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Game of September 16, 2011 at 03:24, 4 players - after 17 words played
1. 415 pts dabbler
2. 411 pts gmills0
3. 201 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeillnr   H3    66    66   ralline
 2. ?aaeeko   5E    40   106   oakleaf
 3. ?degiop   8A    83   189   diplogen
 4. egorstx   6B    57   246   sorex
 5. ahinstw   J4    68   314   taniwhas
 6. aegmnwy   C8    38   352   pygmean
 7. deghirt  13A    64   416   graithed
 8. aefflnt   8J    57   473   waffle
 9. ajlnotu   4A    43   516   jaunt
10. bcertuu  11E    44   560   becrust
11. adilpuw   A1    45   605   wilja
12. bddeeos  A10    39   644   bodged
13. aeinost  14F    73   717   atonies
14. einpsuv  15H    42   759   puns
15. eimoouy   3A    33   792   lyme
16. cioooru   H1    33   825   coralline
17. eiioovv   N6    21   846   volve

Remaining tiles: iiioqrrtuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5796 Filedabbler     2 18:17  -431  415     1.6323 Zweep       0  7:28  -729  117 
  2.4983 Filegmills0     2 17:26  -435  411            Group: novice
  3.5997 FileHasni       0 11:54  -645  201     1.5796 dabbler     2 18:17  -431  415 
  4.6323 FileZweep       0  7:28  -729  117     2.5997 Hasni       0 11:54  -645  201 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4983 gmills0     2 17:26  -435  411 

On 1st draw, RALLINE H3 66 --- RALLINE pertaining to a family of marsh birds [adj]
Other tops: RALLINE H2 66, RALLINE H4 66, RALLINE H6 66, RALLINE H7 66, RALLINE H8 66
Other moves: RALLINE H5 64, ALINER H3 14, ALINER H4 14, ALINER H7 14, ALINER H8 14
RALLINE H6 16 gmills0
LINEAR H4 14 dabbler

On 2nd draw, OAKLEA(F) 5E 40 --- OAKLEAF an oak fungus [n]
Other moves: A(K)EAKE G3 36, AKEA(K)E G6 33, A(P)EAK G3 33, A(P)EEK G3 33, AKEE G6 32
LAKE 6H 18 dabbler
LAKE(S) 6H 18 gmills0

On 3rd draw, DIP(L)OGEN 8A 83 --- DIPLOGEN heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: PROIG(N)ED 3G 80, PIDGEO(N) G7 79, PODGIE(R) G7 79, POR(R)IDGE 3F 74, RIDGE(T)OP 3H 74
APOGEI(C) F5 17 gmills0
PIDGEON(S) 8B 13 dabbler

On 4th draw, SOREX 6B 57 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: GREX 6C 55, GOX 6D 54, LEX 6H 53, REX 6D 53, SEX 6D 53
OX 6E 52 dabbler
TAXERS J4 29 gmills0

On 5th draw, TANIWHAS J4 68 --- TANIWHA a Maori monster [n]
Other moves: HAINTS 4A 39, THAWS 4B 38, WISHT 4B 38, WITHS 4B 38, HAWS 4C 36
WAITS 6J 32 dabbler
WITH 7G 24 gmills0

On 6th draw, PYGMEAN C8 38 --- PYGMEAN pertaining to a pygmy [adj] --- PYGMY a small person [adj]
Other moves: MEW G7 31, GEYAN G7 29, GEY G7 27, MAWGER 3C 26, SWAMY 11J 26
MANGEY 10I 20 gmills0

On 7th draw, GRAITHED 13A 64 --- GRAITH to dress [v]
Other moves: WEIGHT 8J 42, WHITED 8J 42, WITHED 8J 42, WRIGHT 8J 42, EIGHT K8 41
WEIGHT 8J 42 gmills0, dabbler

On 8th draw, WAFFLE 8J 57 --- WAFFLE to talk vaguely or indecisively [v]
Other moves: NAFFEST 11E 52, FIEF D12 40, NAFF 4C 39, TEFF 4C 39, AFF 4D 37
WAFFLE 8J 57 dabbler, gmills0
DEF H13 21 Hasni

On 9th draw, JAUNT 4A 43 --- JAUNT to go on a pleasure trip [v]
Other moves: JUGAL A11 42, GJU A13 33, TAJ 4C 30, GAJO F8 28, JOLL N6 27
TAJ 4C 30 Hasni
JOLT N6 27 gmills0
JAR 3F 11 dabbler

On 10th draw, BECRUST 11E 44 --- BECRUST to cover with a crust [v]
Other tops: BECURST 11E 44
Other moves: REDUB H11 27, CUMBER 11A 24, BERET G7 21, BEER G7 20, BEET G7 20
BRUT B12 20 dabbler
BET G7 19 Hasni
GUT A13 12 gmills0

On 11th draw, WILJA A1 45 --- WILJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: PEW G7 31, AW 10E 30, PEDICLE G7 29, DEW G7 27, PUGIL A11 27
DAW H13 21 Hasni
GUP A13 18 gmills0
DIP H13 18 dabbler

On 12th draw, BODGED A10 39 --- BODGE to botch [v]
Other moves: BODGES A10 36, DODGES A10 33, SEDGED A10 33, EDGED A11 30, DIEB D12 28
BODGED A10 39 dabbler
BODGES A10 36 gmills0
SEED L11 22 Hasni
GOB A13 18 Zweep

On 13th draw, ATONIES 14F 73 --- ATONY muscular debility [n]
Other moves: ATONIES 14H 71, ELATIONS N7 70, TOENAILS N2 70, INSOLATE N4 62, FIESTA L8 30
FEAST L8 28 dabbler
SAINT L11 24 Hasni
ELATIONS N7 20 Zweep
DOT H13 12 gmills0

On 14th draw, PUNS 15H 42 --- PUN to make a pun (a play on words) [v]
Other tops: PENS 15H 42
Other moves: PEN 15H 37, PES 15H 37, PUN 15H 37, PUS 15H 37, PE 15H 32
PENS 15H 42 gmills0
SUN 15H 25 Zweep
PENS 13K 18 Hasni
VILE N6 15 dabbler

On 15th draw, LYME 3A 33 --- LYME a leash [n]
Other moves: OY 10E 30, YOM 9M 30, LYM 3A 29, DEEM 12A 24, LEY 3A 24
YUM 13K 24 Hasni, dabbler
MOY 13K 23 Zweep
EMS L12 10 gmills0

On 16th draw, CORALLINE H1 33 --- CORALLINE [n]
Other moves: URIC 2C 20, ARTIC 4H 17, IO B10 17, OO B10 17, COLOUR N6 16
COLOUR N6 16 gmills0, dabbler
COLOR N6 15 Zweep
ROO 13K 11 Hasni

On 17th draw, VOLVE N6 21 --- VOLVE to turn over [v]
Other moves: IO B10 17, OO B10 17, VOE 13J 17, GIVE F8 16, IRE B12 16
OLIVE N7 16 Zweep
GIVE F8 16 dabbler
LIVE N8 15 gmills0
FIVE M8 11 Hasni

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