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Game sheet of namadianne (file), Game of September 5, 2011 at 23:44

Word find
Word played
1 AFILMOZ             FIZ H7 30 30  
2 ?AIKQRW             WA(Z)IR 10F 32 62  
3 ABHIOST             ISOBATH K9 82 144  
4 AIMPSSW             SWAMPISH 15D 107 251  
5 EEHLNTV             HEAVEN 13I 32 283  
6 ?ADEEEI DEAN N10 9 -57 9 2/2 DE(T)AINEE N8 66 349 2/2
7 AILNOTU             OUTLAIN O3 85 434 2/2
8 EGINOPT OPTING 8E 9 -24 18 2/2 PIGEON 14A 33 467 2/2
9 GILNORT             GRIPT A11 27 494 2/2
10 EEMNNOR             MOVE L11 32 526 2/3
11 CDEGNOS             CODESIGN 8C 63 589 2/3
12 CDENOTU             COUNTED L3 75 664 2/3
13 AEIKNRT             RACKETING C6 94 758 2/3
14 AABELRY             BARELY 5C 41 799 3/3
15 ADQRTUX             DRUXY H1 72 871 3/3
16 AEJLORV             JOR 4D 42 913 3/3
17 AEFLQTU             FAE B10 34 947 3/3
18 AOQTUVY             AVO 6E 33 980 3/3

Total: 18/980 or -962 for 1.836%
Rank: -

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