong

On 11th draw, PILULE B6 31 --- PILULE a small pill [n]
Other moves: COUPEE K4 29, COUPLE K4 29, JULEP 2J 28, LEEP B3 28, COUPE K4 27
POLE B6 27 immy, sunshine12, iwhist, GLOBEMAN
JOULE 2J 24 rn.roselle
JEEP 2J 13 gmills0

On 12th draw, AXONE A11 62 --- AXONE axon [n]
Other moves: HOX D2 51, HOX D4 50, OXEN 3L 48, AXE 3L 45, GOX D4 42
HOX D2 51 rn.roselle
AXE 3L 45 sunshine12, iwhist, immy, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, THANA 5J 39 --- THANA an Indian police station [n]
Other moves: HAAF 14C 36, THAN 5J 35, THAT 5J 35, THON 5J 35, THAN D3 33
AH 14E 28 immy, rn.roselle, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, SKYF 6L 49 --- SKYF a cigarette [n] --- SKYF to smoke (South African) [v]
Other moves: SKY 6L 45, KIFS G7 43, KIF G7 42, KY 6M 38, NOTIFY G5 37
JONTY 2J 30 immy
OY 14E 28 sunshine12
YO 6N 27 rn.roselle
FINS M3 14 denbay

On 15th draw, RAN 3M 30 --- RUN to move by rapid steps [v]
Other moves: EINKORN M3 26, JOURNO 2J 26, RONEO D1 22, FANE O6 21, FANO O6 21
FANE O6 21 iwhist
FONE O6 21 rn.roselle
ROACH K1 21 sunshine12
FARE O6 21 denbay

On 16th draw, FUGU O6 24 --- FUGU a toxin-containing fish [n]
Other moves: FEG O6 21, FETT O6 21, FOG O6 21, FUG O6 21, GOE D4 21
FUGU O6 24 iwhist, immy
FOG O6 21 sunshine12, rn.roselle, denbay, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, GOFER J8 36 --- GOFER an employee who runs errands [n]
Other moves: REFER J8 35, FROG D3 33, REF J8 32, EF J9 31, OF J9 31
REFER J8 35 iwhist, immy
OF 14E 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, rn.roselle
FORGER F6 20 denbay

On 18th draw, EUTROPIC F5 70 --- EUTROPIC having the property of eutropy [adj]
Other tops: OUTPRICE F4 70
Other moves: PO 2N 30, OTIC D3 27, CITE D1 26, COPE B1 26, COTE D1 26
TOP D4 23 iwhist, immy
POO 13M 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
UP 14E 22 rn.roselle
CURIO F6 15 denbay

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