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Game of September 13, 2011 at 02:08, 4 players - after 18 words played
1. 530 pts Gypsylady
2. 502 pts mireille2
3. 394 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?alostu   H8    64    64   outsail
 2. cehilst  15B   110   174   eltchis
 3. ?egnnxy   8E    72   246   xenogeny
 4. amorstu   K3    70   316   romaunts
 5. adegqrr   L4    32   348   derry
 6. bilnort  B10    28   376   boline
 7. adelmoy   A8    44   420   loamed
 8. aaekstw   C9    45   465   waste
 9. eiooruy   E5    28   493   oryx
10. abeefnn   J4    37   530   nef
11. beiptuw   D1    28   558   pewit
12. abinnrt   C2    26   584   nab
13. aegirtz   1D    51   635   patzer
14. aceoopu   B1    35   670   paco
15. adeiinu   M1    23   693   adieu
16. eegiqru   1K    45   738   quair
17. aghikno  L10    37   775   hoking
18. aefgiiv  M12    26   801   if

Remaining tiles: adeeegiijovv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6556 FileGypsylady   2 20:41  -271  530     1.6556 Gypsylady   2 20:41  -271  530 
  2.6342 Filemireille2   2 16:50  -299  502     2.6342 mireille2   2 16:50  -299  502 
  3.4309 Filepaulineasb  1 14:44  -407  394            Group: not rated
  4.3841 Filedenbay      0  0:51  -765   36     1.4309 paulineasb  1 14:44  -407  394 
                                             2.3841 denbay      0  0:51  -765   36 

On 1st draw, OUTSA(I)L H8 64 --- OUTSAIL to sail faster than [v]
Other tops: LA(Y)OUTS H3 64, LA(Y)OUTS H4 64, LA(Y)OUTS H6 64, LA(Y)OUTS H7 64, LA(Y)OUTS H8 64, LO(C)USTA H3 64, LO(C)USTA H4 64, LO(C)USTA H6 64, LO(C)USTA H7 64, LO(C)USTA H8 64, LO(Q)UATS H3 64, LO(Q)UATS H4 64, LO(Q)UATS H6 64, LO(Q)UATS H7 64, LO(Q)UATS H8 64, OUTLAS(H) H2 64, OUTLAS(H) H3 64, OUTLAS(H) H4 64, OUTLAS(H) H7 64, OUTLAS(H) H8 64, OUTLAS(T) H2 64, OUTLAS(T) H3 64, OUTLAS(T) H4 64, OUTLAS(T) H7 64, OUTLAS(T) H8 64, OUTLA(W)S H2 64, OUTLA(W)S H3 64, OUTLA(W)S H4 64, OUTLA(W)S H6 64, OUTLA(W)S H8 64, OUTLA(Y)S H2 64, OUTLA(Y)S H3 64, OUTLA(Y)S H4 64, OUTLA(Y)S H6 64, OUTLA(Y)S H8 64, OUTSA(I)L H2 64, OUTSA(I)L H3 64, OUTSA(I)L H4 64, OUTSA(I)L H6 64, OU(T)LAST H3 64, OU(T)LAST H4 64, OU(T)LAST H6 64, OU(T)LAST H7 64, OU(T)LAST H8 64, TAL(C)OUS H2 64, TAL(C)OUS H3 64, TAL(C)OUS H4 64, TAL(C)OUS H6 64, TAL(C)OUS H7 64, TAL(C)OUS H8 64, TO(R)ULAS H3 64, TO(R)ULAS H4 64, TO(R)ULAS H6 64, TO(R)ULAS H7 64, TO(R)ULAS H8 64, (R)OTULAS H2 64, (R)OTULAS H3 64, (R)OTULAS H6 64, (R)OTULAS H7 64, (R)OTULAS H8 64
Other moves: LA(Y)OUTS H2 62, LA(Y)OUTS H5 62, LO(C)USTA H2 62, LO(C)USTA H5 62, LO(Q)UATS H2 62
OUTLAS(T) H7 14 mireille2
LOTUS H4 12 paulineasb
AUTOS H4 12 Gypsylady

On 2nd draw, ELTCHIS 15B 110 --- ELTCHI an ambassador [n]
Other moves: ETHICALS 12C 76, CHILLEST 14E 73, ELTCHIS I3 73, LICHTEST 10D 71, CHILLEST 14D 67
CHILLEST 14D 67 Gypsylady
CHILES 15C 66 mireille2
SLICE 15H 45 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, XENOG(E)NY 8E 72 --- XENOGENY the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent [n]
Other tops: X(E)NOGENY 8E 72
Other moves: L(O)XYGEN 14H 66, XY(L)ENE B10 62, (J)YNX G6 44, (L)YNX G6 44, (O)NYX G6 44
(O)NYX G6 44 mireille2
X(I) G9 34 Gypsylady
SEXY 11H 28 paulineasb

On 4th draw, ROMAUNTS K3 70 --- ROMAUNT a long, medieval narrative [n]
Other moves: OUTSMART 10F 68, OUTSMART 10A 64, TRANSOM K5 36, MATURE B10 28, MUTASE B10 28
SURTAX E3 26 paulineasb
ATOM 7C 20 mireille2
TUM 9D 18 Gypsylady

On 5th draw, DERRY L4 32 --- DERRY a meaningless word used in the chorus of old songs [n]
Other tops: DEARY L4 32, QAT 10F 32
Other moves: REDRY L4 31, RAGED J2 29, AGED J3 26, EGAD J3 26, GRADE 7C 25
GRADE 7C 25 Gypsylady
Q(I) 13G 20 paulineasb, mireille2

On 6th draw, BOLINE B10 28 --- BOLINE a Wiccan knife [n]
Other tops: BOLIX E4 28
Other moves: LOBI 7D 23, BITOU 9D 22, BORNITE B9 22, OBI 7E 22, TRILOBE B9 22
BLOT 7C 20 Gypsylady
BRIT 9C 20 mireille2
BINS 11E 12 paulineasb

On 7th draw, LOAMED A8 44 --- LOAM to cover with loam (a type of soil) [v]
Other moves: LOAMED M2 42, LAMED M3 40, DEY J4 39, MADLY M2 38, DEMY M3 37
DELAY A7 36 mireille2, Gypsylady
ARMY 6K 17 paulineasb

On 8th draw, WASTE C9 45 --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v]
Other moves: TAWSE C9 42, SAKE C10 41, SEKT C10 41, KAWS M3 37, SEW J4 37
SEW J4 37 mireille2, Gypsylady
AWAKES 12H 26 paulineasb

On 9th draw, ORYX E5 28 --- ORYX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: YORE J2 26, OYE 7E 24, IRONY G5 22, ROUX E5 22, YORE 7D 22
MOSEY 11A 20 mireille2
OY 7E 19 Gypsylady
TYES 10H 9 paulineasb

On 10th draw, NEF J4 37 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: BEEF M3 33, EF J5 32, FEEB M3 32, NEB J4 31, FANE J2 26
BEEF M3 33 mireille2
EF J5 32 Gypsylady
BEES 11E 12 paulineasb

On 11th draw, PEWIT D1 28 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other moves: WIPE D3 24, WIPE M1 23, BAWTIE 12G 22, PUBE D3 22, PUBIC E11 22
WIPE M1 23 Gypsylady
PEWS 11E 18 paulineasb
TUBE M1 17 mireille2

On 12th draw, NAB C2 26 --- NAB to capture or arrest [v]
Other tops: BAT C2 26, TAB C2 26
Other moves: BARP 1A 24, AB C3 22, ATEBRIN 2B 22, BA C2 22, INAPT 1A 21
BARP 1A 24 mireille2
PAINT 1D 21 Gypsylady, paulineasb

On 13th draw, PATZER 1D 51 --- PATZER an inept chess player [n]
Other moves: PRIZE 1D 48, ZAIRE F2 43, AGRIZE J10 42, GLAZIER 14G 40, GLAZER 14G 39
PRIZE 1D 48 Gypsylady
ZIT 10F 32 paulineasb
ZA B1 28 mireille2

On 14th draw, PACO B1 35 --- PACO an alpaca [n]
Other tops: CAPO B1 35, POCO B1 35
Other moves: APO B2 29, CALP 14F 29, ECO B2 29, CAP B1 28, CEP B1 28
CAPO B1 35 mireille2
COLA 14F 27 Gypsylady
SAUCE 10K 13 paulineasb

On 15th draw, ADIEU M1 23 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: EAN 2F 22, UN A1 22, DANG I5 21, EA 2F 19, ANE 2G 18
UN A1 22 Gypsylady
ANE 2G 18 mireille2
DE M6 16 paulineasb

On 16th draw, QUAIR 1K 45 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other tops: QUARE 1K 45
Other moves: MOSQUE 11A 34, UG A1 26, GAIR 1L 21, GARE 1L 21, GARI 1L 21
QUARE 1K 45 Gypsylady, paulineasb
Q(I) 13G 20 mireille2

On 17th draw, HOKING L10 37 --- HOKE to give false value to [v]
Other moves: HOAING L10 29, KANGHA 12G 28, MOSHINGS 11A 28, HAIK L10 27, HANK L10 27
KAI G13 24 mireille2
SINK 10K 18 paulineasb, Gypsylady
KIT 10F 17 denbay

On 18th draw, IF M12 26 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: GANEF 14J 26, GANEV 14J 26
Other moves: GAVE 15L 24, GIVE 15L 24, FA M13 22, FE M13 22, AGGIE 15K 21
IF M12 26 Gypsylady, mireille2
GIVE 15L 24 paulineasb
SHAVE 10K 19 denbay

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