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Game of September 10, 2011 at 13:50, 9 players
1. 541 pts yab
2. 507 pts mylover81
3. 497 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeflrs   H4    26    26   feares
 2. adegiop   G5    25    51   apode
 3. ?jmrsuu  10B    45    96   jorums
 4. adnotwz   C9    48   144   zonda
 5. ?aginov   4H    82   226   favoring
 6. aadeilr  B10    35   261   jailed
 7. cegknow   3K    42   303   woke
 8. deostty   2J    53   356   ytost
 9. cehlnoy   1G    35   391   hyen
10. efirtuv   2A    97   488   furtive
11. abegint  15B    95   583   debating
12. aiinqtu   D4    45   628   quintar
13. ainostx  13B    68   696   laxations
14. deeglor   1A    41   737   ogee
15. eelmorw  12I    84   821   eelworm
16. abcdhio   N9    40   861   chorda
17. bcilpru  15L    40   901   puli
18. bciilrr   O4    24   925   gibli

Remaining tiles: crr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6913 Fileyab         1 19:57  -384  541     1.7121 mylover81   2 17:16  -418  507 
  2.7121 Filemylover81   2 17:16  -418  507            Group: intermediate
  3.6704 Fileuna         2 19:46  -428  497     1.6913 yab         1 19:57  -384  541 
  4.5067 Filejustinlee   0 20:51  -482  443     2.6704 una         2 19:46  -428  497 
  5.5878 FileELCEE       0 17:07  -513  412     3.6587 sunshine12  0  4:53  -796  129 
  6.4680 FileChiliB.     1 21:26  -561  364     4.6167 arlo805     0  1:41  -902   23 
  7.3863 FileSuzette     1 17:34  -667  258            Group: novice
  8.6587 Filesunshine12  0  4:53  -796  129     1.5067 justinlee   0 20:51  -482  443 
  9.6167 Filearlo805     0  1:41  -902   23     2.5878 ELCEE       0 17:07  -513  412 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4680 ChiliB.     1 21:26  -561  364 
                                             2.3863 Suzette     1 17:34  -667  258 

On 1st draw, FEARES H4 26 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other tops: FALSER H4 26, FARLES H4 26, FERALS H4 26, FLARES H4 26, FLASER H4 26, FLEERS H4 26
Other moves: FALSE H4 24, FARES H4 24, FARLE H4 24, FARLS H4 24, FARSE H4 24
FLEERS H4 26 ChiliB., una
FLARES H4 26 yab
FALSER H4 26 Suzette
FEELS H4 24 justinlee

On 2nd draw, APODE G5 25 --- APODE an animal without feet or fins [n]
Other moves: PODIA G6 23, DOPA G6 22, DOPE G6 22, PADI G6 22, APODE G2 21
FIDGE 4H 20 yab
PIED G3 20 una
PAGED 5E 18 justinlee
EDGE 5E 12 ChiliB.
PAGES 9D 9 Suzette

On 3rd draw, J(O)RUMS 10B 45 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other tops: JU(G)UMS 10B 45
Other moves: JUM(A)RS 10B 41, JiSM F2 33, J(O)RUMS F7 32, J(A)MS F2 31, J(O)RUM F7 31
J(O)RS F7 28 yab, una
J(A)MS 10D 27 ELCEE, Suzette
JUM(P)S 10C 22 justinlee
J(A) I3 20 mylover81
F(A)RMS 4H 18 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, Z(O)NDA C9 48 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: ZA 9C 43, ZO 9C 43, W(O)OTZ C9 40, DAWT I6 31, OZAENA 5E 30
ZO 9C 43 mylover81, yab, una, ELCEE
Z(O)OT C9 22 Suzette
Z(O)O C9 21 justinlee, ChiliB.

On 5th draw, FAVO(R)ING 4H 82 --- FAVOR to regard with approval [v]
Other moves: VAR(Y)ING D8 48, VIN(E)GAR D4 35, AROIN(T) D9 31, VADING 12A 30, JOIN(S) B10 29
JOIN(S) B10 29 mylover81
VI(S)ON 14A 28 Suzette
VI(S)A 14A 26 yab
DIV(I)NG 12C 24 ChiliB.
OVAR(Y) D7 23 una
GA(S) 14A 20 justinlee

On 6th draw, JAILED B10 35 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: AREAD D9 34, JAILER B10 33, AREAL D9 31, AREAR D9 31, RAILED D10 28
JAILED B10 35 mylover81
GLADIER O4 27 yab
GLIDER O4 24 una, justinlee
GRADE O4 21 ELCEE, Suzette
DRAG O1 18 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, WOKE 3K 42 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WOK 3K 38, GECKO O4 36, EWK D12 34, KIDGE 12A 32, WICKEN M3 32
WOKE 3K 42 mylover81
GECKO O4 36 justinlee, yab, ELCEE
KIDGE 12A 32 una
KING M3 18 ChiliB.
W(R)ECK L3 13 Suzette

On 8th draw, YTOST 2J 53 --- TOSS to throw lightly [v]
Other moves: YORES D8 46, SORTED D8 42, DETORTS D6 40, EDDY 15A 39, TORTES D8 39
SYE 2M 31 mylover81
YE A14 29 una
ODDEST 15A 27 yab
WOODY K3 24 justinlee
TESTY 14A 23 Suzette
PATTED 6G 11 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, HYEN 1G 35 --- HYEN Shakespearean form of HYENA [n]
Other moves: ECHO D12 33, CANEH 11A 32, CHON 1G 32, ECHO 1G 32, ODYLE 15A 30
CHON 1G 32 yab
HE A14 29 una
HELO 1G 26 mylover81
HIDE 12A 24 justinlee
YON 1H 23 ChiliB.
HUN E9 12 Suzette

On 10th draw, FURTIVE 2A 97 --- FURTIVE stealthy [adj]
Other moves: ERUV D12 33, GRIVET O4 30, FE A14 29, FET I7 29, FIT I7 29
FURTIVE 2A 47 yab
FE A14 29 mylover81
GRIEF O4 27 Suzette, una
GIVER O4 27 justinlee, ELCEE
VIVE J4 18 ChiliB.

On 11th draw, DEBATING 15B 95 --- DEBATE to argue about [v]
Other moves: BANE A12 50, BANI A12 50, BATE A12 50, NGATI A11 48, BARNET D8 47
DEBATING 15B 45 justinlee, yab
FEATING A2 36 mylover81, ELCEE
BI A14 25 Suzette
GATING O4 24 una
GRAB C1 14 ChiliB.

On 12th draw, QUINTAR D4 45 --- QUINTAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QUAINT 14G 33, QUANT 14G 32, QUAI 14G 31, QUAT 14G 31, QUART D7 29
QUAINT 14G 33 ELCEE, ChiliB., yab, una, sunshine12
QUINT E9 28 justinlee
QUAT E9 26 mylover81
IN 1A 23 arlo805

On 13th draw, LAXATIONS 13B 68 --- LAXATION the act of relaxing [n]
Other moves: AXIONS 14I 61, OX 1A 51, NGAIOS O3 33, NGATIS O3 33, AXION 14I 31
OX 1A 51 mylover81
TAXI 14E 30 una
XU E9 28 yab
FIX A2 21 ChiliB.
HEX G1 21 sunshine12
TUX 5C 20 justinlee
TAXING I10 15 Suzette

On 14th draw, OGEE 1A 41 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: FORELEG A2 36, DIDO 12A 34, EGO 1A 32, EIDE 12A 30, IDEE 12B 30
FORELEG A2 36 yab
DIDO 12A 34 mylover81
GREED O4 21 justinlee, ChiliB.
EF A1 15 sunshine12
DE I6 14 una
GREEDS J8 10 Suzette

On 15th draw, EELWORM 12I 84 --- EELWORM a small roundworm [n]
Other moves: EELWORMS J6 67, WIDE 12A 42, IDEM 12B 36, EIDE 12A 30, GLOWER O4 30
WIDE 12A 42 mylover81, ELCEE
GLOWER O4 30 justinlee, yab, una
GROWL O4 27 ChiliB., sunshine12

On 16th draw, CHORDA N9 40 --- CHORDA a primitive sort of spinal column [n]
Other tops: ICHABOD M7 40
Other moves: CHORIA N9 38, ABOHM O8 36, BIRCH N10 36, BARDIC N10 34, DIDO 12A 34
ABOHM O8 36 yab
DIDO 12A 34 una
MOCH O12 33 sunshine12
MACH O12 33 ELCEE, mylover81, justinlee, ChiliB.

On 17th draw, PULI 15L 40 --- PULI a long-haired sheepdog [n]
Other moves: CURLI 15K 37, PLU 15M 28, PUB E9 28, POILU M11 26, BOIL M11 24
PULI 15L 40 una
BI O14 16 mylover81
PUB 5C 14 justinlee
CURL K9 12 ChiliB.
BAN 11A 5 yab

On 18th draw, GIBLI O4 24 --- GIBLI a hot desert wind [n]
Other moves: BOI M11 20, BI I7 19, BIRCH 10J 18, BI 14E 16, CLUB 5B 16
CLUB 5B 16 yab
BRILL K8 14 ChiliB.
CUB 5C 14 mylover81
BLUR 5B 12 justinlee
QI 4D 11 una

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