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Game of September 10, 2011 at 14:33, 9 players
1. 497 pts una
2. 303 pts raggedy01
3. 281 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailppry   H7    34    34   ripply
 2. ?dddeny  12G    24    58   hydyne
 3. ?ddeott   G2    66   124   dottled
 4. aeinosv   M9    85   209   evasion
 5. aahiltw   H1    40   249   tawai
 6. aaeeimr  15I    30   279   remanie
 7. dhnostu   7D    64   343   undershot
 8. acceglw  14I    33   376   awe
 9. egnorsx  14M    40   416   oxo
10. aiilntu  13A    68   484   nautili
11. beggors   N3    67   551   boggers
12. cegiqrz   D3    36   587   cirque
13. abehios   O4    59   646   hoise
14. abemrrz   A8    54   700   brazen
15. eenortv   K2    72   772   overtone
16. agklmnu  11J    37   809   kama
17. afgjlno   M1    33   842   goaf
18. cfillnu   E9    22   864   unific

Remaining tiles: jllu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6695 Fileuna         1 19:23  -367  497     1.6695 una         1 19:23  -367  497 
  2.5891 Fileraggedy01   1 12:11  -561  303     2.6591 ceosickey   0  2:54  -811   53 
  3.3869 FileSuzette     1 12:41  -583  281            Group: novice
  4.5760 Filesuitable    0  8:16  -736  128     1.5891 raggedy01   1 12:11  -561  303 
  5.5724 Filejimbo       0  2:24  -768   96     2.5760 suitable    0  8:16  -736  128 
  6.4679 FileChiliB.     0  3:10  -782   82     3.5724 jimbo       0  2:24  -768   96 
  7.6591 Fileceosickey   0  2:54  -811   53     4.5867 ELCEE       0  0:43  -832   32 
  8.5867 FileELCEE       0  0:43  -832   32     5.5926 soccer1313  0  1:28  -832   32 
  9.5926 Filesoccer1313  0  1:28  -832   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.3869 Suzette     1 12:41  -583  281 
                                             2.4679 ChiliB.     0  3:10  -782   82 

On 1st draw, RIPPLY H7 34 --- RIPPLY marked by ripples [adj]
Other moves: APPLY H8 32, LIPPY H8 32, PAPYRI H4 32, PAPYRI H3 28, PAPYRI H7 28
LIPPY H8 32 una, ELCEE, ChiliB., soccer1313

On 2nd draw, (H)YDYNE 12G 24 --- HYDYNE a rocket-launching fuel [n]
Other tops: D(I)DDLEY 11D 24, (A)DDEDLY 11C 24
Other moves: DYk*Y 12D 22, D(I)DDLY 11D 22, D(O)PEY 10F 22, DE(A)DLY 11D 20, DYN(O)DE 12G 20
DE(A)DLY 11D 20 ChiliB.
RYE 7H 10 una

On 3rd draw, DOTT(L)ED G2 66 --- DOTTLED foolish [adj]
Other tops: DOTT(L)ED I2 66
Other moves: D(I)TTOED G2 65, D(I)TTOED I2 65, DETORT(E)D 7D 61, D(E)TORTED 7D 61, (B)EDOTTED L6 61
DOTTED I3 17 una
DENT(E)D K10 14 ChiliB.

On 4th draw, EVASION M9 85 --- EVASION the act of evading [n]
Other moves: STOVAINE 4F 74, STOVAINE 5F 72, EVASION I1 66, NATIVES 5E 40, VANE H1 32
VANE H1 32 una
VANES K10 16 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, TAWAI H1 40 --- TAWAI (Maori) a New Zealand beech [n]
Other moves: HAW H1 35, TAHA H1 35, TAWA H1 35, THALIAN 15G 33, ATWAIN 15H 30
HAW H1 35 una

On 6th draw, REMANIE 15I 30 --- REMANIE a fossil [n]
Other tops: AMNIA 15K 30
Other moves: ELEMI 11G 29, RAMEE I6 28, RAMIE I6 28, AIRMAN 15H 27, AIRMEN 15H 27
AIRMAN 15H 27 una
MINER 15K 24 Suzette
MEE I2 22 suitable

On 7th draw, UNDERSHOT 7D 64 --- UNDERSHOOT [v]
Other moves: TOHOS 14J 37, SHUTDOWN 3B 32, DOH 14H 30, DUH 14H 30, HO 14J 30
HODS N6 18 una
HONEST 9J 9 Suzette

On 8th draw, AWE 14I 33 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: CLAG 8A 32, CLAW 14G 32, CLAW 6J 32, CLEG 8A 32, CLEW 14G 32
CLAW 14G 32 una
GLOW K5 16 Suzette
LEACH J3 16 suitable

On 9th draw, OXO 14M 40 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: EXON 8A 39, OXEN 8A 39, OXER 8A 39, OXES 8A 39, OX 14M 36
OXO 14M 40 Suzette
OXEN 8A 39 una
XI N14 36 raggedy01

On 10th draw, NAUTILI 13A 68 --- NAUTILUS a spiral-shelled mollusk [n]
Other moves: LANITAL 11H 28, INTIL I1 25, TUINA 8A 23, ANTI I1 21, INTI I1 21
LAIN 8A 18 una
LANT 8A 18 raggedy01
HILT J7 9 Suzette

On 11th draw, BOGGERS N3 67 --- BOGGER (Australian slang) a toilet [n]
Other moves: GORGE 8A 34, GREGO 8A 34, REGGO 8A 34, GLOBE 11G 33, BERG 8A 32
BOGGERS N3 67 raggedy01
BONGS A11 27 suitable
SNOB A12 21 una
BEGOT L3 16 Suzette

On 12th draw, CIRQUE D3 36 --- CIRQUE a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountain [n]
Other tops: ZIG 6B 36
Other moves: DARZI 2G 35, PIZE 10H 35, ZEP 10F 34, ZIP 10F 34, CRAZE B11 32
ZIP 10F 34 raggedy01
ZERO 4K 26 una
QUIZ D6 23 Suzette
ZOWIE 3F 18 suitable
QI O2 15 jimbo

On 13th draw, HOISE O4 59 --- HOISE to hoist [v]
Other moves: HEBONAS A9 39, BOSH 12B 33, BOHEA 8A 32, HES O7 32, ISOBATH L2 32
HOES O1 31 una
BIOS 9A 25 Suzette
BASE 8A 18 jimbo
NAB A13 15 raggedy01

On 14th draw, BRAZEN A8 54 --- BRAZEN to face boldly [v]
Other moves: MAZE 8A 45, MEZE 8A 45, MZEE 8A 45, BAZAR B10 44, RAZEE 8A 44
BRAZEN A8 54 una
MAZE 8A 45 jimbo, Suzette, suitable
ZAP 10F 34 raggedy01

On 15th draw, OVERTONE K2 72 --- OVERTONE a higher partial tone [n]
Other moves: OVERHENT J3 68, ROTAN B10 31, TORAN B10 31, EEVN I2 28, NEVE I2 28
ZONER 11A 28 raggedy01
NOTA B10 23 una
VOTER D11 18 jimbo, ceosickey
VERT L4 14 Suzette

On 16th draw, KAMA 11J 37 --- KAMA earthly desire [n]
Other moves: MALA B10 35, MANA B10 35, GAMA B10 33, MAK 12C 32, KANA 11J 31
MANA B10 35 una, raggedy01, ceosickey
MALT D10 12 Suzette

On 17th draw, GOAF M1 33 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: LOAF M1 31, GALA B10 29, OAF M2 29, FLAN M1 28, JAP 10F 28
ZONAL 11A 28 raggedy01
JOG 2J 27 Suzette
JA M2 26 una

On 18th draw, UNIFIC E9 22 --- UNIFIC unifying [adj]
Other moves: FIKY J9 21, GIF 1M 21, FICIN E10 20, FAIL B12 19, FAIN B12 19
GIF 1M 21 una, Suzette
UNIT D10 8 raggedy01

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