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Game sheet of sharpet (file), Game of September 9, 2011 at 22:17

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEJLRW             J(O)WLER H4 46 46  
2 ADEGNRS GARDENS 9F 12 -69 12 3/3   10B 81 127 3/3
3 ACEISTV CASTE F6 13 -79 25 3/3 VESICATE 8A 92 219 3/3
4 AHILNQT             SHAITAN C8 28 247 3/3
5 ?ADEGNO             (S)ONDAGE 15C 87 334 3/3
6 BEEFILT FEEL 14I 14 -51 39 2/4 LIFEBELT 7H 65 399 3/4
7 ILNOSTT STILT O6 15 -11 54 5/6 JOINTS 4H 26 425 3/6
8 DNORSTU RESOUND M6 9 -64 63 6/6 ROTUNDS J9 73 498 3/7
9 CEIKLOP             KLEPTO O3 39 537 5/7
10 AEEHIOZ             ZOEAE 3I 79 616 6/7
11 AEILNPU PLACED E5 22 -56 85 4/7 PINNULAE 13G 78 694 6/8
12 AFMRTWY             WAFERY N10 46 740 6/8
13 CEGIMMT             MEM 2J 32 772 7/8
14 ACGIOVY             VATIC 12A 28 800 7/9
15 EIOQRUX             ORYX 15L 45 845 7/9
16 AHIIORT             RAHUI K10 30 875 7/11
17 BEGITUY             BUNGIE 14A 32 907 8/11
18 DIOOTUY             YOLD N5 24 931 8/11

Total: 85/931 or -846 for 9.129%
Rank: 2477

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