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Game of September 15, 2011 at 15:49, 7 players - after 17 words played
1. 481 pts Hasni
2. 452 pts spellcheck
3. 410 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeejlrv   H4    46    46   javel
 2. defortu   I7    79   125   foutred
 3. acegoyz  H12    48   173   yoga
 4. aalnrsy  G12    33   206   ryal
 5. aeinors  10G    62   268   notarise
 6. ?eklnow   5D   106   374   knowable
 7. ?iiortu   M4    59   433   virtuosi
 8. abdenuz  F14    67   500   za
 9. acdehms   O4   114   614   chasmed
10. eegprst  J12    27   641   sept
11. acnoqrs  15J    48   689   tranqs
12. acdeghi   D1    36   725   haick
13. deiinop   1C    39   764   phonied
14. bbeilvx   6E    52   816   ex
15. beimotu   2B    28   844   miaou
16. abdegnw   3A    35   879   begin
17. deilrtv   A3    30   909   birled


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6000 FileHasni       2 19:59  -428  481     1.6000 Hasni       2 19:59  -428  481 
  2.4980 Filespellcheck  2 19:00  -457  452     2.6521 Kenpachi    0 12:31  -513  396 
  3.5279 FileAndy1990    0 17:10  -499  410     3.6797 woofy1      1  7:34  -731  178 
  4.6521 FileKenpachi    0 12:31  -513  396            Group: novice
  5.4701 FileChiliB.     0  8:27  -607  302     1.5279 Andy1990    0 17:10  -499  410 
  6.6797 Filewoofy1      1  7:34  -731  178     2.5997 raggedy01   0  1:24  -893   16 
  7.5997 Fileraggedy01   0  1:24  -893   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4980 spellcheck  2 19:00  -457  452 
                                             2.4701 ChiliB.     0  8:27  -607  302 

On 1st draw, JAVEL H4 46 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: EVEJAR H3 40, EVEJAR H4 34, EVEJAR H7 34, EVEJAR H8 34, EVEJAR H5 32
JAVEL H4 46 spellcheck, Hasni
LEAVER H4 20 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, FOUTRED I7 79 --- FOUTRE to mess around [v]
Other moves: FOUTERED 7B 66, FOUTERED 7D 64, FORTED I7 26, FOUTER I7 25, FOUTRE I7 25
FADER 5G 18 Andy1990
FLOURED 8G 12 spellcheck
JUTE 4H 11 Hasni

On 3rd draw, YOGA H12 48 --- YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n]
Other moves: CORYZA 11G 40, AZO H13 39, AGRYZE 11G 38, CEAZE 12H 38, CRAZY 11H 38
CRAZY 11H 38 Hasni, spellcheck
GRAZE 11H 30 ChiliB.
ZO I3 30 Kenpachi
ZEE 12H 22 Andy1990

On 4th draw, RYAL G12 33 --- RYAL a royal person [n]
Other moves: RAYA G11 31, ALARY G9 30, RYA G12 30, SNARY G9 30, SUNRAY 9H 29
SLAY G10 28 Kenpachi
YEARLY 12H 24 ChiliB.
SURLY 9H 24 spellcheck
SUN 9H 19 Andy1990, Hasni

On 5th draw, NOTARISE 10G 62 --- NOTARISE to attest to as a notary [v]
Other tops: ANOESTRI 10D 62, ARSONITE 10C 62, NOTARIES 10G 62, ROSINATE 10C 62, SENORITA 10C 62
Other moves: INJERAS 4F 28, JOINERS 4H 28, REJOINS 4F 28, JOINER 4H 26, JANES 4H 24
JEANS 4H 24 Andy1990
SURE 9H 20 Hasni, Kenpachi
TRAINS 10I 10 spellcheck

On 6th draw, KNOWA(B)LE 5D 106 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [adj] --- KNOWABLE able to be known [adj]
Other moves: (S)NOWLIKE L5 86, (D)OWNLIKE L5 80, WEEKLON(G) N8 78, KNOWER(S) K5 52, LE(G)WORK K5 52
KNOWE(S) O5 44 Kenpachi
KNOW(S) O6 41 Hasni, ChiliB.
WONK(S) O6 41 spellcheck
JOKE(R) 4H 30 Andy1990
KE(D) O8 26 woofy1

On 7th draw, (V)IRTUOSI M4 59 --- VIRTUOSO a highly skilled artistic performer [n]
Other moves: (S)UITOR O10 26, RO(S)IT O8 23, RO(S)TI O8 23, OIKI(S)T D3 20, RIOT(S) O6 20
RIOT(S) O6 20 ChiliB.
TRIO(S) O6 20 Hasni
TOUR(S) O6 20 Kenpachi, spellcheck
ROU(S)T O7 20 woofy1
TRU(N)K D1 18 Andy1990

On 8th draw, ZA F14 67 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZED O8 49, BEDAZE N9 43, ZEA 6B 38, BRAZED K9 36, ADOZE F3 35
ZA F14 67 woofy1
ZED O8 49 spellcheck, Kenpachi
ZEA 6B 38 Hasni
DOZEN F4 35 ChiliB.
ZEK D3 32 Andy1990

On 9th draw, CHASMED O4 114 --- CHASM a deep cleft in the earth [adj] --- CHASMED having a chasm [adj]
Other moves: CHASMED O7 107, SCHEMA O10 60, SACHEM O10 57, SAMECH O10 57, CHASED O7 51
CHUMS 8K 48 ChiliB., Andy1990
MASHED O8 48 woofy1
CHASED O5 46 spellcheck
CHAMS O6 45 Kenpachi
HAMES O6 39 Hasni

On 10th draw, SEPT J12 27 --- SEPT a clan [n]
Other moves: GREEK D1 24, PESTER N9 23, PETERS N9 23, PETRES N9 23, SEEP J12 23
GREEK D1 24 Kenpachi, Andy1990
GAES J9 17 woofy1
GITES L9 17 Hasni
GREETS K9 14 ChiliB.
SPORT F3 9 spellcheck

On 11th draw, TRANQS 15J 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: CRANKS D1 30, CROAKS D1 30, CRANK D1 28, CROAK D1 28, CRONK D1 28
CRANKS D1 30 Kenpachi, Andy1990, Hasni
SNACK D1 24 ChiliB.
TORAS 15J 6 spellcheck

On 12th draw, HAICK D1 36 --- HAICK an Arab head covering [n]
Other tops: HACEK D1 36
Other moves: HACKED D2 32, ACHE 12L 30, HACKIE D2 30, ACED 12L 28, ACID 12L 28
HACKED D2 32 spellcheck
AH 6E 28 Kenpachi
HECK D2 26 ChiliB.
HICK D2 26 Andy1990
CHA 6B 20 Hasni

On 13th draw, PHONIED 1C 39 --- PHONY to alter so as to make appear genuine [v]
Other tops: DIPHONE 1A 39
Other moves: PHONED 1C 36, HOPED 1D 33, HOIDEN 1D 30, HONIED 1D 30, HONED 1D 27
HOPED 1D 33 Andy1990, Kenpachi, Hasni, spellcheck
DIP 3C 12 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, EX 6E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: VIBEX 3C 50, EX L7 36, LEX 2H 31, VOXEL F4 31, IBEX L10 30
EX 6E 52 Hasni
VOX F4 29 spellcheck
BOX F4 28 Andy1990, ChiliB.

On 15th draw, MIAOU 2B 28 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: TIMBO 7B 25, BEAM 2B 24, BIOME L9 24, TIMBO L9 24, UMBO 7C 24
MOB 2H 20 Hasni
TO 7E 15 spellcheck
MOBE K2 8 Andy1990

On 16th draw, BEGIN 3A 35 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other moves: AGIN 3B 29, BANI 3A 26, BENI 3A 26, WIDEN L9 26, WIGAN L9 26
CAB 4D 22 Kenpachi
WEALD J2 21 Andy1990
WABS O12 13 Hasni
WAGS O12 12 spellcheck

On 17th draw, BIRLED A3 30 --- BIRL to rotate a floating log [v] --- BIRLE to pour out [v]
Other tops: BRIDLE A3 30
Other moves: DIVERT 2H 24, YODELED 13G 24, DEVIL 2H 23, DIVER 2H 23, DIVE 2H 22
BRIDLE A3 30 spellcheck
DIVERT 2H 24 Hasni
DEVIL 2H 23 Kenpachi
LITED L9 16 raggedy01
DIVER K2 9 Andy1990

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