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Game of September 12, 2011 at 04:05, 3 players
1. 134 pts nderera
2. 84 pts Lucylulu
3. 72 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefkst   H4    34    34   keefs
 2. eeilrtw   4H    26    60   kewler
 3. begiost   3I    25    85   boet
 4. ?aeelnv   5D   105   190   leavened
 5. ahiinor   6C    32   222   noah
 6. dlorstu   6J    23   245   dso
 7. abfgoty   D1    42   287   batology
 8. afhiirt   C2    32   319   fah
 9. ijlorst   J2    32   351   jowed
10. ?lnptuu   8A    27   378   puny
11. eeorsvw   I8    70   448   oversew
12. ?egmsxz  15E    74   522   zexes
13. diloptu  E11    32   554   plotz
14. aaeimnt  11G    70   624   marinate
15. ailmnru  13H    70   694   lemurian
16. aginttu   C8    70   764   nutating
17. ceiioqr  B13    37   801   qi
18. cddeiry   O6    45   846   yirded
19. adiioru   1D    24   870   braid
20. ciiooru  L11    20   890   auric
21. cgiioor  15L    24   914   coco

Remaining tiles: giir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6426 Filenderera     2  5:11  -780  134     1.6426 nderera     2  5:11  -780  134 
  2.6047 FileLucylulu    1  3:37  -830   84     2.6047 Lucylulu    1  3:37  -830   84 
  3.5662 Filejimbo       0  2:51  -842   72            Group: novice
                                             1.5662 jimbo       0  2:51  -842   72 

On 1st draw, KEEFS H4 34 --- KEEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KEEF(S) H4 32, KE(E)FS H4 32, KE(R)FS H4 32, K(E)EFS H4 32, K(I)EFS H4 32

On 2nd draw, KEWLER 4H 26 --- KEWL cool, hip [adj]
Other moves: TWEEL G5 25, TWEER G5 25, TWIER G5 25, KREWE 4H 24, LITRE I3 23

On 3rd draw, BOET 3I 25 --- BOET a brother, or a buddy (South African) [n]
Other moves: BIOGS G6 23, BEGO 3L 22, BEGS 3L 22, BEWIGS J2 22, BIOG G6 22

On 4th draw, LEAVENE(D) 5D 105 --- LEAVEN to produce fermentation in [v]
Other moves: EN(C)LAVES 8A 83, EN(S)LAVES 8A 83, EVAN(G)ELS 8A 83, VALEN(C)ES 8A 83, VANELE(S)S 8A 83

On 5th draw, NOAH 6C 32 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: AH 6E 28, HORA 4A 26, HORAL D1 24, HAIN 2K 23, HAIR 2K 23

On 6th draw, DSO 6J 23 --- DSO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DORTS 7B 22, DOUTS 7B 22, EDS 6H 22, LOTUS 7B 21, LOURS 7B 21

On 7th draw, BATOLOGY D1 42 --- BATOLOGY the study of brambles [n]
Other moves: TAFFY 7E 31, GLOBY D4 30, YOB I7 29, GABY 2K 28, YOGA I7 28

On 8th draw, FAH C2 32 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: BAITH 1D 30, BIRTH 1D 30, BRITH 1D 30, FRAY 8A 30, FRAB 1A 27
BIRTH 1D 30 jimbo

On 9th draw, JOWED J2 32 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: BRISTOL 1D 27, BISTRO 1D 24, BROILS 1D 24, TROYS 8A 24, BIRLS 1D 21
JOWED J2 32 Lucylulu
BOLTS 1D 21 jimbo

On 10th draw, PUNY 8A 27 --- PUNY of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj]
Other tops: PULY 8A 27
Other moves: PL(A)Y 8A 24, PL(O)Y 8A 24, PU(L)Y 8A 24, PU(M)Y 8A 24, PU(N)Y 8A 24
PL(A)Y 8A 24 Lucylulu
BLUNT 1D 21 jimbo

On 11th draw, OVERSEW I8 70 --- OVERSEW to sew overhand [v]
Other tops: OVERSEW G8 70
Other moves: BEVERS 1D 33, BEVORS 1D 33, BOWERS 1D 33, BOWSER 1D 33, BREVES 1D 33

On 12th draw, ZEX(E)S 15E 74 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: Z(A)XES 15E 74, Z(E)XES 15E 74
Other moves: MEZ(E)S 15E 59, MZE(E)S 15E 59, MZ(E)ES 15E 59, M(A)ZES 15E 59, M(E)ZES 15E 59

On 13th draw, PLOTZ E11 32 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other moves: BIPOD 1D 30, PO 14F 29, BLUID 1D 24, BUILD 1D 24, DO 14F 23

On 14th draw, MARINATE 11G 70 --- MARINATE to soak in a seasoned liquid before cooking [v]
Other moves: IMPANATE A6 63, SOMNIATE 8H 33, ATMA 14D 31, BANTAM 1D 30, BATMAN 1D 30
MEIN J10 28 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, LEMURIAN 13H 70 --- LEMURIAN an ancient Roman festival [n]
Other moves: ALLIUMS 12C 35, SOLARIUM 8H 33, ULEMA 10G 31, BARIUM 1D 30, BRUMAL 1D 30

On 16th draw, NUTATING C8 70 --- NUTATE to exhibit nutation [v]
Other moves: BATING 1D 27, TEGUA 10H 23, BANTU 1D 21, BATTU 1D 21, BUNIA 1D 21

On 17th draw, QI B13 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BORIC 1D 27, CITOLE 12A 22, ONCE O12 21, NITRE 14C 20, NITRO 14C 20
QI B13 37 nderera

On 18th draw, YIRDED O6 45 --- YIRD to bury [v]
Other moves: YDRED O7 42, CIDED O7 39, DICED O7 39, DYED O8 39, RIDDEN O8 39
CRIED O7 36 nderera

On 19th draw, BRAID 1D 24 --- BRAID broad [adj] --- BRAID to weave together [v]
Other tops: BARDO 1D 24, BOARD 1D 24, BOURD 1D 24, BROAD 1D 24
Other moves: DINITRO 14A 23, AIDE N8 21, AIDE 10L 20, IDIOM G7 20, ODIUM G7 20
AIDE N8 21 nderera

On 20th draw, AURIC L11 20 --- AURIC pertaining to gold [adj]
Other moves: TOO 14E 18, COO B3 16, COO N5 16, COR B3 16, CRU B3 16
COO N5 16 nderera

On 21th draw, COCO 15L 24 --- COCO a tall palm tree [n]
Other tops: CROC 15L 24
Other moves: CROG 15L 21, GOO 2F 20, COG N5 18, COIR 15L 18, TOO 14E 18
CROC 15L 24 nderera

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