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Game of September 6, 2011 at 17:15, 6 players
1. 461 pts immy
2. 437 pts mylover81
3. 414 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeklprv   H8    28    28   parev
 2. ?ailrsu   8H    80   108   purslain
 3. adeinsy   J3    66   174   synedria
 4. eeilnot   O8    74   248   nonelite
 5. bdeioru  15H    86   334   bouderie
 6. aaehltt  14B    78   412   athleta
 7. aciorsv   5E   102   514   corvinas
 8. einotuy  14J    35   549   yite
 9. efmortw  15A    50   599   from
10. aeeinsz   L1    48   647   zeins
11. adegilq   1J    48   695   lazied
12. bdenopw   2K    29   724   wend
13. abeggnt   H1    30   754   ganev
14. ?beghnu   F4    67   821   boughten
15. aegmoot  D10    28   849   megohm
16. acijswx  11K    38   887   jaxie
17. foortuw   8A    39   926   fourth
18. coopqst   C3    30   956   octopus

Remaining tiles: kqw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6823 Fileimmy        1  9:41  -495  461     1.7102 mylover81   1 13:47  -519  437 
  2.7102 Filemylover81   1 13:47  -519  437            Group: intermediate
  3.6637 Fileiwhist      0 13:16  -542  414     1.6823 immy        1  9:41  -495  461 
  4.5905 Fileraggedy01   0 17:43  -645  311     2.6637 iwhist      0 13:16  -542  414 
  5.5220 FileAndy1990    0  5:35  -883   73     3.6009 neyetifu    0  2:37  -906   50 
  6.6009 Fileneyetifu    0  2:37  -906   50            Group: novice
                                             1.5905 raggedy01   0 17:43  -645  311 
                                             2.5220 Andy1990    0  5:35  -883   73 

On 1st draw, PAREV H8 28 --- PAREV made without meat or milk [adj]
Other tops: LEKVAR H3 28, LEKVAR H4 28, LEKVAR H7 28, LEKVAR H8 28
Other moves: LEKVAR H5 26, LEKVAR H6 26, PAREV H4 26, PARVE H4 26, PAVER H4 26
LEKVAR H4 28 immy
PARVE H4 26 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, PURSLAI(N) 8H 80 --- PURSLAIN a herb used in salads [n]
Other tops: PLI(O)SAUR 8H 80, PRI(M)ULAS 8H 80
Other moves: AURELI(A)S 11E 78, (A)URELIAS 11E 78, SURVI(V)AL 12E 70, SUR(V)IVAL 12C 70, SU(B)VIRAL 12E 70
LIAR I6 13 immy

On 3rd draw, SYNEDRIA J3 66 --- SYNEDRIUM a judicial assembly [n]
Other tops: SYNEDRIA 10C 66
Other moves: NAYSAID M7 32, SDAINE 13C 27, SNIDEY 13D 27, SAYED 13E 26, DEYS 13G 25
YAD G9 25 immy
AY 9L 20 iwhist

On 4th draw, (N)ONELITE O8 74 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: NOSELITE 3H 68, NONELITE 5H 66, NO(N)ELITE O6 58, LENIENT 5E 28, LEONINE 5E 28
TEEN K3 21 mylover81
VIOLENT 12H 20 iwhist
VEINLET 12H 20 immy
EON K4 17 raggedy01

On 5th draw, BOUDERIE 15H 86 --- BOUDERIE pouting [n]
Other moves: BOUDERIE 11A 72, BOUDERIE 6F 67, BOUDERIE 6C 65, REBOUND 5E 40, BORIDE 13C 33
REBOUND 5E 40 raggedy01
BED N13 23 mylover81
DIED 7J 17 immy
BIDER 11E 16 iwhist
ERODE 11K 12 Andy1990

On 6th draw, ATHLETA 14B 78 --- ATHLETA a competitor in contests of strength and speed [n]
Other moves: ATHLETAS 3C 76, ATHLETA 13D 73, HASTATE K6 32, LATHEE 11J 31, HAET K3 30
HEAT K3 30 immy, mylover81
HALTED K10 25 iwhist
HEAT 14F 21 Andy1990
THAT M6 12 raggedy01

On 7th draw, CORVINAS 5E 102 --- CORVINA a food fish [n]
Other moves: CORIVALS E8 76, CORIVALS L2 76, COVARIES 11B 76, VARICOSE 11A 76, COVARIES 6D 71
VIA 15A 22 mylover81
CRAVES 11D 22 Andy1990
SAVIOR 3J 18 iwhist
SO I14 13 immy, raggedy01

On 8th draw, YITE 14J 35 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: YEN 14J 32, YET 14J 32, YIN 14J 32, YON 14J 32, YE 14J 29
YEN 14J 32 iwhist, mylover81
OYE 15A 25 immy
STONEY 3J 18 Andy1990

On 9th draw, FROM 15A 50 --- FROM starting at [prep]
Other moves: FROE 15A 34, FROWST L1 32, FEHM D12 30, FROWS L1 30, WEFTS L1 30
WE 6F 28 immy, iwhist
FE 6F 28 mylover81
FRO 15A 22 raggedy01

On 10th draw, ZEINS L1 48 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZINES L1 48
Other moves: ZEA G9 47, ZEE G9 47, ZA 7M 44, ZA G9 44, ASSIZE K7 37
ZINES L1 48 mylover81
ZEE G9 47 iwhist, raggedy01
ZA 7M 44 immy

On 11th draw, LAZIED 1J 48 --- LAZY to move or lie sluggishly [v]
Other moves: AZIDE 1K 45, ZEAL 1L 39, ZILA 1L 39, QAID N6 37, GLAIVE H1 33
ZEAL 1L 39 immy, iwhist, mylover81, neyetifu
QAID N6 37 raggedy01

On 12th draw, WEND 2K 29 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other moves: WE 6F 28, BEND 2K 26, BEDE 2K 25, BOW G9 25, PEW G9 25
WE 6F 28 immy, iwhist, mylover81
WONDER M10 20 raggedy01

On 13th draw, GANEV H1 30 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other moves: BE 6F 22, ABET N10 20, BAG 13I 20, BAGGER M10 20, BINATE N7 20
BE 6F 22 immy
BANGER M10 18 mylover81
BAGEL 12K 16 raggedy01
BA 13K 13 iwhist
BAG M7 11 neyetifu

On 14th draw, BOUGH(T)EN F4 67 --- BOUGHTEN purchased [adj]
Other moves: HAGBU(T)EER M7 40, HE(S) 6F 37, B(A)H 13K 34, BE(S) 6F 31, HUE(S) 6E 30
HE(S) 6F 37 mylover81
HE 6F 28 immy
HEN G9 23 iwhist
B(I)NG 1E 6 raggedy01

On 15th draw, MEGOHM D10 28 --- MEGOHM a unit of electrical resistance [n]
Other moves: METAL E10 22, METOL E10 22, MOTEL E10 22, GAM 13I 20, MAG 13I 20
METAL E10 22 iwhist
MEG E10 20 mylover81
MOO 9M 17 immy
MATE L12 12 raggedy01

On 16th draw, JAXIE 11K 38 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: AX 9L 36, JA 7M 36, WAXIER M10 32, WAX K10 31, JAW C9 30
AX 9L 36 mylover81
XIS K10 29 immy, iwhist

On 17th draw, FOURTH 8A 39 --- FOURTH one of four equal parts [n]
Other moves: ROW 12J 31, TOW 12J 31, OW 12K 29, INFO M1 26, FOR 12J 25
TOW 12J 31 mylover81, iwhist, immy
FROW C8 20 raggedy01

On 18th draw, OCTOPUS C3 30 --- OCTOPUS a nocturnal eight-armed mollusk [n]
Other moves: POON 10L 25, QAT L10 24, COS 12J 23, COT 12J 23, POS 12J 23
QAT L10 24 immy, mylover81
SUQ C7 23 raggedy01
POT 12J 23 iwhist

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