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Game of September 6, 2011 at 03:28, 6 players
1. 526 pts immy
2. 478 pts Zweep
3. 476 pts mireille2

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeiint   H3    68    68   inedita
 2. aaelmrt   8A    83   151   maltreat
 3. aeklnru   G3    31   182   kane
 4. delorsu   A8    89   271   moulders
 5. ?afmnuv   F6    38   309   fleam
 6. acepruz  14A    34   343   razure
 7. ?cggios  15F    84   427   agogics
 8. acflors  C11    34   461   forza
 9. aijnsvw  D10    41   502   jaw
10. beeipry  E11    34   536   ye
11. einnsvx   I9    35   571   xis
12. einnosy   J4    78   649   yonnies
13. ilnortu   L8    68   717   torulins
14. bbgiort   K3    27   744   bob
15. ddeiilt   L2    37   781   didie
16. aeeoptw   M1    35   816   wate
17. celoptu  13G    82   898   poultice
18. einopqt   N1    33   931   ope
19. einqrtv  N10    34   965   virent

Remaining tiles: eghhqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6818 Fileimmy        7  9:53  -439  526     1.6818 immy        7  9:53  -439  526 
  2.6376 FileZweep       2 19:52  -487  478     2.6376 Zweep       2 19:52  -487  478 
  3.6419 Filemireille2   5 20:27  -489  476     3.6419 mireille2   5 20:27  -489  476 
  4.5245 Fileayoba       0 17:51  -706  259     4.6024 Lucylulu    0  1:51  -949   16 
  5.6024 FileLucylulu    0  1:51  -949   16     5.6659 iwhist      0  1:01  -951   14 
  6.6659 Fileiwhist      0  1:01  -951   14            Group: novice
                                             1.5245 ayoba       0 17:51  -706  259 

On 1st draw, INEDITA H3 68 --- INEDITA unpublished literary works [n]
Other tops: INEDITA H2 68, INEDITA H4 68, INEDITA H6 68, INEDITA H7 68, INEDITA H8 68
Other moves: INEDITA H5 66, DETAIN H4 18, TINEID H7 18, ANTED H8 16, DAINE H4 16
INEDITA H6 18 immy
DAINT H4 16 Zweep

On 2nd draw, MALTREAT 8A 83 --- MALTREAT to treat badly [v]
Other moves: MATERIAL 3C 74, MATERNAL 4C 70, MATERIAL 7C 65, MALTREAT 8E 61, AMREETA 5E 36
TAME G5 23 Zweep
MEAT G7 22 immy
LAMER G1 21 mireille2
MEDAL 6F 16 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, KANE G3 31 --- KANE a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other tops: KUNA G3 31, KUNE G3 31
Other moves: ANKER G1 29, KANAE G7 29, LAKER G1 29, LAKER G7 29, NAKER G1 29
KANE G3 31 immy, mireille2
LAKER G7 29 Zweep

On 4th draw, MOULDERS A8 89 --- MOULDER to turn to dust by natural decay [v]
SED I8 19 immy
SLUR I8 19 Zweep
DOS F1 13 mireille2

On 5th draw, F(L)EAM F6 38 --- FLEAM a lancet for bleeding horses [n]
Other moves: F(O)EMAN F6 35, F(R)ENUM F6 35, F(E)M F4 33, N(E)F F4 33, F(A)ENA F6 32
FAE F6 29 mireille2
F(E)EN F6 29 immy
F(E)E F6 28 Zweep
MAN I1 14 iwhist

On 6th draw, RAZURE 14A 34 --- RAZURE the act of scraping [n]
Other moves: ZUPA I1 33, AZURE E10 32, AZUREAN 4B 32, ZEA B6 32, ZUPAN 4D 32
DAZER 12A 30 ayoba
RAZER 14A 28 Zweep
ZA 7B 26 immy
PA B10 22 mireille2

On 7th draw, (A)GOGICS 15F 84 --- AGOGICS the art of accenting a note by dwelling on it [n]
Other moves: (A)GOGICS 13F 65, IS(A)GOGIC 7H 64, (A)GOGICS I9 62, AGOGICS G8 42, AGOG(I)CS G8 41
COGS G11 25 immy
SOGG(Y) 15F 20 Zweep
SCIO(N) 15F 20 mireille2

On 8th draw, FORZA C11 34 --- FORZA (musical term) force, power, strength [n]
Other moves: COLZA C11 32, CAZ C12 28, COZ C12 28, SAFROL 11F 28, SOFA I1 28
FA I3 26 immy
ARF I1 24 Zweep
SAC I8 20 mireille2
FA 7B 14 ayoba

On 9th draw, JAW D10 41 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: AJWANS B5 40, AJWAN B5 33, VAW D10 33, AJWANS 4D 32, JAWANS 4D 32
JAW D10 41 mireille2, immy
JAWS L12 28 ayoba
FANS 11C 24 Zweep

On 10th draw, YE E11 34 --- YE you [pron]
Other tops: BEER E11 34, BEERILY C3 34, PEER E11 34
Other moves: PYE I3 32, BE E11 30, PE E11 30, ABYE G8 27, RYPE I1 27
YE E11 34 immy, Zweep, mireille2
PREYS L11 20 ayoba

On 11th draw, XIS I9 35 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI I9 34, FEDEX 6F 32, VIXENS L10 32, XENIC K11 28, NIES I3 27
XIS I9 35 Zweep, immy
XI I9 34 mireille2
SAX B7 19 ayoba

On 12th draw, YONNIES J4 78 --- YONNIE (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown [n]
Other moves: YONNIES 13F 67, NYES I3 33, NIES I3 27, SYE 7A 27, NOYES J6 26
NOYES J6 26 mireille2
OYES J7 23 Zweep
YES J8 22 ayoba
F(L)EAMS F6 20 immy

On 13th draw, TORULINS L8 68 --- TORULIN a vitamin in yeast [n]
Other moves: TORULIN 13F 61, LOIN K9 22, LOIR K9 22, LORN K9 22, LOTI K9 22
LION K2 17 Zweep
TON K3 15 immy
LOR K3 15 ayoba
IT I2 11 mireille2

On 14th draw, BOB K3 27 --- BOB to move quickly up and down [v]
Other moves: GOB K3 25, ROB K3 23, BIB M7 22, BOB M7 22, BOART B6 21
BOB K3 27 immy, mireille2
BURB 11K 16 Zweep
TRIG 8L 15 ayoba

On 15th draw, DIDIE L2 37 --- DIDIE a diaper [n]
Other tops: TIDED L2 37
Other moves: DEID L1 34, DIED L1 34, EDIT L3 33, TIDE L2 33, IDE L3 31
DIED L1 34 immy, Zweep
DID I1 17 mireille2
TIDE 8L 15 ayoba

On 16th draw, WATE M1 35 --- WIT to know [v]
Other moves: PATE M1 33, POTE M1 33, WAP 14H 32, TEA M3 30, AWETO M8 29
WATE M1 35 immy
POW M7 26 mireille2
WET M1 25 Zweep
AYE E10 18 ayoba

On 17th draw, POULTICE 13G 82 --- POULTICE to apply a hot, healing substance [v]
Other moves: OCTUPLET D1 76, PELT N2 39, POLE N2 39, POLT N2 39, POL N2 37
PELT N2 39 mireille2
OPE N1 33 immy
POULTICE 13G 32 Zweep
W*P 1M 24 ayoba

On 18th draw, OPE N1 33 --- OPE to open [v]
Other tops: OPT N1 33
Other moves: QUIPO 11K 32, QUEP 11K 30, QUIP 11K 30, QUOP 11K 30, POTEEN N10 28
OPE N1 33 immy, mireille2
W*P 1M 24 ayoba
QI M7 23 Zweep

On 19th draw, VIRENT N10 34 --- VIRENT green [adj]
Other moves: VINER N10 32, QUERN 11K 28, QUIET 11K 28, QUINE 11K 28, QUINT 11K 28
VINER N10 32 mireille2
QUINT 11K 28 Zweep
QI M7 23 immy
RIVE 10L 15 ayoba

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