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Game of September 15, 2011 at 00:44, 4 players - after 17 words played
1. 419 pts rn.roselle
2. 237 pts Biddy
3. 81 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elnorsu   H8    66    66   noursle
 2. ?ddimot  15D    60   126   madid
 3. aekostu   F8    67   193   outasked
 4. aaeghmy   E9    36   229   maya
 5. eegrttw   D9    33   262   egret
 6. bhinopr   I7    26   288   boh
 7. ailprsv   8A    32   320   vair
 8. ?egioov   J6    31   351   vigoro
 9. accdeft  K11    32   383   faced
10. adelprt   L8    30   413   pelta
11. abennor   M2    74   487   baronne
12. aenpruw   N1    37   524   pawer
13. aeijlor   L1    55   579   jole
14. adiilnu   A4    64   643   diluvian
15. ceegsty  B10    38   681   gytes
16. einoqrt  15J    24   705   editor
17. hinqtuw   B2    31   736   quin

Remaining tiles: cefhiinstwxz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6615 Filern.roselle  4 14:39  -317  419     1.6615 rn.roselle  4 14:39  -317  419 
  2.4903 FileBiddy       1 19:01  -499  237     2.6325 Zweep       1  2:33  -655   81 
  3.6325 FileZweep       1  2:33  -655   81            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filegruau44     0  2:48  -691   45     1.4903 Biddy       1 19:01  -499  237 
                                             2.  -  gruau44     0  2:48  -691   45 

On 1st draw, NOURSLE H8 66 --- NOURSLE to foster [v]
Other tops: NOURSLE H2 66, NOURSLE H3 66, NOURSLE H4 66, NOURSLE H6 66, NOURSLE H7 66
Other moves: NOURSLE H5 64, ENROLS H3 14, ENROLS H4 14, ENROLS H7 14, ENROLS H8 14
LONERS H8 14 rn.roselle
ROLES H4 12 Biddy

On 2nd draw, M(A)DID 15D 60 --- MADID wet [adj]
Other moves: DOM(E)D 15D 57, DOM(E)D 15H 57, MOT(E)D 15D 57, M(Y)OID 15D 57, DI(A)TOM 15H 54
MODI(S)T 15D 54 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, OUTASKED F8 67 --- OUTASK to surpass in asking [v]
Other moves: ATOKE 14B 36, STAKE 14B 36, STOKE 14B 36, SKATE 14B 32, ATOKES 14D 28
STEAK G5 28 rn.roselle
SKATES 12C 20 Biddy

On 4th draw, MAYA E9 36 --- MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [n]
Other moves: YAH E9 35, YEH E9 35, MAY E9 32, MAYHEM D10 32, YAM E9 31
HAME 14A 22 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, EGRET D9 33 --- EGRET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: GREW D10 32, WEEM D12 30, TREW D10 29, GREE D10 26, RETEM D11 26
GREW I6 24 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, BOH I7 26 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other tops: POH I7 26
Other moves: HOB I7 24, HOP I7 24, NOIR 8A 23, BOP I7 22, NOH I7 22
BOH I7 26 rn.roselle
H(A) E14 9 Biddy

On 7th draw, VAIR 8A 32 --- VAIR a fur used for lining and trimming of medieval garments [n]
Other moves: PAIR 8A 29, SPAR 8A 29, VARS J6 28, PARVIS J3 26, PAV C12 26
PAL C12 20 rn.roselle
PRAT 13A 12 Biddy

On 8th draw, VIGO(R)O J6 31 --- VIGORO a ball game played by women [n]
Other moves: VEGO J6 30, VEGO(S) J6 30, VIGO(R) J6 30, VEG(O) J6 28, VIG(S) J6 28
ROVI(N)G 11H 18 Biddy
(S)O J8 9 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, FACED K11 32 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other moves: FACET K11 30, DECAF K11 28, FACE K11 28, FACT K11 28, FATED K11 28
FACED K11 32 rn.roselle
FACET B7 12 Biddy

On 10th draw, PELTA L8 30 --- PELTA an ancient small shield [n]
Other tops: PEALED 14J 30, PEDATE 14J 30, PEDLAR 14J 30, PEDLER 14J 30, PELTED 14J 30, PETARD 14J 30, PLATE L8 30, PRATE L8 30
Other moves: PEDAL 14J 28, PELTAE 14J 28, PELTER 14J 28, PETREL 14J 28, DRAPE 15K 27
PEDLER 14J 30 rn.roselle
DEALT 15K 21 Biddy

On 11th draw, BARONNE M2 74 --- BARONNE a baroness [n]
Other moves: DEBAR 15K 27, DOBRA 15K 27, DORBA 15K 27, ACERB 13J 26, BEANO 14J 26
PROB 8L 24 rn.roselle
DRONE 15K 21 Biddy

On 12th draw, PAWER N1 37 --- PAWER one that paws [n]
Other moves: WEANER 14J 34, WANE L1 32, ANEW N2 31, AREW N2 31, DAWEN 15K 30
PAWER N1 37 rn.roselle
DRAWN 15K 30 Biddy

On 13th draw, JOLE L1 55 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: ROJI L1 48, JOLE L3 46, ROJI L3 46, ARLE O1 42, JOL L3 42
JA L3 37 rn.roselle
IRE O1 32 gruau44
ALOE O2 23 Biddy

On 14th draw, DILUVIAN A4 64 --- DILUVIAN pertaining to a flood [adj]
Other moves: INDUVIAL A4 63, ADORN 5K 25, DUALIN O5 25, DENIAL 14J 22, DULIA O5 22
AND N8 13 gruau44
PA 1N 12 rn.roselle
VAIN A8 7 Biddy

On 15th draw, GYTES B10 38 --- GYTE a child [n]
Other moves: GEYEST B10 37, CYTES O5 35, SYCEE B10 33, SYCEE O5 33, CYST O5 32
YE J14 29 rn.roselle, Zweep
PEGS 8L 21 Biddy

On 16th draw, EDITOR 15J 24 --- EDITOR one that edits [n]
Other moves: CENTO 13K 22, DINER 15K 21, DONER 15K 21, DOTER 15K 21, DRENT 15K 21
DRONE 15K 21 rn.roselle, Zweep

On 17th draw, QUIN B2 31 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other tops: QUIT B2 31
Other moves: HET 14J 29, WET 14J 29, ETHE 14H 28, QUINO N11 28, HE 14J 26
QUIT B2 31 Zweep, Biddy

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