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Game of September 13, 2011 at 14:21, 10 players - after 18 words played
1. 561 pts musdrive
2. 510 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 442 pts danmarcy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agilnsv   H4    80    80   valsing
 2. deeimno   7A    65   145   dominees
 3. aaeloor   A4    24   169   roadeo
 4. efilpsu   E5    48   217   penfuls
 5. ?eioqrt  10B    35   252   quilt
 6. adeghko   6C    42   294   okeh
 7. ?ilnpuw  B10    30   324   quipo
 8. adilmow  A12    51   375   mowa
 9. abeorst   5H    70   445   aerobats
10. degnorz   N2    68   513   nertz
11. acdinrt   K4    72   585   tornadic
12. adlnvxy   J8    56   641   lax
13. deegirt  C12    33   674   geed
14. aeiorty   O1    37   711   tyres
15. aiinsuw   8J    39   750   lawins
16. aceiruy  15C    39   789   decury
17. aeijlot   L1    48   837   jelab
18. adghinu  L11    27   864   hangi

Remaining tiles: abdefiioottuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7197 Filemusdrive    3 14:26  -303  561     1.7197 musdrive    3 14:26  -303  561 
  2.6183 FileGrace_Tjie  3 15:41  -354  510            Group: intermediate
  3.6391 Filedanmarcy    1 17:49  -422  442     1.6183 Grace_Tjie  3 15:41  -354  510 
  4.6002 FileHasni       2 19:03  -438  426     2.6391 danmarcy    1 17:49  -422  442 
  5.5554 Filemazscot     0 12:06  -674  190     3.6002 Hasni       2 19:03  -438  426 
  6.5776 Filesaff1       0 10:58  -684  180     4.6712 una         1  5:44  -726  138 
  7.6712 Fileuna         1  5:44  -726  138            Group: novice
  8.5991 Fileraggedy01   0  4:17  -726  138     1.5554 mazscot     0 12:06  -674  190 
  9.5233 Filebxboy15     0  2:27  -829   35     2.5776 saff1       0 10:58  -684  180 
 10.5430 Fileluckymoo2   0  1:18  -851   13     3.5991 raggedy01   0  4:17  -726  138 
                                             4.5233 bxboy15     0  2:27  -829   35 
                                             5.5430 luckymoo2   0  1:18  -851   13 

On 1st draw, VALSING H4 80 --- VALSE to waltz [v]
Other moves: SALVING H6 76, SLAVING H6 76, VALSING H6 76, SALVING H2 74, SALVING H3 74
SLAVING H6 26 una
VAILS H4 24 Grace_Tjie
SLAVING H3 24 Hasni
SLAVING H4 24 musdrive

On 2nd draw, DOMINEES 7A 65 --- DOMINEE an Afrikaner church minister [n]
Other moves: DEMONISE 7B 64, DEMAINE 5E 40, DOMAINE 5E 40, ENMOVED 4D 26, VENOMED 4H 26
VENOMED 4H 26 Grace_Tjie, musdrive
ENDIVE 4D 20 una
DO I5 8 Hasni

On 3rd draw, ROADEO A4 24 --- ROADEO a competition for truck drivers [n]
Other tops: ARE 8A 24, ERA 8A 24, LOADER A4 24, ORA 8A 24, ORE 8A 24
Other moves: ORDEAL A5 21, OLEA 6A 19, OLEO 6A 19, ADORE A6 18, ALAE 6C 18
LOADER A4 24 una, musdrive
ORE 8A 24 Grace_Tjie
LOREL 6D 17 Hasni
DOOR A7 15 danmarcy

On 4th draw, PENFULS E5 48 --- PENFUL the amount of ink a pen can hold [n]
Other moves: LINEUPS E5 36, FELLS 6F 33, SIF 6D 31, EPULIS B9 30, FELL 6F 30
FELLS 6F 33 musdrive
IF 6E 28 Grace_Tjie, danmarcy
FES 8D 23 Hasni
SLIP 10A 16 una

On 5th draw, Q(U)ILT 10B 35 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: LIQ(U)OR 6H 34, REQ(U)IT B9 34, ROQ(U)ET B9 34, REQ(U)ITE F1 27, REQ(U)OTE F1 27
Q(U)ILT 10B 35 musdrive
QI F4 15 una
QUE(E)N 9D 13 Hasni, Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, OKEH 6C 42 --- OKEH approval [n]
Other moves: AKA 6A 37, AKE 6A 37, AHA 6A 31, HOD B6 31, HOKED B1 31
AKE 6A 37 musdrive, una
HOKED B1 31 Hasni
HOD B6 31 danmarcy
HOA B6 29 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, QUIP(O) B10 30 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other tops: QUIP(S) B10 30, QUIP(U) B10 30, Q(U)IPU B10 30
Other moves: QUIN(O)L B10 28, QUIL(L) B10 26, QUIL(T) B10 26, QUIN(A) B10 26, QUIN(E) B10 26
QUIP(S) B10 30 musdrive, Grace_Tjie, Hasni
WIP(E) B1 17 danmarcy

On 8th draw, MOWA A12 51 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: DOWL A12 43, MODI A12 43, MOLD A12 42, MOIL A12 39, MOLA A12 39
MODI A12 43 Grace_Tjie
MOLD A12 42 musdrive, danmarcy
DOW C12 29 Hasni

On 9th draw, AEROBATS 5H 70 --- AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n]
Other tops: RABATOES 5G 70
Other moves: S(U)RBET C9 40, B(U)RSE C9 35, B(U)RST C9 35, BEST C12 34, BETA C12 34
BEST C12 34 musdrive, danmarcy
QUIP(O)S B10 18 Hasni
BORES B1 18 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, NERTZ N2 68 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: DOZE 4K 52, ZONE 4K 49, DOZES O1 48, ZEROS O1 45, ZONES O1 45
DOZE 4K 52 musdrive, Hasni
ZONE 4K 49 raggedy01
ZEROS O1 45 Grace_Tjie
ZONES O1 45 danmarcy, mazscot

On 11th draw, TORNADIC K4 72 --- TORNADIC pertaining to a tornado [adj] --- TORNADO a violent windstorm [adj]
Other moves: SAIC O5 29, SANTIR O5 29, CATBIRD L2 28, CAIRNED 3I 26, CANTRED 3I 26
SAID O5 26 musdrive
SAND O5 26 danmarcy, Grace_Tjie
SAINT O5 26 Hasni, saff1
CAD O1 23 raggedy01
DANCER 3J 18 mazscot

On 12th draw, LAX J8 56 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: AX J9 53, LAX O1 41, SADLY O5 38, SANDY O5 38, AX L7 36
LAX J8 56 Hasni, Grace_Tjie, danmarcy
AX J9 53 raggedy01
SANDY O5 38 musdrive, mazscot
SAX O5 21 saff1

On 13th draw, GEED C12 33 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: (U)RDEE C10 33
Other moves: DEG C12 32, DEER C12 31, DEET C12 31, REED C12 30, DEE C12 29
DEG C12 32 danmarcy
DEER C12 31 Grace_Tjie
GERES O1 28 musdrive
GREEN 2J 10 mazscot
ES O4 6 saff1

On 14th draw, TYRES O1 37 --- TYRE to furnish with a covering for a wheel [v]
Other tops: AYRES O1 37
Other moves: DIETARY 15C 36, SATYR O5 35, SAYER O5 35, YATES O1 34, YORES O1 34
DIETARY 15C 36 mazscot
SAYER O5 35 saff1
YORES O1 34 musdrive
SORTIE O5 29 danmarcy
YEA M3 24 Hasni
SATE O5 23 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, LAWINS 8J 39 --- LAWIN a bill of reckoning [n]
Other moves: DIWANS 15C 33, WAS M1 24, SWAB L2 22, AW L7 21, LANAIS 8J 21
DIWANS 15C 33 saff1
WAS M1 24 musdrive
SWAB L2 22 Hasni, Grace_Tjie, danmarcy
LAWNS 8J 12 mazscot

On 16th draw, DECURY 15C 39 --- DECURY a group of ten soldiers in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: DECURIA 15C 33, CARIBE L1 32, RICEY B1 27, CRARE J2 21, CRURA J2 21
RACY 4A 18 musdrive
YEAR J2 17 Grace_Tjie
RYE B2 14 danmarcy
NAY N8 14 saff1
DICE 15C 8 Hasni

On 17th draw, JELAB L1 48 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other moves: JIBE L3 32, JOBE L3 32, JAB L3 28, JIB L3 28, JOB L3 28
JOBE L3 32 musdrive, Grace_Tjie
JOB L3 28 danmarcy
JOE B2 22 bxboy15, Hasni
JEER 3L 22 saff1
JILT M7 20 mazscot

On 18th draw, HANGI L11 27 --- HANGI (Maori) an open air cooking pit also UMU [n]
Other tops: HUDNA L11 27
Other moves: HINAU L11 25, ADUKI D3 24, NAH 7K 24, GUAN 14F 23, HAND L11 23
NAH 7K 24 musdrive
HAND L11 23 Grace_Tjie, danmarcy
HIND L11 23 Hasni
HANG L11 23 saff1
SHADING O8 13 raggedy01, luckymoo2, bxboy15
HINGE 2H 11 mazscot

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