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Game of September 9, 2011 at 16:54, 7 players
1. 500 pts raggedy01
2. 432 pts paulineasb
3. 430 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. anoopwy   H8    34    34   powny
 2. addegru   I3    75   109   guarded
 3. ainossx   H2    38   147   sax
 4. afiklns  12C    32   179   flisky
 5. abioqtu  11E    46   225   qi
 6. ?iorrvw   5G    32   257   reavow
 7. eilnorr   2A    70   327   loriners
 8. ehimstu   M2    88   415   tumshie
 9. ceeimop   A1    42   457   clomp
10. ?aelttu   C7    72   529   tasteful
11. aefiotv   L8    39   568   fovea
12. bdeiorr  13I    34   602   bider
13. aceiilt   D4    78   680   ciliate
14. aeegnoy   4K    43   723   gamey
15. aehinoo   O4    33   756   yahoo
16. eijnrst   2J    58   814   jitter
17. aeeginn   A1    45   859   clomping
18. adnnost   G7    25   884   sado
19. abeentz  14F    37   921   zeta
20. beennnu  F10    25   946   bis

Remaining tiles: eennnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5869 Fileraggedy01   2 21:54  -446  500     1.6457 shanice     1 19:12  -516  430 
  2.4257 Filepaulineasb  1 22:39  -514  432     2.6648 sunshine12  2 12:42  -662  284 
  3.6457 Fileshanice     1 19:12  -516  430            Group: novice
  4.5812 Filenarisa      1  9:59  -656  290     1.5869 raggedy01   2 21:54  -446  500 
  5.6648 Filesunshine12  2 12:42  -662  284     2.5812 narisa      1  9:59  -656  290 
  6.4629 FileChiliB.     0  9:26  -679  267     3.5554 mazscot     1 16:35  -682  264 
  7.5554 Filemazscot     1 16:35  -682  264            Group: not rated
                                             1.4257 paulineasb  1 22:39  -514  432 
                                             2.4629 ChiliB.     0  9:26  -679  267 

On 1st draw, POWNY H8 34 --- POWNY a pony [n]
Other moves: POWNY H4 32, NOWAY H8 30, YAPON H4 28, POWAN H4 26, POWNY H5 26
YAWN H5 20 paulineasb, raggedy01
PAWN H5 18 shanice

On 2nd draw, GUARDED I3 75 --- GUARD to protect [v]
Other moves: UNGRADED 11G 72, UPGRADED 8G 65, DAUNDER 11E 36, RAUNGED 11E 36, RUGAE G7 25
GUARDED I3 75 raggedy01
DREAD I5 19 shanice
GRANDE 11E 16 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, SAX H2 38 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other moves: AX H3 37, AXIONS J9 35, AXONS J1 35, SAX J8 35, SYNAXIS 12G 34
AXIS J1 32 raggedy01, shanice
APEX 8G 13 paulineasb

On 4th draw, FLISKY 12C 32 --- FLISKY skittish [adj]
Other tops: LAIKS G9 32, NAIKS G9 32
Other moves: FLAKY 12D 30, LAIK G9 30, NAIFS G9 30, NAIK G9 30, ALFAKIS 5I 28
SLINKY 12C 26 paulineasb

On 5th draw, QI 11E 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUAI 13A 38, QUARTO 6F 37, BURQA 6G 36, QUART 6F 36, QUIRT 6F 36
QI 11E 46 shanice, raggedy01
QUARTO 6F 37 paulineasb

On 6th draw, R(E)AVOW 5G 32 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: VOW 10F 31, WOW 10F 31, V(A)W 10F 30, V(O)W 10F 30, W(A)W 10F 30
VOW G1 26 shanice
WORRI(E)S 2B 22 raggedy01, paulineasb
WAG 3G 11 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, LORINERS 2A 70 --- LORINER a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles [n]
Other moves: LONER 4K 24, VEIN J5 21, LOIN 4K 20, LOIR 4K 20, LONE 4K 20
OWNER L4 18 ChiliB.
NO 4K 16 shanice
ROWER L3 16 paulineasb, raggedy01

On 8th draw, TUMSHIE M2 88 --- TUMSHIE a turnip [n]
Other moves: TUMSHIE 6A 68, THEISM 13A 51, EISH 13C 44, MUSTH M3 40, EMUS 1A 36
METHS M1 32 mazscot
SLIME A1 30 ChiliB., paulineasb, shanice, narisa
EH 1A 26 raggedy01

On 9th draw, CLOMP A1 42 --- CLOMP to walk heavily and clumsily [v]
Other moves: CLEPE A1 36, CLIME A1 36, CLIPE A1 36, CEPE 8L 33, CLEM A1 33
CLOMP A1 42 paulineasb
CLIP A1 33 raggedy01, narisa, shanice
PIECE 8K 30 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, TA(S)TEFUL C7 72 --- TASTEFUL full of taste [adj]
Other moves: TE(X)TUAL L7 69, RE(B)UTTAL C2 68, TUTELA(R) N8 68, T(O)LUATE N8 68, TE(X)TUAL J8 67
LATE N1 18 raggedy01
ATE 13A 16 narisa
(S)ALUTE L7 16 mazscot
(P)LEAT 8K 15 ChiliB.
LEFT C10 14 shanice
(S)AT 9M 14 sunshine12
WE L5 10 paulineasb

On 11th draw, FOVEA L8 39 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: AWETO L4 36, VITTAE 2J 34, FEAT 8L 33, FEET 8L 33, FETA 8L 33
FEET 8L 33 narisa
FEAT 8L 33 sunshine12
FEAT 8A 24 raggedy01, shanice
FIAT 8A 24 paulineasb
EVE 8M 18 mazscot

On 12th draw, BIDER 13I 34 --- BIDER one that bides [n]
Other tops: BORED 13I 34
Other moves: BORER 13I 32, BRIER 13I 32, BRAIDE 8A 30, BRAIRD 8A 30, DOAB 8A 30
BRAIDE 8A 30 paulineasb
DRAB 8A 30 sunshine12
BEAD 8A 27 narisa, shanice
BEARD 8A 27 ChiliB.
BRAID 8A 27 raggedy01
BREED 11J 16 mazscot

On 13th draw, CILIATE D4 78 --- CILIATE one of a class of ciliated protozoans [n]
Other moves: CILIATE 14E 74, ALLICE 14B 28, CATTIE 2J 28, CATTLE 2J 28, ATELIC N6 27
CLAT 8A 21 ChiliB., sunshine12
FEET 8L 21 narisa
FEEL 8L 21 paulineasb
CLEAT 14B 18 mazscot

On 14th draw, GAMEY 4K 43 --- GAMEY plucky [adj]
Other moves: YOWE L3 38, YAMEN 4K 37, ELEGY 14B 34, ELOGY 14B 34, GAMY 4K 33
ANY N2 25 sunshine12
GONE N1 20 narisa
ALONG 14B 20 mazscot
AGONY 14E 20 raggedy01
LAY 6D 14 shanice
ENVY 10J 12 ChiliB.
YEA 11K 12 paulineasb

On 15th draw, YAHOO O4 33 --- YAHOO a coarse, uncouth person [n]
Other moves: HAW 10F 31, HEW 10F 31, HOW 10F 31, OHO G8 31, AHOY O1 30
HOW 10F 31 sunshine12
HEW 10F 31 shanice
HONE N1 20 narisa
NEATH 2J 20 raggedy01
HIVE 10J 18 paulineasb, ChiliB.
HALO 14A 14 mazscot

On 16th draw, JITTER 2J 58 --- JITTER to fidget [v]
Other moves: JETS N10 36, JINS N10 36, JIVERS 10J 34, JIVER 10J 33, JIVES 10J 33
JIVERS 10J 34 shanice, mazscot
JIVES 10J 33 ChiliB.
JILTERS 14A 32 raggedy01
JEST 2J 27 narisa
JUT 3L 25 sunshine12
JETS 11K 22 paulineasb

On 17th draw, CLOMPING A1 45 --- CLOMP to walk heavily and clumsily [v]
Other moves: VEENA J5 26, ENGINE 14F 22, AGENE 1C 21, AGENE J7 21, VEIN J5 21
CLOMPING A1 45 sunshine12, narisa, mazscot
GLEAN 14B 16 ChiliB., paulineasb
JA J2 13 raggedy01

On 18th draw, SADO G7 25 --- SADO a Japanese tea ceremony [n]
Other tops: SODA G7 25
Other moves: DANS E5 24, DONS E5 24, DOTS E5 24, ADO G8 23, DATO G7 23
TOAD 14G 20 shanice
DOW 10F 19 sunshine12
DONS N10 18 narisa
DO 1N 18 raggedy01
SOD N13 17 mazscot
TO 1N 14 paulineasb
DOLT 14A 10 ChiliB.

On 19th draw, ZETA 14F 37 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: BAIZE J11 36, BLAZE 14B 36, BIZE J12 35, BIZ J12 34, LEAZE 14C 34
BAIZE J11 36 raggedy01
ZEE 11K 24 shanice, paulineasb
ZEA 11K 24 mazscot
ZEA 14G 16 sunshine12
ZIT J12 14 ChiliB.

On 20th draw, BIS F10 25 --- BI a bisexual [n] --- BIS twice [adv]
Other tops: BOW 10F 25, NENE 15G 25
Other moves: BEDE K11 24, BEDU K11 24, BE 1N 22, BED K11 22, BENE 1D 22
BIS F10 25 sunshine12
BED K11 22 shanice
BE 1N 22 raggedy01
BEN F6 19 paulineasb
ONE 3A 12 ChiliB.
BIN 5C 10 mazscot

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