M*CK."> M*CK.">
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Game sheet of JennyB (file), Game of September 11, 2011 at 08:18

Word find
Word played
1 AIRSSTY STRAYS H8 26   26 1/4       26 1/4
2 ?ENOOVW WAVE(S) 11G 20 -53 46 2/5 OVE(R)WORN 10B 73 99 1/5
3 ?DEFGII F(R)IDGE(S) E9 20 -60 66 2/3 EDIFYI(N)G 12D 80 179 1/5
4 DEGHINS             HEDGINGS K6 78 257 1/7
5 ADIORSY DAISY 8K 30 -12 96 2/5 DYADS 8K 42 299 1/7
6 EENOORT FONT G12 11 -61 107 2/5 ENROOTED N1 72 371 1/7
7 AHLLOQT HA O1 32 -1 139 3/7 HAET 1L 33 404 1/7
8 ABCELOR BRACE J3 30 -46 169 1/7 ALBACORE M8 76 480 1/8
9 AEMNPTT MEET 15L 27 -15 196 6/6 PEATMEN 15H 42 522 1/8
10 ABEGNOR             BEGROANS 8A 86 608 1/8
11 AFIORUU FAIRY L4 29 -5 225 1/7 AURIFY L3 34 642 1/8
12 ADEJLRU JADE 13A 26 -4 251 4/7   13B 30 672 1/8
13 ILNORUX LOX 14A 47   298 4/7       719 1/8
14 AEIIILR AE 15A 22 -19 320 3/6 ILEA 15A 41 760 1/8
15 EILPTUV PIA F6 11 -21 331 6/6 LEPT J4 32 792 1/8
16 IIMOQRU QUA F6 32 -2 363 4/7 ROQUE B4 34 826 1/8
17 EIINTUW WING C5 28 -15 391 2/8 TEWING C3 43 869 1/8
18 CIKMUVZ ZA J14 31 -23 422 3/6 MIZ D2 54 923 1/8
19 CIIKUUV M*CK 2D 18 -11 440 2/5 KI 11D 29 952 1/8

Total: 440/952 or -512 for 46.21%
Rank: 6343

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