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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of September 9, 2011 at 22:17

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEJLRW             J(O)WLER H4 46 46  
2 ADEGNRS             GARDENS 10B 81 127  
3 ACEISTV             VESICATE 8A 92 219  
4 AHILNQT             SHAITAN C8 28 247  
5 ?ADEGNO             (S)ONDAGE 15C 87 334  
6 BEEFILT             LIFEBELT 7H 65 399  
7 ILNOSTT             JOINTS 4H 26 425  
8 DNORSTU             ROTUNDS J9 73 498  
9 CEIKLOP             KLEPTO O3 39 537  
10 AEEHIOZ             ZOEAE 3I 79 616  
11 AEILNPU             PINNULAE 13G 78 694  
12 AFMRTWY             WAFERY N10 46 740  
13 CEGIMMT             MEM 2J 32 772  
14 ACGIOVY FY 12N 12 -16 12 4/6 VATIC 12A 28 800 9/9
15 EIOQRUX OX 12G 38 -7 50 3/7 ORYX 15L 45 845 8/9
16 AHIIORT WHOT 6H 26 -4 76 2/8 RAHUI K10 30 875 8/11
17 BEGITUY VIBE A12 27 -5 103 3/8 BUNGIE 14A 32 907 7/11
18 DIOOTUY WOOD 6H 22 -2 125 1/7 YOLD N5 24 931 7/11

Total: 125/931 or -806 for 13.42%
Rank: 7799

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