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Game sheet of TwoFold (file), Game of September 11, 2011 at 03:39

Word find
Word played
1 ?ACEGJS             JAGE(R)S H4 42 42  
2 ?AELMRW MAW G5 28 -70 28 1/3 LAWMA(K)ER 5D 98 140 3/3
3 AACEGRX CARE 4A 22 -14 50 3/3 CAREX J2 36 176 3/3
4 ADLRSUV LARDS L1 27 -10 77 2/4 VARUS L1 37 213 3/4
5 DEEHIPZ ZED 4C 33 -15 110 2/4 ZAIRE 3I 48 261 3/4
6 ABEOPRT PROBE 6B 30 -34 140 1/4 PROBATES 9A 64 325 3/4
7 DEIOTUV VOTED 4A 33 -33 173 1/4 OUTDRIVE B5 66 391 3/4
8 EEINNOS NEEPS A6 36   209 1/4       427 3/4
9 AHIIRST SHIRT 13B 29 -13 238 3/4 HART A12 42 469 3/5
10 EEHINUU VINE 1L 21   259 1/5       490 3/5
11 EFINOOS NOSE N1 23 -7 282 2/4 SEIF N3 30 520 3/5
12 ABELOTU TABLE O5 28 -40 310 1/4 OUTBLEAT F7 68 588 3/5
13 ADENORT             ATTORNED 14E 61 649 3/5
14 CDHNTUY HOY H13 27 -17 337 4/4 YUCH O6 44 693 3/5
15 EIMNNTW MEOW H12 36   373 2/4       729 3/5
16 GIILNOP PING C12 22 -8 395 3/3 LIPIN 15K 30 759 3/5
17 AFKNOOY YAK 4C 30 -6 425 2/3 KAYO 4C 36 795 3/5
18 DGGILNO NOD C12 14 -15 439 3/3 ANGOLA 13A 29 824 3/5
19 DDGIINO DINK C1 18 -11 457 1/3 RIDDING K5 29 853 3/5

Total: 457/853 or -396 for 53.57%
Rank: 6725

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