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Game of September 8, 2011 at 14:19, 9 players
1. 574 pts margalang
2. 569 pts Kenpachi
3. 376 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deoqxy   H8    48    48   desoxy
 2. efkrstu  G11    42    90   kefs
 3. ceegint  12G    36   126   exigence
 4. ?aampru   K5    94   220   rampauge
 5. aeglnrt   G3    67   287   tangler
 6. inoorst   O9    94   381   torsion
 7. hilmnot  14B    38   419   months
 8. beiinot   N3    67   486   niobite
 9. eiilprt   3A    70   556   triplite
10. adehitu  13K    43   599   dah
11. adegqvw   O7    39   638   detorsion
12. aadosty  15A    52   690   tody
13. aceoruu  13B    33   723   eco
14. aeejuwz   J3    73   796   jeez
15. aiilrsw   H1    42   838   alew
16. fgossuw   L2    42   880   gowfs
17. eirsuvv   B1    94   974   surviver
18. abilnru   A7    37  1011   burial
19. aaainqu   O1    38  1049   qua

Remaining tiles: aain

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6294 Filemargalang   1 23:25  -475  574     1.6294 margalang   1 23:25  -475  574 
  2.6475 FileKenpachi    3 13:47  -480  569     2.6475 Kenpachi    3 13:47  -480  569 
  3.3568 Fileding        0 23:01  -673  376     3.6624 ceosickey   1  9:09  -871  178 
  4.5921 Fileworsie      0 13:52  -678  371     4.6691 sunshine12  1  2:53  -980   69 
  5.5204 Fileginalee     0 12:31  -723  326     5.6168 arlo805     0  1:52 -1025   24 
  6.  -  Fileicater      0  8:50  -858  191            Group: novice
  7.6624 Fileceosickey   1  9:09  -871  178     1.5921 worsie      0 13:52  -678  371 
  8.6691 Filesunshine12  1  2:53  -980   69     2.5204 ginalee     0 12:31  -723  326 
  9.6168 Filearlo805     0  1:52 -1025   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.3568 ding        0 23:01  -673  376 
                                             2.  -  icater      0  8:50  -858  191 

On 1st draw, DE(S)OXY H8 48 --- DESOXY having less oxygen than its parent compound [adj]
Other moves: DEOXY H8 40, DE(S)OXY H7 40, DE(T)OX H8 40, (C)ODEX H8 40, (P)ODEX H8 40
DEOXY H8 40 ceosickey
Q(U)EY H8 30 ding
OX(I)DE H4 26 margalang
OXY H7 26 ginalee

On 2nd draw, KEFS G11 42 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KEF G11 41, SEKT G11 38, TEFS G11 34, TEF G11 33, EFTS G12 32
KEF G13 29 margalang
FORKS 11G 24 ginalee, ceosickey
TEX 12F 10 ding

On 3rd draw, EXIGENCE 12G 36 --- EXIGENCE exigency [n]
Other tops: EXEGETIC 12G 36
Other moves: EXCITE 12G 30, EXIGENT 12G 30, EXTINE 12G 26, GECKO 11D 24, ENTICES 14A 22
EXCITE 12G 30 ginalee, ding
NICE G5 12 ceosickey
TINGS 14C 10 margalang

On 4th draw, RAMPAU(G)E K5 94 --- RAMPAUGE to storm [v]
Other moves: RAMPAUG(E) J6 66, RAMPAU(G)E N5 65, RAMPAU(G)E 9A 64, PRAAM(S) O7 45, PRAM(S) O8 42
PRAM(S) O8 42 ginalee
RAMP(S) O8 42 margalang
(S)PAM O12 39 Kenpachi
CAMP M12 20 ding

On 5th draw, TANGLER G3 67 --- TANGLER one that tangles [n]
Other tops: TANGLER I3 67
Other moves: ARGENTAL 6E 63, TRANGLE G2 63, TRANGLE I2 63, PAGER 8K 27, PAGLE 8K 27
PRANG 8K 27 ceosickey
PLAGE 8K 27 Kenpachi
PAGER 8K 27 worsie
PALET 8K 24 ding
PLANT 8K 24 ginalee
GREET N10 20 margalang

On 6th draw, TORSION O9 94 --- TORSION the act of twisting [n]
Other tops: NITROSO O7 94
Other moves: NITROSO I3 68, TORTONIS 3G 68, NOTORNIS 5B 66, ROOTINGS 6A 63, SNOOTIER N6 62
TRONS O8 38 margalang
ROOTS O8 38 worsie
SORT O12 35 Kenpachi
PINTS 8K 24 ginalee
SCORN M11 14 ding
ROOTINGS 6A 13 ceosickey

On 7th draw, MONTHS 14B 38 --- MONTH a period of approximately 30 days [n]
Other tops: HOLM J7 38
Other moves: OHM J5 37, MHO J6 35, HM J6 34, OHM J8 33, HO J6 30
MONTHS 14B 38 ceosickey
HM J6 34 Kenpachi
NOH J4 29 margalang
MONTH 5E 20 ginalee
INCH M10 18 worsie
COT M12 10 ding

On 8th draw, NIOBITE N3 67 --- NIOBITE the mineral columbite [n]
Other moves: TOEBIE N10 36, BOITE H1 31, BINE 15A 30, BONE 15A 30, BONITO 14J 28
BONE 15A 30 Kenpachi
BOET H1 26 margalang
OBI 13B 24 ceosickey
BEN 15A 21 worsie
BENTO C10 14 ginalee
CITE M12 12 ding

On 9th draw, TRIPLITE 3A 70 --- TRIPLITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: TRIPLITE E8 70
Other moves: TRIPLIED 8A 42, LIPE 15A 32, PRICE M9 32, RIPE 15A 32, PIER H1 26
PRICE M9 32 ding
PE J6 24 Kenpachi, worsie
PI 15A 16 margalang
PRINT 3K 14 ginalee

On 10th draw, DAH 13K 43 --- DAH a dash in Morse code [n]
Other tops: DUH 13K 43
Other moves: TATHED A1 42, TITHED A1 42, DEATH O1 40, HAUD J6 40, DETORSION O7 39
TATHED A1 42 margalang
HADE 15A 37 Kenpachi
HATED A1 30 ginalee, worsie
CADE M12 14 ding

On 11th draw, DETORSION O7 39 --- DETORSION
Other moves: AWED O1 37, VADE 15A 37, WADE 15A 37, QAT A1 36, VAW 15A 36
WADE 15A 37 Kenpachi, margalang
QAT A1 36 ginalee
QUAD 10J 34 icater
DEW 15A 30 worsie
VANE 3L 14 ding

On 12th draw, TODY 15A 52 --- TODY a West Indian bird [n]
Other moves: TOADY O1 45, STEY H1 42, TODAYS M5 42, TOEY H1 42, TODAY M5 41
TODY 15A 52 Kenpachi
STEY H1 42 margalang
TOASTY A3 30 worsie
DOTTY A1 30 icater
DOES H1 21 ding
DATA A1 18 ginalee

On 13th draw, ECO 13B 33 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other moves: CERO 13A 31, AUTOCUE A1 30, OUTRACE A1 30, TURACOU A3 30, ACTURE A1 27
CATER A1 24 Kenpachi, margalang
ACER H1 24 ding
ACTOR A1 24 ginalee, worsie, arlo805
ACE O1 17 icater

On 14th draw, JEEZ J3 73 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: ZA J6 66, JEU J6 59, JA J6 54, ZUPA D1 50, JIZ F2 46
ZA J6 66 Kenpachi
JA J6 54 worsie, margalang
JET A1 30 icater
WIZ 4M 25 ding

On 15th draw, ALEW H1 42 --- ALEW a greeting cry, halloo [n]
Other tops: AREW H1 42, SLEW H1 42
Other moves: TWIRLS A3 39, WAIRS L2 31, LAIRISED 8A 30, LAWS M7 30, RAWS M7 30
SLEW H1 42 Kenpachi
WAS L4 27 margalang
WATS A1 24 worsie, icater
WANS 3L 14 ding

On 16th draw, GOWFS L2 42 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: SOWFS L2 40, WOFS L3 38, GROUFS B2 36, FUGS M7 34, GROUF B2 34
WOFS O2 27 Kenpachi
FONS 5E 22 margalang
WIS F2 20 worsie
GOT A1 12 ding
WAGS 1G 8 icater

On 17th draw, SURVIVER B1 94 --- SURVIVER one that survives [n]
Other moves: SURVIVED 8A 57, VIVERS A8 45, VIVRES A8 45, SURVIVE B1 42, STUIVER A2 33
VIES O1 29 Kenpachi
VITE A1 24 ding, margalang
VETS A1 24 icater

On 18th draw, BURIAL A7 37 --- BURIAL the act of burying [n]
Other moves: BAIRN A7 31, BALUN A7 31, BUNIA A7 31, BURAN A7 31, BURIN A7 31
BAIRN A7 31 sunshine12
BARN A7 28 Kenpachi, margalang
BRAIL 8A 24 icater
ARIL 8A 15 ding

On 19th draw, QUA O1 38 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAI 10J 33, QUIN 10J 33, QUA 10J 32, QI F2 31, QUIN 5D 26
QUA O1 38 Kenpachi, sunshine12, margalang
QI F2 31 worsie, ding

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