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Game sheet of ginalee (file), Game of September 7, 2011 at 12:08

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADEISW             SWAD(D)IE H3 78 78  
2 CEEIRSU             ECURIES 10B 74 152  
3 EIMORTW             MISWROTE 3F 86 238  
4 AEHNOSV             SENHORA E5 40 278  
5 ADILNRV             VALID A6 38 316  
6 ?BEENNO             BOT(O)NNEE L1 76 392  
7 DEIOTTY             TUTOYED D9 30 422  
8 ACEIMPR             CRAMPIER J2 76 498  
9 DEJRUUX             XU F6 52 550  
10 ADGLNTU             UNGLAD D1 31 581  
11 AINOTTV VOID 15A 24 -21 24 3/5 VALIDATION A6 45 626 6/6
12 EFIKLOR BIKE 1L 30 -55 54 4/4 FOLKIER M8 85 711 5/6
13 EFGISTU BIGS 1L 21 -18 75 2/5 CUIF C10 39 750 5/6
14 AAHORST BATH 1L 27 -6 102 3/5 SHOAT N8 33 783 5/6
15 AGJNORY MANY 5J 18 -18 120 4/5 GRAY L12 36 819 5/6
16 EGIJLRV             JIVEY 15H 54 873 5/6
17 BENOPQR PRUNE 1B 7 -35 127 4/4 ROQUE 1A 42 915 5/6
18 ABGLNPT BLAB 1L 24 -1 151 3/5 TAMP F1 25 940 5/7

Total: 151/940 or -789 for 16.06%
Rank: 5526

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