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Game of September 6, 2011 at 19:29, 7 players
1. 616 pts PIThompson
2. 521 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 466 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aciilrt   H7    22    22   italic
 2. aeiisty   H7    33    55   italicise
 3. aehntuw  14F    68   123   unswathe
 4. ?dejoor   N9   114   237   joyrode
 5. eknstuw  15A    47   284   sunket
 6. aaeirsy   O6    38   322   resay
 7. defgiio   I5    32   354   defog
 8. ceoprsw   5E    52   406   scowder
 9. abelopt   A8    95   501   potables
10. ?eeimqt   E3    68   569   mesquite
11. aabelrz   G9    49   618   zea
12. aaaefnr   D1    30   648   faan
13. alnnotv   C3    31   679   lovat
14. bdioruv   H1    36   715   vrouw
15. dgiiopr   D8    35   750   pirogi
16. adeinry   1H   107   857   vineyard
17. bhiimnu   1A    36   893   humf
18. bdgiiln   K4    74   967   bridling

Remaining tiles: nx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7610 FilePIThompson  4 15:53  -351  616     1.7610 PIThompson  4 15:53  -351  616 
  2.6152 FileGrace_Tjie  2  9:20  -446  521            Group: intermediate
  3.5747 Filenaomiari    0 22:53  -501  466     1.6152 Grace_Tjie  2  9:20  -446  521 
  4.5693 Filesuitable    1 10:22  -804  163     2.6982 SuperH      0  0:44  -929   38 
  5.5586 Filemazscot     1  7:23  -825  142            Group: novice
  6.  -  Fileknkrkz      0  4:35  -896   71     1.5747 naomiari    0 22:53  -501  466 
  7.6982 FileSuperH      0  0:44  -929   38     2.5693 suitable    1 10:22  -804  163 
                                             3.5586 mazscot     1  7:23  -825  142 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  knkrkz      0  4:35  -896   71 

On 1st draw, ITALIC H7 22 --- ITALIC a style of print [n]
Other tops: CITRAL H4 22, IATRIC H7 22
Other moves: ARTIC H8 20, CILIA H4 20, CITAL H4 20, CLART H4 20, ILIAC H8 20
ITALIC H7 22 PIThompson
ITALIC H6 16 knkrkz
TRIAL H8 12 Grace_Tjie
TRAIL H4 12 naomiari

On 2nd draw, ITALICISE H7 33 --- ITALICISE [v]
Other moves: YITIES 13C 29, AYES G8 26, EASY G6 26, EYAS G8 26, EYAS I8 26
AYES G8 26 Grace_Tjie
STAY I6 26 PIThompson
YA I9 20 naomiari
STY 13H 16 knkrkz

On 3rd draw, UNSWATHE 14F 68 --- UNSWATHE to unbind [v]
Other moves: UNTHAWS 14B 30, WHENUAS 14B 30, HAW G13 29, HEW G13 29, THANE G6 29
WHET G6 29 Grace_Tjie
WHAT G6 29 PIThompson
HAT G9 23 naomiari
WHEATEN 15C 17 knkrkz

On 4th draw, JO(Y)RODE N9 114 --- JOYRIDE to take an automobile ride for pleasure [v]
Other moves: JER(I)D N10 88, JO(B)ED N10 88, JO(K)ED N10 88, JO(L)ED N10 88, JO(W)ED N10 88
JO(K)ED N10 88 PIThompson
J(A)DE N12 54 Grace_Tjie
JADE 9G 22 knkrkz, naomiari

On 5th draw, SUNKET 15A 47 --- SUNKET a tidbit [n]
Other moves: ENEW 15L 32, KUNE G7 32, SUNKET G4 32, NUKE M11 31, SKENE M10 31
WOK 13M 30 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
WAKENS 9G 22 naomiari

On 6th draw, RESAY O6 38 --- RESAY to say again [v] --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: RAYA O8 36, EYRAS O6 35, RAYAS O6 35, YARE O8 33, EYAS O7 32
RESAY O6 38 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
YAR O8 29 naomiari

On 7th draw, DEFOG I5 32 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other tops: FIDO I7 32, FIGO I7 32
Other moves: DEF G7 29, DIF G7 29, FED I7 29, FEG I7 29, FID I7 29
FIDO I7 32 PIThompson
FED 15M 26 naomiari
DEF 15M 24 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, SCOWDER 5E 52 --- SCOWDER to scouther [v]
Other moves: COPIERS 11E 44, SOWCE H1 42, SCOPE H1 39, ESCROW 13J 37, POWRE H1 36
SWOP 13L 33 naomiari
CROW 13L 29 PIThompson
POW 13M 24 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, POTABLES A8 95 --- POTABLE a liquid suitable for drinking [n]
Other moves: PORTABLE K3 62, PATIBLE 11E 44, BOATEL 15J 41, ABLOW H1 33, BELOW H1 33
BAP G9 25 PIThompson
BOP 13M 22 Grace_Tjie
TABLE N2 22 suitable
PLACE F2 17 naomiari

On 10th draw, MESQ(U)ITE E3 68 --- MESQUITE a spiny tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: Q(U)EME 4A 52, Q(U)IETEN C9 50, Q(U)EME B6 49, Q(U)ITE 4A 48, (R)EMEET 15J 45
Q(U)ITE 4A 48 PIThompson
Q(U)IM B6 42 Grace_Tjie
Q(U)IET J2 39 naomiari

On 11th draw, ZEA G9 49 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: ZEL G9 49
Other moves: ZEA M13 48, ZEE M13 48, ZA G9 46, BLAZER N2 44, ABLAZE N1 42
ZEA G9 49 suitable
ZEA M13 48 PIThompson, naomiari
REZ 15M 38 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, FAAN D1 30 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other tops: FEAR D1 30, FRAE D1 30
Other moves: AFARA B8 29, FAENA B6 28, FRENA B6 28, REEF J3 28, NEF J4 27
FEAR D1 30 PIThompson
EF D3 24 naomiari
FER 15M 23 Grace_Tjie
FEN 15M 23 mazscot
FEE 15M 23 suitable

On 13th draw, LOVAT C3 31 --- LOVAT a greyish or bluish-green colour in tweed [n]
Other moves: OATEN 15K 28, FONTAL 1D 27, NONFAT 1A 27, NOVA C3 27, LAV C3 25
FONTAL 1D 27 PIThompson
FLOAT 1D 24 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
LOAF 1A 21 naomiari
LEVEL 10D 16 suitable

On 14th draw, VROUW H1 36 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: FORBID 1D 36
Other moves: FIBRO 1D 30, BOVID 4J 28, VIRED J2 28, BIO B6 27, FIORD 1D 27
FORBID 1D 36 Grace_Tjie, mazscot
FIORD 1D 27 naomiari
BED M13 23 PIThompson

On 15th draw, PIROGI D8 35 --- PIROGI a small dumpling with a filling [n]
Other moves: PIROG D8 33, PIROGHI L9 28, OPED M12 27, PROF 1A 27, IRED 15L 26
PROF 1A 27 PIThompson, naomiari
PI B6 22 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, VINEYARD 1H 107 --- VINEYARD an area planted with grapevines [n]
Other moves: YEANED 15J 48, REYNARD 2H 38, YEAD B6 38, DEANER 15J 37, DEIFY 1A 36
YEAD B6 38 PIThompson
YAE B6 33 naomiari
CIRE F5 27 Grace_Tjie
YARD 4J 23 mazscot

On 17th draw, HUMF 1A 36 --- HUMF to carry something awkward [v]
Other moves: BUMF 1A 33, HUI B6 33, HUB C11 32, HUM C11 32, HEM M13 30
HUI B6 33 PIThompson
HEM 15M 29 naomiari, Grace_Tjie, suitable
CUMIN 12H 18 mazscot
EH 15N 15 SuperH

On 18th draw, BRIDLING K4 74 --- BRIDLE to control with a restraint [v]
Other moves: BOILING 3G 28, ABIDING M1 26, BINDHI L10 26, BINGHI L10 26, BIDI B9 24
BRIDLING K4 24 suitable
BED M13 23 SuperH, PIThompson
DEB 15M 21 Grace_Tjie
ABLING M1 18 mazscot
IDE 15L 14 naomiari

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