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Game of September 8, 2011 at 07:24, 5 players
1. 540 pts Hasni
2. 329 pts spellcheck
3. 199 pts Sharlize

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeenrrs   H8    66    66   earners
 2. ?aabdnt  11E    90   156   abundant
 3. aelmnow   I7    31   187   mawed
 4. efhilpr  12A    36   223   hirple
 5. aeegqtu  B10    68   291   quite
 6. beeinot   J3    74   365   ebonite
 7. efikopr   K1    37   402   kefir
 8. ailorsv   1K    39   441   kivas
 9. agiorsv   G2    67   508   viragos
10. cdiooty  15A    46   554   odic
11. ?aggtux  12L    38   592   eaux
12. egjostz  N10    58   650   jougs
13. ahoprtw   O7    39   689   whoa
14. deilotz   L4    57   746   zed
15. delortu   M1    29   775   vote
16. dfgiltu  13L    23   798   fig
17. lmnnoor   5A    70   868   nonmoral
18. adelptu   A2    33   901   planted
19. gilntuy   C3    28   929   lungyi
20. ceintuy   B5    28   957   oy

Remaining tiles: ceintu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5979 FileHasni       3 24:08  -417  540     1.6050 Lucylulu    0  6:04  -833  124 
  2.4922 Filespellcheck  1 22:24  -628  329            Group: novice
  3.3464 FileSharlize    0 22:35  -758  199     1.5979 Hasni       3 24:08  -417  540 
  4.6050 FileLucylulu    0  6:04  -833  124            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filehamz        0  7:14  -910   47     1.4922 spellcheck  1 22:24  -628  329 
                                             2.3464 Sharlize    0 22:35  -758  199 
                                             3.  -  hamz        0  7:14  -910   47 

On 1st draw, EARNERS H8 66 --- EARNER one that earns [n]
Other moves: EARNERS H5 64, REEARNS H5 64, ARENES H3 14, ARENES H4 14, ARENES H7 14
EARNERS H2 16 spellcheck
NEARER H4 14 Hasni

On 2nd draw, AB(U)NDANT 11E 90 --- ABUNDANT in great quantity [adj]
Other moves: BAND(M)ATE 8A 86, ABRAD(A)NT 13F 78, (A)BRADANT 13F 78, ABR(A)DANT 13F 76, BAND(M)ATE 12A 76
B(E)AD I9 22 Hasni
B(L)AND 7G 18 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, MAWED I7 31 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: WOMAN 12A 30, WOMEN 12A 30, WAMED I7 29, MELANO 12A 28, MEOW 12J 28
WEAL 12J 25 Hasni
WOMB F8 17 spellcheck

On 4th draw, HIRPLE 12A 36 --- HIRPLE to limp [v]
Other moves: HAILER J10 33, FARLE J10 32, HALER J10 32, HALF J10 32, PHILTER L7 32
FAH J10 31 Hasni
FIBRE F9 12 spellcheck

On 5th draw, QUITE B10 68 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUIET B10 68
Other moves: QUETHE A8 54, EQUATE L7 50, QUARTE C9 50, QUARE C9 48, QUART C9 48
QUITE B10 68 Hasni
EQUATE L7 50 Sharlize
SQUAT 14H 16 spellcheck

On 6th draw, EBONITE J3 74 --- EBONITE a hard rubber [n]
Other moves: EBONITE J1 71, H*B* A12 33, NITRE C9 29, NITRO C9 29, BEENTO 12J 28
EBONITE L6 20 Sharlize
BOT J6 18 Hasni
STONE 14H 7 spellcheck

On 7th draw, KEFIR K1 37 --- KEFIR a fermented beverage made from cow's milk [n]
Other moves: PREIF K1 36, KEFIR 3I 34, PROF K2 34, FOP K3 33, RIFE K3 32
BROKE 4J 22 spellcheck
KOS 14F 17 Hasni
PROBE F8 11 Sharlize

On 8th draw, KIVAS 1K 39 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other tops: VOLKS 1H 39
Other moves: SAVIORS 14H 36, ALSO L1 35, SALVOR L4 33, SAVIOR L4 33, SKOLIA 1J 33
VOLKS 1H 39 Hasni
RISK 1H 24 spellcheck
SAVIOR 5F 9 Sharlize

On 9th draw, VIRAGOS G2 67 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: SAVIORS 14H 36, SAVIOR L4 33, SAVOR L4 31, OHIAS A11 30, OSAR 15A 30
SAVIORS 14H 36 Sharlize
IS 15A 21 Hasni
VIGORS M1 20 spellcheck
SAVIOR O1 10 hamz

On 10th draw, ODIC 15A 46 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: TODY L3 36, TOCO L3 33, TOC L3 31, DICTY 15B 30, ODIC L4 28
OD 15A 25 Hasni
TIDY L11 16 Sharlize
CRY 4F 12 spellcheck
CIT L9 5 hamz

On 11th draw, (E)AUX 12L 38 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: TAXU(S) L4 35, X(I) 2N 35, TAX L4 33, TAX(A) L4 33, TAX(I) L4 33
AX(E)S 14E 26 spellcheck
AX 12L 22 Hasni
STAG O1 7 hamz

On 12th draw, JOUGS N10 58 --- JOUGS a punishment using an iron collar [n]
Other moves: ZEST L4 57, JOUST N10 56, JEFES 3I 46, ROZETS 13H 38, SEZ L4 37
ZOS 14F 32 Hasni
JOES 14E 13 spellcheck
SOTS O1 5 Sharlize

On 13th draw, WHOA O7 39 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: WHA O8 36, WHO O8 36, PHO O8 33, HARO O7 30, HORA O7 30
WHOA O7 39 Hasni
WASH 14L 10 spellcheck
STOP 14H 8 Sharlize

On 14th draw, ZED L4 57 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZEL L4 55, AZOTED N1 40, DZO N5 38, ZO N6 36, ADOZE J11 35
ZO N6 36 Lucylulu, Hasni
ZEAL 5E 26 spellcheck
SIZE O1 14 hamz

On 15th draw, VOTE M1 29 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: VOLE M1 29
Other moves: TEGU 13L 25, AUTOED N1 22, DE M3 21, OLDER 13D 20, OE M3 19
DE M3 21 Hasni
DROVE 2D 11 spellcheck, hamz
DOVER 2E 11 Sharlize

On 16th draw, FIG 13L 23 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other moves: FUD F5 22, FUG F5 22, FULGID 3C 22, FLIRT 13E 21, FLIR 13E 19
QUID 10B 18 spellcheck
IF O14 17 Hasni
VUG 2G 7 Sharlize

On 17th draw, NONMORAL 5A 70 --- NONMORAL not pertaining to morals [adj]
Other moves: MOO N6 21, NONMORAL E5 20, MO 10E 18, AM N1 16, MORRO 4D 16
MOO N6 21 Hasni, Lucylulu
MOOR 4D 12 Sharlize
SOON 14H 6 spellcheck

On 18th draw, PLANTED A2 33 --- PLANT to place in the ground for growing [v]
Other moves: LAUDER 4B 31, PANTED A3 30, PEDANT A1 30, PENTAD A3 30, PUDENT A1 30
PLANTED A2 33 spellcheck
PEAT 4B 28 Hasni
PEA 6B 27 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, LUNGYI C3 28 --- LUNGYI a loincloth worn by men in India [n]
Other tops: GLINTY C2 28
Other moves: GINNY C3 26, GUNNY C3 26, LINGY C3 26, LINNY C3 24, LINTY C3 24
AY N1 20 Hasni, Lucylulu
IVY 2F 11 spellcheck
UNITY C4 9 Sharlize

On 20th draw, OY B5 28 --- OY a grandchild [n] --- OY used to express dismay or pain [interj]
Other tops: TYG 6A 28
Other moves: UEY 4C 25, AYE N1 24, ENTRY 13E 21, AY N1 20, OY 2M 20
AYE N1 24 Hasni
AY N1 20 Lucylulu
COUNTY E4 11 spellcheck
SUN 14H 5 Sharlize

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