P**F."> P**F.">
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Game sheet of icater (file), Game of September 6, 2011 at 18:45

Word find
Word played
1 ??ACMRY             ACR(O)(N)YM H7 82 82  
2 EILNPRT             TRAPLINE 7F 65 147  
3 DEHLOPR             DELPH 8K 44 191  
4 DIINORS             SORDINI 14H 83 274  
5 AGHILST             ALIGHTS E1 83 357  
6 AEGIOVW             WAIVE 1D 45 402  
7 ADEFIKR             FRA(N)KED 11E 56 458  
8 ADEEIMU             AIMED 13J 32 490  
9 ABEGNSU             BUGGANES 4B 76 566  
10 ACEJORU             OUIJA 3C 45 611  
11 BIINOTY FIB E11 8 -24 8 3/3 YOB 10J 32 643 3/3
12 ACENORT NORTH O4 9 -65 17 3/3 ENACTOR 2H 74 717 3/3
13 EGIORSZ ZEROS F9 16 -37 33 3/3 SEZ 15J 53 770 3/3
14 AEILNTU             AUNTLIER 9A 60 830 3/3
15 EGIQRTW QAT J1 12 -24 45 4/4   A8 36 866 3/4
16 EGINORT FIG E11 7 -63 52 4/4 RINGTONE C7 70 936 4/4
17 AEFOUWX AXE 14A 20 -27 72 5/5 WEX D12 47 983 4/5
18 AEFOOUV P**F N8 11 -30 83 5/5 AVO B13 41 1024 4/5

Total: 83/1024 or -941 for 8.105%
Rank: 2571

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