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Game of September 13, 2011 at 01:25, 2 players
1. 498 pts Gypsylady
2. 202 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cilnopt   H7    26    26   pontic
 2. ?deeiis  12E    70    96   deicides
 3. dehiors  13A    82   178   rhodies
 4. ?aabnry   A7    89   267   barnyard
 5. adoprsx  15A    69   336   sax
 6. deinnoz   B6    41   377   zone
 7. agioqst   C5    35   412   togas
 8. aaegnpt   L5    62   474   pageants
 9. deeilor   I2    68   542   reoiled
10. bceklor  14E    83   625   blocker
11. aalnrtu   G2    69   694   natural
12. ademouw  15J    45   739   meadow
13. ehiruvy   8K    33   772   veery
14. eioqtuw   D1    50   822   quite
15. ffgimuv   E4    32   854   iff
16. ilnotuv   H1    27   881   luv
17. ehijntu   K2    36   917   jehu
18. giimnot   2K    26   943   jingo

Remaining tiles: imtw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6538 FileGypsylady   4 16:57  -445  498     1.6538 Gypsylady   4 16:57  -445  498 
  2.4906 FileBiddy       0 13:23  -741  202            Group: not rated
                                             1.4906 Biddy       0 13:23  -741  202 

On 1st draw, PONTIC H7 26 --- PONTIC relating to the pons of the brain [adj]
Other tops: PONTIC H4 26
Other moves: CLIPT H4 24, OPTIC H8 24, PICOT H4 24, TOPIC H8 24, PONTIC H3 22
PILOT H4 20 Biddy

On 2nd draw, DEICI(D)ES 12E 70 --- DEICIDE the killing of a god [n]
Other tops: DECISI(V)E 12F 70, DI(O)ECIES 12D 70, EDI(F)ICES 12C 70, EIDE(T)ICS 12B 70, (D)EICIDES 12E 70
Other moves: EDI(F)IES I2 67, DEI(F)IES I2 66, DEI(T)IES I2 66, EPEI(R)IDS 7G 64, DIE(T)INES 9C 62
SPEED 7G 10 Biddy

On 3rd draw, RHODIES 13A 82 --- RHODY a rhododendron [n]
Other moves: SHODDIER E8 76, HEROISED K6 74, RHODIES I2 73, HEROISED F6 72, SPHEROID 7G 70
HIDES K9 18 Biddy

On 4th draw, BARNYAR(D) A7 89 --- BARNYARD a yard near a barn [n]
Other moves: BA(L)NEARY K8 74, BARNYA(R)(D) J5 65, BA(R)NYAR(D) J5 65, ABRAY A11 39, ABR(A)Y A11 36
BRAY A12 36 Gypsylady
BAR(B)Y A11 30 Biddy

On 5th draw, SAX 15A 69 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other tops: SOX 15A 69, SPADO 15A 69
Other moves: SOAP 15A 66, SPARD 15A 66, SPOD 15A 66, SPRAD 15A 66, SPROD 15A 66
SAX 15A 69 Gypsylady
AXED K10 24 Biddy

On 6th draw, ZONE B6 41 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: DIZEN B4 41, DOZEN B4 41, ZINE B6 41
Other moves: ZED B6 40, DIZEN 11K 38, DOZE B4 38, DOZEN 11K 38, ZIN B6 38
DOZE(D) J8 34 Gypsylady
ZEE F11 12 Biddy

On 7th draw, TOGAS C5 35 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: AGIOS C6 35, AGIST C6 35, QA(D)IS J10 35
Other moves: AGIO C6 34, QATS 10F 33, GAITS C5 32, GOATS C5 32, QAT 10F 32
QATS 10F 33 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, PAGEANTS L5 62 --- PAGEANT an elaborate public spectacle [n]
Other moves: TAIPAN 11F 31, APNEA D2 28, APAGE 11J 27, GITANA 11G 27, PAGAN 11K 26
PAGEANTS L5 62 Gypsylady
PAGEANTS L5 12 Biddy

On 9th draw, REOILED I2 68 --- REOIL to oil again [v]
Other moves: DOTIER 5A 28, RELIED M4 27, DOTER 5A 26, DROIL D2 26, LOERIE M3 26
REOILED I2 68 Gypsylady

On 10th draw, BLOCKER 14E 83 --- BLOCKER one that blocks [n]
Other moves: BERKO H1 65, BERK H1 60, BORK H1 60, CORK H1 60, KERB H1 50
BLOCKER 2C 21 Biddy

On 11th draw, NATURAL G2 69 --- NATURAL a type of musical note [n]
Other moves: ANTRAL D1 28, ANURAL D1 28, TARNAL D1 28, RUANA H1 27, LUNAR K4 25
TARN H1 22 Gypsylady

On 12th draw, MEADOW 15J 45 --- MEADOW a tract of grassland [n]
Other moves: MOWA H1 43, DWAUM K2 34, MEADOW M1 33, MEWED 8K 33, MOW H1 33
MEWED 8K 33 Gypsylady
MOW H1 33 Biddy

On 13th draw, VEERY 8K 33 --- VEERY a song bird [n]
Other tops: HERYE 8K 33
Other moves: HYE M8 29, HYE M9 29, RHY M8 29, HIVER M2 28, RIVERY 2I 28
VINERY 2E 22 Biddy
HE M9 20 Gypsylady

On 14th draw, QUITE D1 50 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUOTE D1 50
Other moves: TOQUE K2 38, QUOITER N2 36, REQUIT N8 35, ROQUET N8 35, QUIET M2 34
QUOTE D1 50 Gypsylady

On 15th draw, IFF E4 32 --- IFF if and only if [conj]
Other moves: GUFF E5 30, GUV H1 30, FIG E3 29, FUG H1 28, FUM E5 28

On 16th draw, LUV H1 27 --- LUV a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: VIOL K3 24, VOL H1 24, VOLUTIN 2A 24, OILNUT K1 22, ULTION K1 22
VOL K4 22 Gypsylady

On 17th draw, JEHU K2 36 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JIN 3C 30, JINNE 10J 30, JUN K4 30, JUT K4 30, INJURE N4 29
JURE N6 27 Gypsylady

On 18th draw, JINGO 2K 26 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other tops: JIGOT 2K 26
Other moves: JOINT 2K 24, JONG 2K 24, JOIN 2K 22, MOIT 3B 22, NIM 3C 22
JOIN 2K 22 Gypsylady

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