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Game of September 9, 2011 at 05:32, 4 players
1. 384 pts fatcat
2. 290 pts denbay
3. 128 pts Sharlize

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimnprs   H8    26    26   panims
 2. agilnsu  11C    68    94   linguisa
 3. deeilrt   C6    74   168   tredille
 4. beipqtu   8A    54   222   quep
 5. beirtuz  10J    69   291   zibet
 6. ?degist   K5   106   397   digitise
 7. aehiost  O10    50   447   hostie
 8. aeinoor   9A    24   471   indoor
 9. acdelou   L1    30   501   coaled
10. eilortv   2G    76   577   overtoil
11. ?acdejt   M7   102   679   abjected
12. aenorxy   1A   109   788   anorexy
13. afmnruv   3C    37   825   fanum
14. aeeiknw   4A    51   876   knawe
15. efhoruv   1L    43   919   chef
16. aeorrwy  L12    38   957   wye
17. abgioor   J4    31   988   riba
18. agooruv   I7    33  1021   vag

Remaining tiles: ooru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4867 Filefatcat      0 16:20  -637  384     1.4867 fatcat      0 16:20  -637  384 
  2.3869 Filedenbay      0 16:07  -731  290     2.3869 denbay      0 16:07  -731  290 
  3.3482 FileSharlize    0 18:19  -893  128     3.3482 Sharlize    0 18:19  -893  128 
  4.  -  Filelrb578      0  4:13  -922   99     4.  -  lrb578      0  4:13  -922   99 

On 1st draw, PANIMS H8 26 --- PANIM a heathen [n]
Other tops: PANIMS H4 26, PRIMAS H4 26
Other moves: APISM H8 24, PANIM H4 24, PANIM H8 24, PIMAS H4 24, PRAMS H4 24
SPRAIN H3 22 fatcat
PAIRS H4 20 denbay

On 2nd draw, LINGUISA 11C 68 --- LINGUISA a spicy Portuguese sausage [n]
Other tops: LINGUAS I3 68, LINGUISA 11G 68
Other moves: LIGAN I7 22, AMUSING 12G 20, GILAS I7 20, GULAS G7 20, LASINGS 13B 20
SAILING 11D 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, TREDILLE C6 74 --- TREDILLE a card game for three [n]
Other moves: RETILED I3 71, TILLERED C8 70, DETAILER J8 63, ELATERID 9F 63, RETAILED J8 63
GLIDE F11 11 denbay
TRIPLED 8E 10 fatcat

On 4th draw, QUEP 8A 54 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: PIQUE B2 40, QUIET D4 37, QUITE B2 36, PIQUET 10J 35, EQUIP 12J 34
QUITE I4 19 fatcat
BATE J10 12 denbay

On 5th draw, ZIBET 10J 69 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: ZEBU 10J 66, ZITE 10J 64, ZIT 10J 63, ZERIBA J6 43, ZEBUS I7 42
QUIZ A8 22 fatcat
AZURE J11 16 denbay

On 6th draw, DIG(I)TISE K5 106 --- DIGITISE to put into digital form [v]
Other tops: D(I)GITISE K5 106
Other moves: DIGE(S)TS O4 97, D(U)GITES O4 97, DIGEST(S) O4 96, DISGE(S)T O8 94, GI(U)STED O7 94
DIGEST O6 41 denbay
DIGESTE(D) M7 26 fatcat
DIGEST N5 10 Sharlize

On 7th draw, HOSTIE O10 50 --- HOSTIE (Australian slang) an air hostess [n]
Other moves: ASHET O8 47, ETHOS O8 47, HOSTIE O8 47, SAITHE O10 47, SAITHE O6 47
HEATS O6 41 denbay
THOSE O7 41 fatcat
HEIST N6 16 Sharlize

On 8th draw, INDOOR 9A 24 --- INDOOR pertaining to the interior of a building [adj]
Other moves: AROINT 13J 22, ORIENT 13J 22, RIANT 13K 20, ZANIER J10 19, AEON N12 18
QI A8 11 fatcat
RAINE 15K 6 Sharlize
RODEO 5I 6 denbay

On 9th draw, COALED L1 30 --- COAL to supply with coal (a carbon fuel) [v]
Other tops: COLEAD L1 30
Other moves: CLUED J2 28, COLED J2 28, OUTLEAD N8 28, DUCAT 13K 27, PODIAL D8 27
CLOUDED 5E 22 fatcat
ACID 6I 13 denbay
DOLCE 15K 9 Sharlize

On 10th draw, OVERTOIL 2G 76 --- OVERTOIL to wear out or exhaust by excessive toil [v]
Other moves: VIOLATER 3H 74, OVERLIT I3 70, TELEVISOR 13B 64, OLIVER M2 39, OLIVET M2 39
COVE 1L 27 fatcat, denbay
RECOIL 1J 24 Sharlize

On 11th draw, A(B)JECTED M7 102 --- ABJECT to cast down [v]
Other moves: JE(H)ADI 14J 58, DEJECTA M7 54, DEJECT(A) M7 52, DEJECT(S) M7 52, DEJEC(T)A M7 52
EV(I)CT H1 36 fatcat
EJECT I2 22 lrb578
JADED 5I 14 denbay

On 12th draw, ANOREXY 1A 109 --- ANOREXY lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: ANOREXY 3A 101, AVOYER H1 48, YEX I7 46, COAX 1L 43, NOX I7 40
ANOREXY 1A 59 lrb578
OX 3F 34 fatcat
OVEN H1 24 denbay
AXE 13A 10 Sharlize

On 13th draw, FANUM 3C 37 --- FANUM a cape worn by the pope [n]
Other tops: FUM J6 37, VUM J6 37
Other moves: FUM N13 34, FRAU L12 33, FA J6 31, UNARM 3C 31, FRA L12 29
GRAM F11 13 fatcat
TRAM 6C 12 Sharlize
FADE 5I 8 denbay

On 14th draw, KNAWE 4A 51 --- KNAWE a cornfield weed of the chickweed family [n]
Other moves: WEAK L12 49, WEEK L12 49, KNEW 4A 47, ACKEE 1K 43, EIK J4 39
GEEK F11 19 fatcat
KNEW N4 18 lrb578
WEAKENS 13B 15 Sharlize
AKIN A1 9 denbay

On 15th draw, CHEF 1L 43 --- CHEF a chief cook [n] --- CHEF to work as a chef, CHEFFED, CHEFFING, CHEFS or CHEFED, CHEFING, CHEFS [v]
Other moves: FEH N13 37, FOH J4 36, CHER 1L 34, FROE L12 33, OF J5 32
HER B13 17 fatcat
EVER I2 11 denbay
VORS 13E 8 Sharlize

On 16th draw, WYE L12 38 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other tops: AWRY 5D 38
Other moves: WEY N13 37, WEARY 5E 34, WORRY 5E 34, WRYER 5E 34, AREW L12 33
WAY B13 23 fatcat
REGROW F9 20 denbay
TEARY 6C 10 Sharlize

On 17th draw, RIBA J4 31 --- RIBA the charging of interest, forbidden by Islam [n]
Other moves: OBA J5 30, BAG J6 29, ABRI 5D 28, GIB J4 28, GOB J4 28
BIG B13 16 fatcat
BEG I1 8 denbay

On 18th draw, VAG I7 33 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: AVO I6 32, VAG I5 31, VAR I7 29, VOR I7 29, VAR I5 27
OVA I13 10 fatcat
VIDEO 5I 9 denbay
VARS 13E 8 Sharlize

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