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Game of September 8, 2011 at 11:19, 7 players
1. 575 pts yab
2. 535 pts renmar
3. 457 pts JennyB

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agrstv   H4    74    74   gravest
 2. ?giotuu   8A    77   151   outguide
 3. aabestz   B7    37   188   buazes
 4. aeeimnw   C8    33   221   twae
 5. aeiikmr  A11    44   265   mikra
 6. aeellny  14A    34   299   really
 7. eeeorsv   5E    94   393   overseer
 8. acilnty  15F   103   496   anticly
 9. cddenru   L9    26   522   duncery
10. adoprtw  D10    40   562   prowl
11. aeinoot   4H    24   586   gentoo
12. bdefhru   6J    36   622   fed
13. bdhinsu   4A    33   655   bundh
14. deiiiot   A1    21   676   dieb
15. aegipst   N2    28   704   pastie
16. aehinrx   O1    52   756   hex
17. aiilnoq   M1    33   789   nolo
18. giimnot   O7    35   824   timing
19. afijoor   M7    41   865   jai
20. afiooqr  N10    64   929   qi

Remaining tiles: afoor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6911 Fileyab         4 24:12  -354  575     1.6911 yab         4 24:12  -354  575 
  2.6458 Filerenmar      2 27:36  -394  535     2.6458 renmar      2 27:36  -394  535 
  3.5944 FileJennyB      3 16:45  -472  457            Group: novice
  4.5820 FileELCEE       4 19:14  -511  418     1.5944 JennyB      3 16:45  -472  457 
  5.5710 Fileasni        0 22:08  -588  341     2.5820 ELCEE       4 19:14  -511  418 
  6.4885 FileBiddy       3 10:46  -727  202     3.5710 asni        0 22:08  -588  341 
  7.5212 Fileginalee     1 10:46  -768  161     4.5212 ginalee     1 10:46  -768  161 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4885 Biddy       3 10:46  -727  202 

On 1st draw, GRAV(E)ST H4 74 --- GRAVE extremely serious [adj]
Other moves: GRAV(E)ST H2 72, GRAV(E)ST H3 72, GRAV(E)ST H6 72, GRAV(E)ST H7 72, GRAV(E)ST H5 70
GRAV(E)ST H4 24 renmar, yab

On 2nd draw, OUTGUI(D)(E) 8A 77 --- OUTGUIDE to surpass in guiding [v]
Other moves: OUTRIG(S) 5E 28, OUTRI(N)G 5E 28, OUTRU(N)G 5E 28, TOURI(N)G 5E 28, GIGOT 4H 14
TOURI(N)G 5E 28 yab
OUTRIG(S) 5E 28 renmar

On 3rd draw, BUAZES B7 37 --- BUAZE an African shrub [n]
Other moves: BUAZE B7 36, ZAREBAS 5F 36, ZETAS 10F 36, BAZARS 5D 34, BRAZAS 5G 34
BRAZES 5G 34 renmar
ZEA 6F 32 JennyB
GAZES 4H 30 asni
OUTGUI(D)(E)S 8A 8 yab

On 4th draw, TWAE C8 33 --- TWAE two [n]
Other moves: NEWIE A11 32, AMINE C10 31, MEANE A11 31, MINAE A11 31, TWA C8 30
NEWIE A11 32 yab
SWAMI 12B 20 asni
MEAN A11 14 renmar

On 5th draw, MIKRA A11 44 --- MIKRON a unit of length [n]
Other tops: MAKER A11 44
Other moves: REIKI A11 36, MAIRE A11 32, KERMA D11 31, RAMIE A11 30, RIMAE A11 30
MAKER A11 44 ELCEE, JennyB, yab, renmar
KIER I3 20 asni

On 6th draw, REALLY 14A 34 --- REALLY actually [adv]
Other moves: LYNAGE D4 26, RALLYE 14A 22, ALLEGE D4 20, EGALLY 4G 20, ENTAYLE 10F 20
REALLY 14A 34 Biddy, ginalee
GALLEY 4H 20 JennyB
RELAY 14A 16 asni
RALLY 14A 16 renmar

On 7th draw, OVERSEER 5E 94 --- OVERSEER one that oversees [n]
Other moves: OVERSEE 15F 88, OVERSEER 5A 72, OVERSEE 13F 70, OVERSEE 5E 40, EREVS 15F 29
OVERSEE 15F 38 renmar
OVERS 15F 29 asni, ginalee
EVER 15F 26 JennyB, Biddy
EVES 15F 26 yab

On 8th draw, ANTICLY 15F 103 --- ANTICLY in a clownish manner [adv]
Other moves: ANTICLY 13E 73, INTACTLY 10F 71, ANTICLY 13F 69, SCANTILY 9H 67, TALCY 4K 34
ANTICLY 15F 53 yab
LACY 4B 23 ELCEE, renmar
ACT 15F 20 ginalee, asni
CLIENT J2 16 JennyB

On 9th draw, DUNCERY L9 26 --- DUNCERY stupidity [n]
Other tops: CRUDDY L10 26, GURNED 4H 26
Other moves: CURED 4A 25, DUNCE 4K 25, DURED 4K 25, CUDDY L11 24, CURDED L3 24
CRUDDY L10 26 Biddy
CURED 4A 25 yab, ELCEE
CRUDER L4 20 ginalee
CRUDE L4 18 JennyB
CUD 4C 15 asni
UDDER E8 14 renmar

On 10th draw, PROWL D10 40 --- PROWL to move about stealthily [v]
Other moves: WARDROP L1 34, WRAPT 4J 31, PRO D10 30, WRAPT 4A 30, WRAP 4J 29
WRAP 4J 29 JennyB
WADER 13I 26 renmar
POWDER 13H 26 Biddy
WORD 4K 25 asni
WATER 13I 24 ginalee
ADOPTER 13G 24 yab

On 11th draw, GENTOO 4H 24 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: GENOA 4H 22, TOONIE 4J 22, ATONE K7 19, ATONE 4J 18, AWE 13C 18
OVATION F4 14 Biddy
NOTE 4K 14 asni, renmar
TONE 11J 8 ginalee
NINE 11J 8 yab

On 12th draw, FED 6J 36 --- FED a federal agent [n]
Other moves: FEUD 3I 32, BEDU 6J 31, BED 6J 30, FE 6J 30, DEF 6J 28
HUB 3M 26 yab, renmar
BED 3M 20 asni
HERB 13K 18 JennyB
REDO M1 10 ginalee

On 13th draw, BUNDH 4A 33 --- BUNDH (Hindi) in India, a general strike [n]
Other moves: SHIN I8 30, BISH 3L 29, SH E11 29, SHIN 3L 29, SHUN 3L 29
SHUN 3L 29 yab
BUSH N2 26 renmar
HUNS N1 22 JennyB
BUDS N1 22 asni
BUNDS 11J 16 ginalee

On 14th draw, DIEB A1 21 --- DIEB a North African jackal [n]
Other moves: DIET I8 20, DOIT I8 20, DIE I8 19, DOE I8 19, MEERED 11A 18
DIE 3M 14 JennyB
DOT 3M 14 asni, yab
TOD 6C 11 renmar

On 15th draw, PASTIE N2 28 --- PASTIE a meat pie [n]
Other tops: GAPOS M1 28, PETSAI N1 28
Other moves: SPAG 3L 27, PASTE N2 26, PISTE N2 26, PAVES 7F 25, PAVIS 7F 25
SPAG 3L 27 yab
GAPS N1 22 asni
TUPS E7 21 renmar
SPITE N4 17 JennyB

On 16th draw, HEX O1 52 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: XENIA O7 45, HEX O7 44, NIX O1 43, RAX O1 43, REX O1 43
HEX O1 52 renmar, JennyB, ELCEE, Biddy, yab
AXE K9 36 asni

On 17th draw, NOLO M1 33 --- NOLO same as nolo contondere, a legal plea which accepts punishment without conceding guilt [n]
Other moves: QAT 10F 32, AIOLI 3C 25, LAX 3M 24, LO M3 24, QAID D1 24
QAT 10F 32 renmar, JennyB
QUOIN 10K 16 yab
QUAIL 10K 16 Biddy
QUINA 10K 16 asni

On 18th draw, TIMING O7 35 --- TIMING the selection of the proper moment for doing something [n]
Other moves: MIGNON 1H 30, MINGIN 1H 30, MITOGEN 13G 28, MINION 1H 27, MING O7 25
MING O7 25 renmar
MOOT A6 16 JennyB

On 19th draw, JAI M7 41 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA M7 35, JO M7 35, FINJAN 11J 32, FAIR M7 28, FIAR M7 28
JO M7 35 renmar
JOIN C1 22 yab
JOIN 11I 22 JennyB

On 20th draw, QI N10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 10F 32, QI 10N 31, FAUR B2 26, QAID D1 24, IF B1 23
QI N10 64 yab, JennyB, ELCEE
QAT 10F 32 renmar
FORD L3 22 asni
RANI C2 8 Biddy

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