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Game of September 16, 2011 at 08:34, 3 players - after 17 words played
1. 545 pts charmz
2. 526 pts Kenpachi
3. 369 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. celoqrt   H4    22    22   colter
 2. ?aarstt   5E    78   100   aerostat
 3. aenprtv   4K    36   136   parev
 4. giinost   9B    63   199   ignitors
 5. ?deeeej   4A    46   245   jeered
 6. eenpstu   7C    65   310   petuntse
 7. iklnotu   A4    36   346   junto
 8. aabdlmo   8J    44   390   lambda
 9. afhinor   N1    34   424   forehand
10. acgilor   C3    24   448   geropiga
11. ademnsy   1J    51   499   madefy
12. adeiiow   L8    26   525   miaowed
13. cehlosv   3I    43   568   cosher
14. beeilnu  14J    30   598   beduin
15. eikowyz  O12    81   679   zonk
16. eiiirwy  15G    37   716   wiry
17. eiillux  M12    45   761   exul

Remaining tiles: fgiiilnquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6359 Filecharmz      4 19:33  -216  545     1.6359 charmz      4 19:33  -216  545 
  2.6514 FileKenpachi    1 15:53  -235  526     2.6514 Kenpachi    1 15:53  -235  526 
  3.4870 Filefatcat      1 19:59  -392  369            Group: not rated
                                             1.4870 fatcat      1 19:59  -392  369 

On 1st draw, COLTER H4 22 --- COLTER a blade on a plow [n]
Other moves: CEORL H4 20, CLOTE H4 20, COLTER H3 18, COLTER H7 18, COLTER H8 18
CLOTE H4 20 charmz
COTE H5 12 Kenpachi
ROLE H8 8 fatcat

On 2nd draw, A(E)ROSTAT 5E 78 --- AEROSTAT an aircraft that is lighter than air [n]
Other tops: STARO(S)TA 5D 78, STRO(M)ATA 5E 78, (B)AROSTAT 5E 78, (S)TAROSTA 5D 78
Other moves: AR(I)STATE 8A 74, ST(E)ARATE 8A 74, (C)ASTRATE 8A 74, SAT(U)RATE 8A 71, ATTRA(P)S 10B 69
START 10H 16 Kenpachi
TARTS 10D 16 charmz
CAR(E)S 4H 12 fatcat

On 3rd draw, PAREV 4K 36 --- PAREV made without meat or milk [adj]
Other moves: PARVE 4K 30, PAVEN 4K 30, PAVER 4K 30, PARVE 4A 28, PAVEN 4A 28
PAVEN 4K 30 Kenpachi
PAVER 4K 30 charmz
N(E)VER F4 15 fatcat

On 4th draw, IGNITORS 9B 63 --- IGNITOR one that ignites [n]
STOVING O1 33 charmz
VINOS O4 24 Kenpachi
VISIT O4 24 fatcat

On 5th draw, JEE(R)ED 4A 46 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other tops: JEE(L)ED 4A 46, JEE(P)ED 4A 46, JE(R)EED 4A 46
Other moves: J*w*D 4A 43, J*w*D 6B 40, JE(R)EED N1 34, JE(R)ID B6 32, JEED 6B 31
JEE(R)ED N2 30 fatcat
JEED N2 24 Kenpachi
DEEV O1 24 charmz

On 6th draw, PETUNTSE 7C 65 --- PETUNTSE a mineral [n]
Other moves: PETUNTSE F7 64, PETUNTSE 7F 63, JEEPS A4 42, JUPES A4 42, JETES A4 36
JEEPS A4 42 Kenpachi
STEVEN O1 27 charmz
SPENT N2 18 fatcat

On 7th draw, JUNTO A4 36 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other tops: JOINT A4 36, JOTUN A4 36
Other moves: TOUK 3B 30, VOLUTIN O4 30, KOI 8A 29, KON 3L 27, OUK 3C 26
JOINT A4 36 charmz
KOI 8A 29 Kenpachi
INK E9 14 fatcat

On 8th draw, LAMBDA 8J 44 --- LAMBDA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: BIMODAL B8 40, ABEAM N2 30, MALVA O1 30, BAM 3L 27, MOB 3L 27
MOB 3L 27 Kenpachi, charmz
MADE N1 14 fatcat

On 9th draw, FOREHAND N1 34 --- FOREHAND a type of tennis stroke [n]
Other moves: FAH 3L 33, FOH 3L 33, FOEHN N2 26, FRENA B2 26, IF 10A 26
FAH 3L 33 Kenpachi
FAN 3L 24 charmz
THIN F9 15 fatcat

On 10th draw, GEROPIGA C3 24 --- GEROPIGA a port substitute [n]
Other moves: AI O1 23, AR O1 23, BROLGA M8 20, LIAR 6H 20, MAGIC L8 20
AR O1 23 Kenpachi, charmz
SAILOR I9 7 fatcat

On 11th draw, MADEFY 1J 51 --- MADEFY to moisten [v]
Other moves: EMYS 9K 48, MAYS 9K 48, DAYS 9K 46, DEYS 9K 46, NAYS 9K 44
MAYS 9K 48 Kenpachi
DEFY 1L 39 fatcat
AY O1 35 charmz

On 12th draw, MIAOWED L8 26 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other tops: ALOED 6G 26, ELIAD 6G 26, ILIAD 6G 26
Other moves: AWE 6J 25, WAIDE 2F 25, MEADOW L8 24, MOWDIE L8 24, EWER M1 23
MEADOW L8 24 fatcat
WADE 2I 22 charmz
DAW 2I 20 Kenpachi

On 13th draw, COSHER 3I 43 --- COSHER to coddle [v]
Other moves: SHOVEL 11C 37, SHOVE 11C 35, HIES 9K 34, HELOS M11 33, HOLES M11 33
SHOVEL 11C 37 charmz
HOLES M11 33 Kenpachi
HOOVES 11J 24 fatcat

On 14th draw, BEDUIN 14J 30 --- BEDUIN a nomadic Arab [n]
Other tops: BELIE M11 30
Other moves: BEDEL 14J 28, BENE M11 28, BENI M11 28, BEEN M10 27, BIEN M10 27
BENE M11 28 charmz
BEE M11 23 Kenpachi
BLUE 13I 9 fatcat

On 15th draw, ZONK O12 81 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: ZINE O12 69, ZONE O12 69, OZEKI 15F 58, ZOWIE 15G 57, ZOWIE 15F 55
ZONK O12 81 charmz
ZONE O12 69 fatcat, Kenpachi

On 16th draw, WIRY 15G 37 --- WIRY resembling wire [adj]
Other moves: WEY 15H 34, WRY 15H 34, WEY 13K 33, WYE 15H 31, WEARY 10J 27
WIRY 15G 37 fatcat, Kenpachi, charmz

On 17th draw, EXUL M12 45 --- EXUL an exile [n]
Other moves: AXEL K8 37, EX 13L 36, XU M13 36, IXIA 10I 29, EXUD(E) F1 28
EXUL M12 45 charmz
XU M13 36 Kenpachi
SIX I9 10 fatcat

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