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Game of September 15, 2011 at 01:28, 6 players - after 17 words played
1. 562 pts immy
2. 538 pts iwhist
3. 483 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilopuy   H8    28    28   poley
 2. ?aeirrw  11E    90   118   waterier
 3. aeilnov   L8    76   194   overlain
 4. adfgort  14J    36   230   frigot
 5. aimnotu   M2    72   302   tinamou
 6. deefinr   I3    74   376   refined
 7. aabemoo   H1    42   418   beam
 8. ?cdioqw   L1    54   472   qadi
 9. ceosttw  15F    35   507   sowce
10. adopsty   6C    68   575   dystopia
11. abenort  13C    83   658   reboant
12. cehlsuv  O11    42   700   chute
13. aeglnnu   K4    34   734   genal
14. aiijnos  12A    44   778   jiao
15. aeghlnx   7E    45   823   hex
16. agikrst   8A    48   871   sitka
17. deinrtu   A1    80   951   intrudes

Remaining tiles: gilsuvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6841 Fileimmy        3 10:56  -389  562     1.6841 immy        3 10:56  -389  562 
  2.6586 Fileiwhist      2 15:01  -413  538     2.6586 iwhist      2 15:01  -413  538 
  3.6325 FileZweep       1 18:25  -468  483     3.6325 Zweep       1 18:25  -468  483 
  4.4339 Filepaulineasb  1 15:38  -496  455            Group: not rated
  5.3344 FileBananaTree  0 12:58  -831  120     1.4339 paulineasb  1 15:38  -496  455 
  6.4822 Filevictor      0  2:32  -881   70     2.3344 BananaTree  0 12:58  -831  120 
                                             3.4822 victor      0  2:32  -881   70 

On 1st draw, POLEY H8 28 --- POLEY hornless cattle [n]
Other moves: PIOYE H4 26, POLEY H4 26, PIOYE H8 22, PIOYE H5 20, PIOYE H6 20
POLEY H8 28 Zweep
PLOY H5 18 paulineasb, immy

On 2nd draw, WA(T)ERIER 11E 90 --- WATERY containing water [adj]
Other tops: WA(V)ERIER 11E 90
Other moves: WAR(B)IER G9 81, AIR(C)REW I3 78, RI(V)ERWAY 12A 78, WAR(B)IER I3 72, WAR(T)IER I3 72
(A)WARER I8 34 iwhist
WIRER(S) 13C 28 immy
REW I7 24 Zweep
WEARER 11D 18 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, OVERLAIN L8 76 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: ALEVIN 13C 31, VOILE 12A 29, VOLAE 12A 29, VENAL 10B 27, VINAL 10B 27
VOILE 12A 29 immy
LIVEN I5 20 iwhist
VIOLIN J10 19 paulineasb
VALINE F10 19 victor
VAIN F10 15 BananaTree
LIEN 12C 15 Zweep

On 4th draw, FRIGOT 14J 36 --- FRIGOT a frigate [n]
Other moves: FAITOR 14J 34, GOAF 10C 34, DOF 10D 33, OAF 10D 32, OF 10E 31
DOF 10D 33 immy, iwhist
FORGO 8K 27 Zweep
DRAGON 15G 24 victor
NARD 15L 15 paulineasb

On 5th draw, TINAMOU M2 72 --- TINAMOU a South American game bird [n]
Other tops: MANITOU M2 72
Other moves: MANITOU I3 71, TINAMOU I3 71, MANITOU G2 65, TINAMOU G2 65, NOMA 15L 31
NOMA 15L 31 iwhist
MUTI O12 27 victor
MUTT O12 27 Zweep
TAM 10D 26 immy
MOUNT 8K 21 BananaTree
ANTI O12 15 paulineasb

On 6th draw, REFINED I3 74 --- REFINE to free from impurities [v]
Other tops: ENFIRED I3 74, FENDIER I3 74
Other moves: DEFINER I3 72, FREDAINE F7 68, FILED 10F 44, REFIRED I7 38, DEFINE 15E 35
FILED 10F 44 immy, iwhist
DEFINE 15E 35 Zweep
FOUND 8K 27 paulineasb
WEIRD E11 9 BananaTree

On 7th draw, BEAM H1 42 --- BEAM to emit in beams (rays of light) [v]
Other tops: BOOM H1 42
Other moves: BEMATA O10 39, ABEAM L2 36, ABOMA L2 36, AMEBA L2 36, AMOEBA 15E 35
BEAM H1 42 immy, iwhist
MATE O12 27 paulineasb
MOTE O12 27 Zweep
AT 2L 2 BananaTree

On 8th draw, Q(A)DI L1 54 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI L3 37, QADI F10 34, QADI(S) F10 34, QAID F10 34, QAID(S) F10 34
QI L3 37 Zweep, immy, iwhist
QA(T) F10 31 paulineasb
TOW 2M 12 BananaTree

On 9th draw, SOWCE 15F 35 --- SOWCE to pickle [v]
Other moves: WETS O12 33, WOTS O12 33, WOTTEST O8 33, OCTET J2 30, OCTETTS O9 30
WETS O12 33 Zweep, iwhist, immy, paulineasb
OUST 8L 12 BananaTree

On 10th draw, DYSTOPIA 6C 68 --- DYSTOPIA a wretched place [n]
Other moves: PYATS O11 42, PYOTS O11 42, TYPTO O11 42, TODAYS 13C 39, TODAY 10B 37
PATY O12 36 iwhist
SPAY 10C 35 immy
PASTY O11 33 paulineasb, Zweep
STOW E8 7 BananaTree

On 11th draw, REBOANT 13C 83 --- REBOANT resounding loudly [adj]
Other moves: BARONET 14A 78, BARYTONE D3 78, BETATRON F2 66, REBATO O10 33, BANE K4 32
BATE O12 27 iwhist, Zweep, immy, paulineasb
BAY D4 16 BananaTree

On 12th draw, CHUTE O11 42 --- CHUTE to convey by chute (a vertical passage) [v]
Other moves: VOUCH 8K 39, SHUTE O11 36, HEELS 10J 33, HES K4 33, HETS O12 33
CHUTE O11 42 paulineasb, iwhist, immy
VOUCH 8K 39 Zweep
SLED C3 10 BananaTree

On 13th draw, GENAL K4 34 --- GENAL of the cheek [adj]
Other moves: ANNUL K4 31, GANE K4 29, GENA K4 29, GENU K4 29, LANG K4 28
GLEAN 10B 21 Zweep
GEAN 12A 20 immy, iwhist
GLADE C3 16 BananaTree
GEE 2F 8 paulineasb

On 14th draw, JIAO 12A 44 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAOS 5B 38, JIAO 5B 34, JIAO 10B 32, JOINTS F2 29, TINAJA F6 29
JOYS D4 28 paulineasb
JA F10 25 immy, iwhist, Zweep

On 15th draw, HEX 7E 45 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: HEXAGONS F8 37, AX 7F 36, EX 7F 36, HEXYL D3 36, HEX N5 35
HEX 7E 45 immy
AX 7F 36 Zweep, iwhist
JANE A12 33 paulineasb

On 16th draw, SITKA 8A 48 --- SITKA as in sitka spruce, a tall North American spruce tree. No -S [adj]
Other moves: JAKS A12 45, JARK A12 45, RAKI 5B 40, SAKI 5B 40, SIKA 5B 40
JAKS A12 45 immy, paulineasb, iwhist
GASH E4 16 Zweep

On 17th draw, INTRUDES A1 80 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
Other moves: UNDERTIME 4A 76, UNDERBIT 1C 62, NURDIEST A2 60, INJURE A10 39, TENDU N2 38
JEDI A12 36 paulineasb
JUTE A12 33 immy, iwhist, Zweep

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