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Game of September 6, 2011 at 02:42, 4 players
1. 520 pts Lucylulu
2. 302 pts denbay
3. 267 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?hiinqr   H7    24    24   quin
 2. ekloprs  10E    68    92   plonkers
 3. aeegrsu   K7    68   160   reargues
 4. aeinopt   E4    98   258   antipope
 5. ?deehiu  12A    36   294   heeds
 6. abnoort   H7    54   348   quintroon
 7. airtwwy   A8    45   393   wrathy
 8. aehjlmt   4A    46   439   jhala
 9. aeirvwy   8J    48   487   review
10. accelno   N1    86   573   coenacle
11. abdenrz   C6   112   685   brazened
12. adeiosx  15C    67   752   dioxanes
13. bfmmotu   M3    32   784   fum
14. agilmnt   1L    33   817   mica
15. abeinst   J1    66   883   banister
16. iiilotu   L8    25   908   visit
17. dfgotuv  B10    31   939   voe
18. efgiouy   3B    29   968   oye
19. dgiltuu   O1    25   993   audit

Remaining tiles: fgglu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6021 FileLucylulu    1 19:08  -473  520     1.6021 Lucylulu    1 19:08  -473  520 
  2.3842 Filedenbay      0 14:02  -691  302     2.6379 Zweep       0  7:14  -726  267 
  3.6379 FileZweep       0  7:14  -726  267     3.6056 Joykor      0  3:49  -899   94 
  4.6056 FileJoykor      0  3:49  -899   94            Group: not rated
                                             1.3842 denbay      0 14:02  -691  302 

On 1st draw, Q(U)IN H7 24 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other tops: HIRIN(G) H4 24, Q(U)IN H5 24, Q(U)IN H6 24, Q(U)IN H8 24
Other moves: QI H7 22, QI H8 22, QI(S) H6 22, QI(S) H7 22, QI(S) H8 22
Q(U)IN H5 24 Lucylulu

On 2nd draw, PLONKERS 10E 68 --- PLONKER a large marble [n]
Other moves: POKERS 11C 37, POKERS 11E 37, POKERS 11G 37, PROKES 11C 37, PROKES 11D 37
PERKS 11D 35 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, REARGUES K7 68 --- REARGUE to argue again [v]
Other moves: GREASE 11C 39, GEARE 11D 37, GEARS 11D 37, SEARE 11G 37, UREASE 11C 37
PAGERS E10 18 Lucylulu
QUEERS 7H 17 denbay

On 4th draw, ANTIPOPE E4 98 --- ANTIPOPE one claiming to be pope in opposition to the one chosen by church law [n]
Other moves: ANTIPOPE E6 74, ANTIPOLE F4 62, PAINT 11D 39, PIANO 11D 39, POINT 11D 39
PAIN 11D 24 Lucylulu
PAINT E10 14 denbay

On 5th draw, HEED(S) 12A 36 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other tops: HEID(S) 12A 36, HIDE(S) 12A 36
Other moves: HEID L12 34, HEED D4 33, HEID D4 33, HIED D4 33, HUED D4 33
HEED D4 33 Lucylulu
HEAD 4C 16 denbay

On 6th draw, Q(U)INTROON H7 54 --- QUINTROON
Other moves: ATHROB A10 33, BOONG 11G 33, REBATO 8J 33, REBOOT 8J 33, BHOOT A11 30
BOOTH A8 30 denbay, Lucylulu

On 7th draw, WRATHY A8 45 --- WRATHY inclined to wrath [adj]
Other tops: TWIRPY 8A 45
Other moves: THAWY A11 42, WHITY A11 42, WIREWAY C9 40, WARY D1 38, WIRY D1 38
WRATH A8 33 Lucylulu
HART A12 21 denbay

On 8th draw, JHALA 4A 46 --- JHALA a section of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other tops: JEAT D4 46
Other moves: HAJ D2 44, JEAT D1 42, ALMEH L4 39, JA D4 38, MATH L12 38
JA D4 38 Lucylulu
JAM 4D 24 denbay

On 9th draw, REVIEW 8J 48 --- REVIEW to view again [v] --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: EVERY 8K 45, WEAVER 8J 39, WAVERY C9 38, EYRIE 8K 36, WAVEY C3 36
WEAVER 8J 39 Lucylulu
WAVY C3 26 denbay

On 10th draw, COENACLE N1 86 --- COENACLE a dining room [n]
Other moves: COENACLE N6 70, CENACLE N2 34, COCHLEA B1 32, CONCEAL 13G 30, LACONIC M3 30
CANCEL C3 22 Zweep
CLEAN N6 15 denbay
CLEAN C10 14 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, BRAZENED C6 112 --- BRAZEN to face boldly [v]
Other moves: BRAZENED 3H 92, BRAZENED C8 92, ZEREBA C9 54, DZEREN C8 52, BEZ M3 49
ZA 3C 46 Zweep, Joykor
ZEBRA 5J 32 Lucylulu
BREAD C1 16 denbay

On 12th draw, DIOXANES 15C 67 --- DIOXANE a toxic flammable solvent [n]
Other moves: EX B9 63, OXIDASE 3H 46, AXES F1 43, AXIS F1 43, OXES F1 43
EX I12 36 Lucylulu
XI I13 36 Zweep
DISCO 1K 27 Joykor
ASIDES 14J 18 denbay

On 13th draw, FUM M3 32 --- FUM the fabled Chinese phoenix [n]
Other tops: FOB M3 32, FUB M3 32
Other moves: MOFO 14E 31, MO D8 29, BUM M3 28, MOB M3 28, MOM M3 28
MOB M3 28 Lucylulu
OF 3B 25 Zweep
MO 14E 21 Joykor
FOE 3L 12 denbay

On 14th draw, MICA 1L 33 --- MICA a mineral [n]
Other moves: GLIM L12 30, MAG L4 27, MAIL L12 26, MAIN L12 26, ATOM 14F 25
GAMMAT 5J 22 Lucylulu
AM 3B 21 Zweep
MEANT 13J 14 denbay

On 15th draw, BANISTER J1 66 --- BANISTER a stair hand-rail [n]
Other moves: BENJ A1 39, EBONISTS 14F 35, SAINE F4 35, EBONIST 14F 34, BASE F2 30
BASE F2 30 Zweep
BATON 14E 28 Lucylulu
BUST 12J 12 denbay

On 16th draw, VISIT L8 25 --- VISIT to go or come to see someone or something [v]
Other moves: IT B9 21, LO D8 21, LOTO 14E 21, TIL O3 19, LOTI K2 18
LO 14E 17 Lucylulu
OI 5A 16 Zweep
TUB 1H 15 denbay

On 17th draw, VOE B10 31 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: OF 3B 25, FOB 1H 24, FUB 1H 24, FUD M11 24, FUG M11 24
OF 3B 25 Zweep
FOB 1H 24 Lucylulu
FOUND 3G 14 denbay

On 18th draw, OYE 3B 29 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other moves: FEY M11 28, FUGIE M11 28, FUGIO M11 28, KIEF I10 28, FOYLE F7 27
OF 3B 25 Zweep
FOB 1H 24 denbay
YOB 1H 24 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, AUDIT O1 25 --- AUDIT to examine with intent to verify [v]
Other moves: DIG O3 23, GID O3 23, GUILD M11 22, DIT O3 21, GIT O3 21
GLIB 1G 21 Lucylulu, Zweep
LUNG 4L 14 denbay

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