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Game of September 7, 2011 at 17:32, 5 players
1. 647 pts PIThompson
2. 526 pts Hasni
3. 356 pts soccer1313

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikorw   H8    34    34   awork
 2. aenotuv  11E    40    74   outrave
 3. bcdeirt   L8    36   110   credit
 4. adeioor   8K    24   134   acred
 5. ceiloor  12A    26   160   coiler
 6. ?eeelux   O3    73   233   excludee
 7. efnoprt   B7    80   313   pentroof
 8. ehlnopy   A3    64   377   phylon
 9. aaenstz  13I    50   427   zantes
10. ?aeijsy  14I    51   478   ayes
11. aaeirtu   4K    24   502   retax
12. ?aadefn   G3    75   577   fazenda
13. ahiimmn   H1    45   622   imam
14. biottuu  N10    36   658   buist
15. gginnos  15C    92   750   noggins
16. bdgiotw   I1    31   781   dow
17. bgijlot   C3    34   815   jigot
18. biilqsv   J6    41   856   qis
19. bhiiluv  A12    46   902   chiv

Remaining tiles: bilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7621 FilePIThompson  5 14:41  -255  647     1.7621 PIThompson  5 14:41  -255  647 
  2.6043 FileHasni       3 22:35  -376  526            Group: intermediate
  3.5736 Filesoccer1313  1 14:53  -546  356     1.6043 Hasni       3 22:35  -376  526 
  4.6047 Fileneyetifu    0  5:22  -790  112     2.6047 neyetifu    0  5:22  -790  112 
  5.6421 Filenderera     0  0:48  -859   43     3.6421 nderera     0  0:48  -859   43 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5736 soccer1313  1 14:53  -546  356 

On 1st draw, AWORK H8 34 --- AWORK at work [adv]
Other tops: WREAK H8 34
Other moves: WAKER H4 32, WREAK H4 32, WROKE H4 32, KIORE H4 28, KORAI H4 28
WAKER H4 32 PIThompson, Hasni

On 2nd draw, OUTRAVE 11E 40 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: KNAVE 12H 24, NOVAE I5 21, UVAE I6 20, UVEA G6 20, VAUNTER 11B 20
UVAE I6 20 PIThompson
TANE G8 17 neyetifu
OVEN I12 17 Hasni

On 3rd draw, CREDIT L8 36 --- CREDIT to accept as true [v]
Other moves: BRIDE L8 34, DEBIT L11 30, DICER L11 30, DRICE L11 30, CEBID 12A 29
CREDIT L8 36 Hasni, PIThompson
BRIDE 12A 24 neyetifu

On 4th draw, ACRED 8K 24 --- ACRED owning many acres [adj]
Other tops: ACRID 8K 24
Other moves: CADE 8L 21, CADI 8L 21, CAID 8L 21, CARD 8L 21, CEDI 8L 21
ACRID 8K 24 PIThompson
CODE 8L 21 neyetifu
AIRED I11 13 Hasni

On 5th draw, COILER 12A 26 --- COILER one that coils [n]
Other tops: COOLER 12A 26
Other moves: CORTILE 13I 24, COLOR 12A 22, COLTER 13I 22, COOER 12A 22, COOTER 13I 22
COILER 12A 26 PIThompson
CORE 12B 14 neyetifu
COLDER O5 9 Hasni

On 6th draw, EX(C)LUDEE O3 73 --- EXCLUDEE someone who is excluded [n]
Other moves: EXECU(T)E A9 45, EXCEE(D) A10 42, EXCEL(S) A10 42, EXCU(S)E A10 42, XE(B)EC A8 39
LUXE(S) 14H 36 neyetifu
LUXE I6 28 PIThompson
DELUXE O8 22 Hasni

On 7th draw, PENTROOF B7 80 --- PENTROOF a roof that slopes one way only [n]
Other moves: PENTROOF B6 71, FORPET N10 51, FETOR N10 45, FORTE N10 45, FREON N10 45
FORTE N10 45 PIThompson
COFT A12 27 Hasni

On 8th draw, PHYLON A3 64 --- PHYLON a genetically related group [n]
Other moves: HOLEY N10 51, HOLPEN N10 51, HONEY N10 51, HOYLE N10 51, PHENYL N10 50
HONEY N10 51 PIThompson
HOY A6 46 Hasni
HONE N1 25 soccer1313

On 9th draw, ZANTES 13I 50 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 13I 48, NAZES 14H 44, AZANS J5 43, NAZES J4 43, ZEST 14J 43
NAZES 14H 44 PIThompson
ZEST 14J 43 soccer1313
ZEA B2 33 Hasni

On 10th draw, AYES 14I 51 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: (B)AYES 14H 51
Other moves: AYE(S) 14I 49, AY(E)S 14I 49, AY(U)S 14I 49, (A)YES 14I 49, (O)YES 14I 49
JAY 14H 45 soccer1313, Hasni, PIThompson

On 11th draw, RETAX 4K 24 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AURATE C3 23, EAUX 4L 22, RAIA B2 22, TARAIRE M3 21, ARISTA N10 20
RATE N1 19 Hasni, soccer1313
TEA N2 17 PIThompson

On 12th draw, FA(Z)ENDA G3 75 --- FAZENDA a Brazilian plantation [n]
Other moves: FA(Z)ENDA G2 65, FA(Z)ENDA I2 65, FA(Z)ENDA 3E 63, FAN(G)ED 15F 48, FAENA(S) 15D 47
FAN(G)ED 15F 48 PIThompson
FADE(S) 15E 35 Hasni
FAA B2 21 soccer1313

On 13th draw, IMAM H1 45 --- IMAM a Muslim priest [n]
Other moves: MIASM N10 40, CHIA A12 37, CHIN A12 37, HAME 3L 31, HAMS N10 30
IMAM H1 45 soccer1313
HAMS N10 30 PIThompson
HIM F2 25 Hasni

On 14th draw, BUIST N10 36 --- BUIST to brand livestock [v]
Other moves: OUBIT I1 32, OBIT I2 29, OBI I2 28, BIO F6 27, BITOU I3 27
OBIT I2 29 PIThompson
TUB I1 25 Hasni
BITE 3L 22 soccer1313

On 15th draw, NOGGINS 15C 92 --- NOGGIN a small cup [n]
Other moves: INGOINGS 1H 83, NOGGINS C1 76, INGOINGS 1D 61, GOINGS 15E 43, GOINGS 15D 42
GOINGS 15E 43 PIThompson
GOINGS 15D 42 soccer1313
GINGS 15E 33 Hasni

On 16th draw, DOW I1 31 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other moves: GODWIT C2 30, OBIT I2 29, TOW I1 29, WIG I3 29, BIGOT I3 28
DOW I1 31 PIThompson, Hasni
BIGOT C3 24 soccer1313

On 17th draw, JIGOT C3 34 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: LOGJAM 4C 32, OBJET 6D 30, MOJO 2H 29, CLOG A12 28, BAIZAS I10 27
MOJO 2H 29 PIThompson, soccer1313
JO 10E 26 Hasni

On 18th draw, QIS J6 41 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BAIZAS I10 27, VIS J6 23, BI F6 22, BILE 3L 22, IBIS J5 21
QIS J6 41 PIThompson, Hasni
MOB 2H 13 soccer1313

On 19th draw, CHIV A12 46 --- CHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: CHIB A12 43, HI F6 28, BAIZAS I10 27, HULE 3L 25, BI F6 22
CHIB A12 43 nderera
HI F6 28 PIThompson, soccer1313
QI 6J 11 Hasni

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