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Game sheet of charmz (file), Game of September 12, 2011 at 11:48

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIIJOR             JOI(N)ER H4 40 40  
2 AINNRSW             SWANNIER 8B 62 102  
3 DEIMNNZ ZONED 5G 30 -6 30 2/3 MIZEN F4 36 138 3/3
4 AAEMOTU ATOM I2 20 -7 50 2/4 MOUTER I3 27 165 3/4
5 ?BEOORR OBE(S) 9C 34 -44 84 1/4 BOR(R)OWER C3 78 243 3/4
6 AEEFILT FEET J2 32   116 1/4 FELT J2   275 3/4
7 EHNSTUY THEY D1 36 -12 152 2/4 TYNES K1 48 323 3/4
8 GINOTUU TOING 1K 21 -1 173 2/4 OUTING B10 22 345 3/4
9 ADELOPP TAPED 1K 27 -68 200 4/4 GALOPPED 15B 95 440 3/4
10 CDEELNT ED L3 38   238 1/4       478 3/4
11 AEGILNT AGEN D1 20 -59 258 2/4 TAGLINE 14H 79 557 2/4
12 AACDHIR THIRD 1K 39 -39 297 1/4 DIARCHAL K7 78 635 2/4
13 AGIKSTU KIST O12 48   345 2/4       683 2/4
14 ADEIRUX DEX E3 44 -4 389 3/4 REDUX E1 48 731 2/4
15 AEEGHNY RAGE 1E 15 -30 404 5/5 YRNEH 1D 45 776 3/5
16 ACEFIOS TICES 1K 24 -12 428 3/5 FASCIAE D7 36 812 2/5
17 ABGILQW WAB 13G 27 -5 455 1/5 BLAWING M9 32 844 2/5
18 AAOOQUV AA N9 12 -16 467 5/5 QUA B1 28 872 2/5

Total: 467/872 or -405 for 53.55%
Rank: 6837

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