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Game of September 14, 2011 at 18:38, 6 players - after 17 words played
1. 588 pts PIThompson
2. 530 pts Kenpachi
3. 471 pts danmarcy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?anorru   H8    64    64   rancour
 2. ?dgjott  15E    51   115   jogs
 3. eeenopr   8A    89   204   reopener
 4. abddeiz   7A    49   253   adz
 5. ilmstuw   E5    48   301   umwelts
 6. aeinntv  13H    74   375   unnative
 7. adeemsv  O10    36   411   semeed
 8. adiilor   C7    36   447   zooidal
 9. aaeistx   5D    80   527   eutaxias
10. adhootu  B10    34   561   hod
11. aefgios  A11    40   601   goafs
12. eehiknt   4A    42   643   kith
13. abeeilt   H1    39   682   telex
14. aeintvy   6I    75   757   naivety
15. ailnoow   O1    48   805   oilway
16. beeiprr   A1    30   835   brik
17. bcpqruy   2F    45   880   query

Remaining tiles: bcceefgiinopru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7627 FilePIThompson  5 11:59  -292  588     1.7627 PIThompson  5 11:59  -292  588 
  2.6536 FileKenpachi    4  9:43  -350  530            Group: intermediate
  3.6445 Filedanmarcy    2 12:58  -409  471     1.6536 Kenpachi    4  9:43  -350  530 
  4.6000 Fileraggedy01   2 17:50  -468  412     2.6445 danmarcy    2 12:58  -409  471 
  5.5681 Filejimbo       1  1:05  -818   62     3.6000 raggedy01   2 17:50  -468  412 
  6.4563 Filemaddie      1  1:17  -835   45            Group: novice
                                             1.5681 jimbo       1  1:05  -818   62 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4563 maddie      1  1:17  -835   45 

On 1st draw, RAN(C)OUR H8 64 --- RANCOUR bitter and vindictive enmity [n]
Other tops: RAN(C)OUR H2 64, RAN(C)OUR H3 64, RAN(C)OUR H4 64, RAN(C)OUR H6 64, RAN(C)OUR H7 64
Other moves: RAN(C)OUR H5 62, AROUN(D) H3 12, AROUN(D) H4 12, AROUN(D) H8 12, AR(B)OUR H3 12
AROUN(D) H4 12 PIThompson
ROAR(S) H4 10 Kenpachi

On 2nd draw, JOG(S) 15E 51 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JOT(S) 15E 48, DOJ(O) G7 41, D(O)JO G7 41, G(A)JO G7 41, JO G9 36
JOG(S) 15E 51 Kenpachi, PIThompson, raggedy01
JO G9 36 danmarcy

On 3rd draw, REOPENER 8A 89 --- REOPENER a clause in a contract for reconsideration [n]
Other moves: REOPENER 8H 83, REOPENER 14H 74, NEOPRENE 10B 64, NEOPRENE 10H 64, NOPE G7 21
ROPE G7 21 PIThompson, Kenpachi, danmarcy, raggedy01

On 4th draw, ADZ 7A 49 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: BEZ G7 48, ZINEB 10F 42, ZINEB F6 42, BEDAZED E3 40, BEDAZED E7 40
BEZ G7 48 PIThompson, Kenpachi
BARED 14F 31 danmarcy

On 5th draw, UMWELTS E5 48 --- UMWELT environmental factors which affect behaviour [n]
Other moves: WURST 14F 34, SITULA 9C 32, MURTIS 14F 29, TUISM I5 29, MIL 9A 28
MIS 9A 28 PIThompson, raggedy01
MAWS 9G 23 Kenpachi
MIST I6 22 danmarcy

On 6th draw, UNNATIVE 13H 74 --- UNNATIVE not native [adj]
Other moves: UNNATIVE 5E 72, VAIL 9B 32, VIA 6A 32, NAIL 9B 26, VENIN D1 26
VAIL 9B 32 PIThompson
NAIL 9B 26 Kenpachi
AVINE D2 22 raggedy01
VINE F3 17 danmarcy

On 7th draw, SEMEED O10 36 --- SEMEED strewn [adj]
Other tops: MEVE O12 36
Other moves: MESAL 9A 34, MESEL 9A 34, VEES O12 33, ADEEM O11 30, ADEEMS O10 30
VEES O12 33 PIThompson
MEED O12 30 Kenpachi
MEDS O12 30 danmarcy
MES 9A 28 raggedy01

On 8th draw, ZOOIDAL C7 36 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [adj] --- ZOOIDAL pertaining to a zooid [adj]
Other moves: LID 6A 28, LOD 6A 28, OOIDAL 12H 27, ID 6B 24, LILO 9C 24
AIL 9C 21 PIThompson
AIM 6C 17 danmarcy
DARI 9G 13 Kenpachi
ZOO C7 13 raggedy01

On 9th draw, EUTAXIAS 5D 80 --- EUTAXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: ATAXIES I2 77, ATARAXIES A5 67, XI B10 53, AXIS D11 46, AX D11 40
XI B10 53 PIThompson, Kenpachi, danmarcy, raggedy01

On 10th draw, HOD B10 34 --- HOD a portable trough [n] --- HOD to bob [v]
Other tops: HAD B10 34
Other moves: HARO 14F 33, HAT B10 32, HOA B10 32, HOT B10 32, THOU 6I 32
HAD B10 34 Kenpachi
HOD B10 34 PIThompson
HOOD 6J 31 danmarcy
HAD B12 21 raggedy01

On 11th draw, GOAFS A11 40 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FOVEA N11 38, SAGO D10 34, SEGO D10 34, FAVE N11 33, GOAF 4A 30
FOVEA N11 38 PIThompson
FOG 4G 26 Kenpachi, raggedy01
ODA 12A 5 danmarcy

On 12th draw, KITH 4A 42 --- KITH one's friends and neighbours [n]
Other moves: THINK 6I 37, KHET 4A 36, KHET 4I 35, HIKE 4A 34, HIKE 6J 34
THINK 6I 37 PIThompson, danmarcy
HIKE 4J 29 Kenpachi
THINK J10 24 raggedy01

On 13th draw, TELEX H1 39 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other tops: LATEX H1 39
Other moves: ALBEIT 4H 36, ALBITE 4H 36, ABLET 4H 34, ALBEE 4H 34, BALK A1 30
LATEX H1 39 PIThompson
BALK A1 30 danmarcy
BEAK A1 30 Kenpachi
BILK A1 30 raggedy01

On 14th draw, NAIVETY 6I 75 --- NAIVETY the quality of being naive [n]
Other moves: VANITY F1 37, NAVY N11 36, TANKY A1 36, RAYNE 14H 35, ENTITY F1 34
YANK A1 33 danmarcy, PIThompson, raggedy01
YA 14J 28 Kenpachi

On 15th draw, OILWAY O1 48 --- OILWAY a channel for the passage of oil [n]
Other moves: LAWK A1 33, WALK A1 33, W*NK A1 33, WINK A1 33, WONK A1 33
WINK A1 33 danmarcy, PIThompson
WALK A1 33 Kenpachi

On 16th draw, BRIK A1 30 --- BRIK a Tunisian filled pastry [n]
Other tops: BERK A1 30, BIRK A1 30, PEEK A1 30, PERK A1 30
Other moves: REEK A1 24, REIK A1 24, BEEPER M2 22, BERRET L8 22, BEERIER M1 20
PERK A1 30 Kenpachi, PIThompson, jimbo
PEEK A1 30 danmarcy, raggedy01

On 17th draw, QUERY 2F 45 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: PURTY F2 39, QUEY 2F 36, QUEP 2F 35, BURY 14F 33, BURQA K9 32
QUERY 2F 45 Kenpachi, PIThompson, maddie, danmarcy
QUAY K11 32 jimbo, raggedy01

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