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Game of September 9, 2011 at 06:16, 3 players
1. 314 pts fatcat
2. 216 pts Sharlize
3. 54 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaenpsw   H4    26    26   pawas
 2. ?aorrsu   8A    74   100   arousers
 3. ?aeinox   A1   116   216   anoxemia
 4. abcdhir   F7    73   289   bedchair
 5. deelotw   B7    92   381   troweled
 6. behimrt   D6    80   461   thumbier
 7. aeiloqt   5G    28   489   talaq
 8. eefiior  G11    29   518   orfe
 9. deejnsu  15G    44   562   sujee
10. egirtuy   B1    40   602   gyri
11. aeilnot   1A    30   632   agential
12. deknnou   K5    42   674   quonked
13. demnnou  14J    42   716   menudo
14. aeilost   2H    70   786   isolate
15. aeggiio  13K    27   813   giga
16. efnoptv   1L    46   859   fent
17. iinopvz  15N    52   911   zo
18. ciinpvy   L7    34   945   pyin

Remaining tiles: civv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4858 Filefatcat      0 16:58  -631  314     1.5614 Velly       0  3:31  -891   54 
  2.3310 FileSharlize    0 18:44  -729  216            Group: not rated
  3.5614 FileVelly       0  3:31  -891   54     1.4858 fatcat      0 16:58  -631  314 
                                             2.3310 Sharlize    0 18:44  -729  216 

On 1st draw, PAWAS H4 26 --- PAWA abalone [n]
Other tops: PAWNS H4 26
Other moves: WANES H4 24, WEANS H4 24, APNEAS H3 22, PAEANS H4 22, PAESAN H4 22
APNEAS H3 22 Sharlize

On 2nd draw, AROUS(E)RS 8A 74 --- AROUSER one that arouses [n]
Other tops: AS(S)URORS 8A 74, A(S)SURORS 8A 74
Other moves: PAR(K)OURS 4H 70, PAR(L)OURS 4H 70, SPORU(L)AR 4G 68, AUROR(A)S G7 64, (B)AROSAUR 5C 64
AROUS(E)RS 8D 8 Sharlize

On 3rd draw, ANOXE(M)IA A1 116 --- ANOXEMIA a disorder of the blood [n]
Other moves: ANOXE(M)IA A8 95, ANO(R)EXIA A8 95, ANO(R)EXIA A1 92, ANOREXI(A) B5 82, ANOREXI(C) B5 82
WAXIN(G) 6H 31 fatcat
OXI(D)E C8 19 Sharlize

On 4th draw, B(E)DCHAIR F7 73 --- BEDCHAIR a chair that stands beside a bed [n]
Other moves: CARABID 5E 48, ICHABOD C3 40, RABID B1 38, ABID B2 34, RABI B1 31
CHAIRS E3 22 fatcat
BIRCH(E)D F3 20 Sharlize

On 5th draw, TROWELED B7 92 --- TROWEL to smooth with a trowel (a hand tool having a flat blade) [v]
Other moves: TOWELED I1 83, TROWELED 14E 64, ROWELED B8 38, TOWELED C7 32, LOWED I3 31
TOWELED C7 32 fatcat
WHEEL 11E 22 Velly
TROWELED 14E 14 Sharlize

On 6th draw, THUMBIER D6 80 --- THUMBY awkward [adj]
Other moves: IMBATHE 5E 56, MERIT A11 36, REBIT A11 36, REMIT A11 36, MERIT B1 35
HIM A13 32 Velly
BIRTH 13E 15 fatcat
BIRTH 14D 10 Sharlize

On 7th draw, TALAQ 5G 28 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other tops: QAT I3 28, TALAQ 5E 28
Other moves: QI I3 25, QI E5 24, TELOI I3 21, ALOE I4 19, ILEA I4 19
PILOT 4H 14 fatcat
WEAL 6H 9 Sharlize

On 8th draw, ORFE G11 29 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other moves: ERF G11 26, FEE A13 26, FER A13 26, FIE A13 26, FIR A13 26
FOR A13 26 fatcat
FREER 14E 8 Sharlize

On 9th draw, SUJEE 15G 44 --- SUJEE a ship cleaning agent [n]
Other moves: JUDS L2 39, JEES L2 37, JUS L3 35, JUS 15D 34, ENSUED L3 33
JUDAS J2 31 Sharlize
SEED 15G 23 fatcat

On 10th draw, GYRI B1 40 --- GYRUS a ridge in the brain [n]
Other moves: YITE 6J 39, NITERY 2A 34, RILEY I3 31, YETI 14J 30, TIGERY 6J 29
GRAY J3 16 fatcat, Sharlize

On 11th draw, AGENTIAL 1A 30 --- AGENT one who is authorized to act for another [adj] --- AGENT to act for another with authority [adj] --- AGENTIAL pertaining to an agent [adj]
Other moves: OATEN A11 28, TENIA A11 28, WALI 6H 26, LIONET 6J 25, TINEAL 6J 25
ETOILE K10 12 Sharlize
AGAIN 1A 7 fatcat

On 12th draw, QUONKED K5 42 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: NEK H10 30, DONNE 14J 29, DOUSE E5 28, HONKED 11F 28, HOOKED 11F 28
NAKED J4 20 fatcat
QUOD K5 14 Sharlize

On 13th draw, MENUDO 14J 42 --- MENUDO a tripe stew with chili peppers [n]
Other moves: DEMON A11 40, MONDE 14J 40, MOUND 14J 40, DEMON 14J 33, MOUSE E5 30
MENU 14K 16 fatcat
DEMON 10J 14 Sharlize

On 14th draw, ISOLATE 2H 70 --- ISOLATE to set apart from others [v]
Other moves: ISOLATED N7 61, OSTIA L4 34, STOAI L5 34, LATENS L10 33, TALONS L10 33
TALES L1 27 fatcat
LEAST 10J 9 Sharlize

On 15th draw, GIGA 13K 27 --- GIGA a lively dance [n]
Other tops: GAGE 13K 27
Other moves: AGOG 13L 26, GAE 15M 24, GEO 15M 24, GIE 15M 24, GIO 15M 24
KEG 9K 10 fatcat, Sharlize

On 16th draw, FENT 1L 46 --- FENT a slit [n]
Other moves: PENT 1L 38, PEON 1L 38, TOP 15M 35, VOE 15M 35, NETOP A11 34
PAVE L1 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, ZO 15N 52 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: POZ A13 49, PIZE 10H 35, ZEP 10J 34, POZ J10 33, ZEIN 10J 33
ZIP 4F 16 fatcat

On 18th draw, PYIN L7 34 --- PYIN a protein compound contained in pus [n]
Other moves: YIP A13 32, YIP J10 32, ICY H10 30, YIN J10 30, CAY J4 29
VICE 10H 15 fatcat

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