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Game of September 11, 2011 at 18:12, 7 players
1. 533 pts jeff
2. 518 pts immy
3. 470 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceorstw   H7    30    30   escrow
 2. ahilpst  11G    76   106   hospital
 3. deerstx   O7   112   218   dexters
 4. ?aeijor   L5    80   298   jarosite
 5. eenpruy   N2    29   327   pyrene
 6. ?fgootw   M1    38   365   wof
 7. aeimtuv  10B    31   396   vitamer
 8. agghist   D3    80   476   gastight
 9. ?aeelln   B8    70   546   novellae
10. ddmnoty  15A    42   588   demy
11. beefnou   A6    36   624   feeb
12. bdiooru  14D    71   695   boudoir
13. aadiotv   C9    32   727   oidia
14. acnoqru  13I    45   772   qua
15. acoortu   G1    64   836   touraco
16. aeiilnn   H1    28   864   aine
17. gintuvz  12A    34   898   glitz
18. iiknnuv   I2    24   922   kinin

Remaining tiles: lnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7044 Filejeff        0 18:28  -389  533     1.7044 jeff        0 18:28  -389  533 
  2.6845 Fileimmy        2 13:27  -404  518            Group: intermediate
  3.6343 Filemargalang   2 15:15  -452  470     1.6845 immy        2 13:27  -404  518 
  4.6488 FileKenpachi    3 15:10  -458  464     2.6343 margalang   2 15:15  -452  470 
  5.4680 Filepickrose    0 15:06  -687  235     3.6488 Kenpachi    3 15:10  -458  464 
  6.6062 Fileneyetifu    0  3:01  -873   49     4.6062 neyetifu    0  3:01  -873   49 
  7.6503 Filedannyboy    0  0:21  -906   16     5.6503 dannyboy    0  0:21  -906   16 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4680 pickrose    0 15:06  -687  235 

On 1st draw, ESCROW H7 30 --- ESCROW to place a deed in the hands of a third party [v]
Other moves: COWERS H4 28, SCREW H8 28, SCROW H8 28, COWER H4 26, CREWS H4 26
ESCROW H7 30 immy
SCREW H8 28 jeff, margalang
WORST H4 24 neyetifu

On 2nd draw, HOSPITAL 11G 76 --- HOSPITAL a medical institution [n]
Other moves: HAPLITES 7B 66, SPILTH 13H 40, PHIALS 13C 36, SPITAL 13H 34, LATHIS 13C 32
SPILTH 13H 40 jeff
LATHIS 13C 32 immy
SHIP 13H 25 Kenpachi, margalang, neyetifu

On 3rd draw, DEXTERS O7 112 --- DEXTER a small breed of Kerry cattle [n]
Other moves: DEXTERS O5 109, DEXTERS 13B 94, DEXTER O10 80, DESEX O8 77, DEXTERS I1 77
DEXTERS O5 59 immy, jeff
DEXES O7 53 Kenpachi
SEX I5 35 margalang

On 4th draw, JARO(S)ITE L5 80 --- JAROSITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: JAROSI(T)E 8D 72, JARO(V)ISE 8B 65, RO(M)AJI N2 59, I(N)JERA N4 42, JAI(L)ERS 13I 42
JEAT(S) L8 38 jeff
JAR 10F 31 immy, margalang, Kenpachi

On 5th draw, PYRENE N2 29 --- PYRENE the hard covering of the kernel of certain fruits [n]
Other moves: PYRENE N4 27, PEERY G3 26, PENE N6 26, PERE N6 26, PEEL N8 25
PEERY G3 26 jeff
PEEL N8 25 margalang
EYE N7 23 Kenpachi
RENEW 12D 21 immy

On 6th draw, WOF M1 38 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FO(E) M3 37, W(O)F M1 35, (M)OFO M1 34, TOF(U) M1 33, FOOTW(A)Y 3H 32
FOG(B)OW 12C 29 immy
WOO O1 27 margalang, jeff, Kenpachi
FEW 7G 17 pickrose

On 7th draw, VITAMER 10B 31 --- VITAMER a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ILEUM N10 26, MAUVER 10C 24, AJEE 5K 22, TAIVER 10C 22, VARE 10F 22
HAVE G11 19 Kenpachi, margalang
TAME G5 18 jeff, immy
VIEW 1J 11 pickrose

On 8th draw, GASTIGHT D3 80 --- GASTIGHT not allowing gas to escape or enter [adj]
Other moves: GASTIGHT D7 78, GHAST 13I 37, HAGGIS 13C 36, THAGIS 13C 34, TAISH 13I 33
HAGGIS 13C 36 immy
GASH 13J 31 margalang, Kenpachi, jeff
HAGS E9 16 pickrose

On 9th draw, N(O)VELLAE B8 70 --- NOVELLA a short novel [n]
Other moves: NA(C)ELLE G1 60, NA(C)ELLE I1 60, A(V)ELLANE 4D 58, ENALLA(G)E 4B 57, EA(S)ELS 13J 24
LEA(S)E 13I 24 jeff
ALLEE(S) 13C 23 immy
(S)ENS 13L 20 Kenpachi
(S)EES 13L 20 margalang
VEAL(S) B10 14 pickrose

On 10th draw, DEMY 15A 42 --- DEMY a size of paper [n]
Other moves: MY A14 40, DENY 15A 36, NEDDY 15A 36, NOMADY E7 36, TEDDY 15A 36
DEMY 15A 42 Kenpachi
DENY 15A 36 jeff
MOY A7 34 immy
DOY A7 31 margalang
DEMON 15A 27 pickrose

On 11th draw, FEEB A6 36 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: BUFO A5 33, FOB A7 33, FUB A7 33, ENUF M5 32, BUFO C2 31
FEEB A6 36 margalang, Kenpachi
FOB A7 33 jeff, immy
FLUB 12A 26 pickrose

On 12th draw, BOUDOIR 14D 71 --- BOUDOIR a woman's bedroom [n]
Other moves: BOUDOIR G1 65, BOUDOIR I1 65, BUDI C2 25, BUDO C2 25, BUROO E2 25
BLOOD 12A 22 pickrose, immy, margalang, jeff
OB L1 18 Kenpachi
DOB G5 16 dannyboy

On 13th draw, OIDIA C9 32 --- OIDIUM a type of fungus [n]
Other moves: ADO 15G 26, TAD 15F 26, TID 15F 26, TOD 15F 26, AGATOID 3C 24
TOD 15F 26 Kenpachi, jeff
ADO 15G 26 margalang
OD 15G 21 immy
SAID 5D 10 pickrose

On 14th draw, QUA 13I 45 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: AQUA 6I 33, QUA 6J 32, QUA C2 32, QUA C1 30, QUAG 3A 28
QUA 13I 45 margalang, Kenpachi, immy
AQUA 6I 33 jeff
QI 7C 21 pickrose

On 15th draw, TOURACO G1 64 --- TOURACO an African bird [n]
Other moves: OUTCROW 1G 39, OUTROW 1H 30, COURT E1 23, COAT E2 21, CURT E2 21
OUTCROW 1G 39 jeff
TOR 15F 20 Kenpachi
ROO 15F 20 immy
TAR 15F 20 margalang
TACT 6D 12 pickrose

On 16th draw, AINE H1 28 --- AINE elder (masculine form) [adj]
Other moves: AJEE 5K 22, ELAIN N10 22, ILEAL N10 22, ALINE B2 21, ANILE B2 21
INNATE 1C 21 immy
NAN 15F 20 margalang, Kenpachi
ENTAIL 1E 18 jeff
LATEN 1E 15 pickrose

On 17th draw, GLITZ 12A 34 --- GLITZ gaudy showiness [n] --- GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v]
Other moves: ZING 3A 28, ZITI K8 27, ZIG 3B 26, ZIG I4 25, ZIGAN 4A 25
ZIG 3B 26 pickrose, immy
UNZIP J7 18 jeff
ZA 6K 11 margalang, Kenpachi

On 18th draw, KININ I2 24 --- KININ a hormone [n]
Other moves: KIN I2 22, KI I2 18, KING 3A 18, OINK 2G 18, KOI 2F 17
KING 3A 18 margalang, pickrose
KOI 2F 17 immy, Kenpachi, jeff

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