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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of September 12, 2011 at 18:41

Word find
Word played
1 AELPRUU PALER H4 20 -2 20 2/6 PLEURA H4 22 22 2/6
2 AGIMPST MAPS G7 30 -39 50 2/8 PIGMEATS 6D 69 91 3/8
3 ?EFINRT F(A)INTIER E4 40 -50 90 1/8 (S)NIFTIER E4 90 181 2/8
4 DEINORV DIVOT 8A 30 -52 120 1/8 PROVINED 4H 82 263 1/8
5 ACEEITT DACITE O4 27 -25 147 3/8 VESICATE K4 52 315 2/8
6 ABCEGNT BEGAN D10 22 -17 169 3/8 ACCENT 8J 39 354 2/8
7 ?DEFHNT H(E)FTED F10 36 -9 205 1/8 THEFT 8A 45 399 2/8
8 ?EINOYZ ZINE D1 48 -21 253 2/7 ZY(L)ONITE A2 69 468 2/8
9 DEILMOR MILDER 12H 39 -52 292 1/8 MOLDIER 12H 91 559 2/8
10 AAEGSWY SWY 10A 37 -2 329 4/8 WAE B1 39 598 2/8
11 AAGINRS GNAR C2 35 -42 364 2/8 NAGARIS 13C 77 675 2/8
12 BBHINOT BOH 14D 36   400 2/8       711 2/8
13 AORSSWY SWAY 15A 54 -7 454 4/8 SWAYS 15A 61 772 1/8
14 ABLNOUV LOB 12B 34   488 1/7       806 1/8
15 DEGLNQU QUEEN 10B 36   524 1/6       842 1/8
16 ADEJOUV JANE N6 27 -19 551 4/6 JUVE D1 46 888 1/8
17 ADKOORT KORAT N10 38 -2 589 1/7 KORORA N10 40 928 1/8
18 DGILTUX MIXT H12 39   628 1/8       967 1/9

Total: 628/967 or -339 for 64.94%
Rank: 7214

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