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Game of September 16, 2011 at 20:05, 11 players - after 17 words played
1. 460 pts immy
2. 409 pts pandora1._
3. 338 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeefit   H4    24    24   feerie
 2. aelmoou   G5    22    46   amole
 3. ioooprs  10B    24    70   pooris
 4. aenstwy   E7    78   148   sternway
 5. deelosz  15A    63   211   dozes
 6. aeiloru  D12    25   236   aloe
 7. acemqtu   F2    46   282   quate
 8. ?aiiopr   1D    35   317   opera
 9. aeegnsw  F12    28   345   awe
10. aehiort   5E    28   373   etaerio
11. bdegirt   8A    27   400   debit
12. cefghis   L1    40   440   chefs
13. abdlnru   B2    32   472   durable
14. agiikvx   M2    41   513   ax
15. hiknrtu   I9    28   541   kith
16. dimnrtu   1J    43   584   dictum
17. aginnot   7G    62   646   organotin


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6840 Fileimmy        3 12:24  -186  460     1.6840 immy        3 12:24  -186  460 
  2.6161 Filepandora1._  3 16:18  -237  409     2.6161 pandora1._  3 16:18  -237  409 
  3.5805 Filenaomiari    2 14:22  -308  338     3.6738 GLOBEMAN    4  6:09  -399  247 
  4.5043 Filecoffeeman   1 18:38  -328  318     4.6633 Gypsylady   0  3:43  -588   58 
  5.4092 FileSuzette     0 16:06  -390  256     5.6563 iwhist      0  1:37  -624   22 
  6.6738 FileGLOBEMAN    4  6:09  -399  247            Group: novice
  7.5977 Fileraggedy01   1  5:33  -551   95     1.5805 naomiari    2 14:22  -308  338 
  8.6633 FileGypsylady   0  3:43  -588   58     2.5043 coffeeman   1 18:38  -328  318 
  9.4563 Filemaddie      0  3:03  -596   50     3.5977 raggedy01   1  5:33  -551   95 
 10.4846 Filepickrose    0  4:40  -603   43            Group: not rated
 11.6563 Fileiwhist      0  1:37  -624   22     1.4092 Suzette     0 16:06  -390  256 
                                             2.4563 maddie      0  3:03  -596   50 
                                             3.4846 pickrose    0  4:40  -603   43 

On 1st draw, FEE(R)IE H4 24 --- FEERIE fairyland [n]
Other tops: EF(F)ETE H3 24
Other moves: FEE(S)E H4 22, FEE(Z)E H4 22, FEI(N)T H4 22, FEI(S)T H4 22, FETE(D) H4 22
FETE(S) H4 22 immy, pandora1._
F(L)EET H4 22 coffeeman, Gypsylady, Suzette, naomiari
FETI(D) H4 22 iwhist

On 2nd draw, AMOLE G5 22 --- AMOLE a plant root used as a substitute for soap [n]
Other tops: MOOLA G5 22
Other moves: ALME G7 21, ALME I4 20, ELM G7 20, FEMAL 4H 20, FLAME 4H 20
FLAME 4H 20 immy, coffeeman
FLUME 4H 20 pickrose
MALE I3 18 naomiari
MEAL G9 16 pandora1._
MALE G9 16 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, POORIS 10B 24 --- POORI a light, flat wheat cake [n]
Other moves: SOPOR 10H 22, ROOPS 10C 21, OOPS 10D 20, RIPS 10D 20, SIP 10H 20
RIPS 10D 20 pandora1._
SOP 10H 20 Gypsylady
PROS 10D 16 naomiari
POOR F9 13 immy
FEE(R)IES H4 9 Suzette, pickrose
SOIREE 9C 7 maddie
PEES 9F 7 coffeeman

On 4th draw, STERNWAY E7 78 --- STERNWAY the backward movement of a vessel [n]
Other moves: WASTERY E5 52, YAWNERS E5 52, WANTERS E5 40, WYES 11C 36, WYE 11C 32
PAWNS B10 20 immy
STONEY D8 20 maddie
SWAY I1 19 naomiari
WASPY B7 13 Suzette

On 5th draw, DOZES 15A 63 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other moves: L*Z*S 15A 60, DOZES D4 37, ZEDS F2 37, DELES 15A 36, DELOS 15A 36
DOZES 15A 63 pandora1._, immy
DOZY 14B 34 coffeeman
ZEALS 13C 30 Suzette
ZOOS C9 23 maddie

On 6th draw, ALOE D12 25 --- ALOE an African plant [n]
Other moves: L*Z C13 24, LUZ C13 24, REZ C13 24, RIZ C13 24, FAILURE 4H 20
ALOE D12 25 pandora1._
RIZ C13 24 Suzette
OLE F12 19 immy
LA F13 13 naomiari

On 7th draw, QUATE F2 46 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: CLAQUE 13C 36, QUAT F2 36, QUATE D3 30, AQUAE 5D 28, TALAQ 13B 28
QUAT F2 36 immy
QUAD A12 24 naomiari, Suzette
CUM 9A 21 pandora1._
QUEP B7 15 coffeeman

On 8th draw, OP(E)RA 1D 35 --- OPERA a form of musical drama [n]
Other moves: A(D)Z C13 33, P(E)RAI 1E 32, POO(J)A C9 29, POO(K)A C9 29, POR(T)A C9 29
P(E)AR 1E 29 pandora1._
RIP G1 26 immy, naomiari
PRI(N)T 8A 18 coffeeman
Q(U)IP 2F 14 Suzette

On 9th draw, AWE F12 28 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: EWE F12 28
Other moves: EWEST 8A 27, SWEAT 8A 27, SWEET 8A 27, WEEST 8A 27, WENGES D3 27
WAGES D4 25 immy
WAGONS C7 22 coffeeman
SEW I1 17 Suzette
SAW I1 17 pandora1._
SWEEP B6 12 naomiari

On 10th draw, ETAERIO 5E 28 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: HEART 8A 27, FAITHER 4H 26, THORIA D3 25, FATHER 4H 24, FOTHER 4H 24
HEART 8A 27 GLOBEMAN, coffeeman
AH 14A 23 immy
OH 9B 22 pandora1._
OATH 2A 19 raggedy01
HEAR 2A 16 naomiari
HEAD A12 12 Suzette

On 11th draw, DEBIT 8A 27 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other tops: BIDET 8A 27
Other moves: BLAWED 13C 26, GIBED 4K 25, GIRTED 4J 25, BEDRUG 3B 24, BETID 4K 24
BIDET 8A 27 coffeeman, GLOBEMAN
DEBIT 6J 23 immy
RIG G1 22 raggedy01, pandora1._
DIRT 6J 18 naomiari
BRIDGE J3 14 pickrose
PED B10 6 Suzette

On 12th draw, CHEFS L1 40 --- CHEF a chief cook [n] --- CHEF to work as a chef, CHEFFED, CHEFFING, CHEFS or CHEFED, CHEFING, CHEFS [v]
Other moves: FICHES 6J 39, FICHE 6J 38, FICES L1 36, FICES 6J 35, FEHS 6J 33
CHEFS L1 40 GLOBEMAN, raggedy01
FISH 6J 33 naomiari
FEH 6J 32 immy
FISH L3 28 pandora1._
SHIER I1 21 coffeeman
CHIDE A5 11 Suzette

On 13th draw, DURABLE B2 32 --- DURABLE able to withstand wear or decay [adj]
Other moves: UNCLAD 1J 27, CARB 1L 24, CLUB 1L 24, CRAB 1L 24, CURB 1L 24
CRAB 1L 24 coffeeman, immy, pandora1._
CLAD 1L 21 naomiari
CRAN 1L 18 Suzette
UNABLE B3 14 raggedy01

On 14th draw, AX M2 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: VIGA A1 36, XI A1 30, KEX 3K 28, KIVA I9 28, IXIA J5 27
AX M2 41 pandora1._, naomiari, GLOBEMAN, immy
XI A1 30 Suzette
VEX 3K 26 coffeeman

On 15th draw, KITH I9 28 --- KITH one's friends and neighbours [n]
Other tops: CRIT 1L 28, UH N1 28
Other moves: KHI I9 27, KIN A1 26, KIRN I9 25, KNIT I9 25, KNUR I9 25
UH N1 28 immy, naomiari
THANK 2K 24 coffeeman
HEX 3K 13 pandora1._
EXIT 3L 11 Suzette

On 16th draw, DICTUM 1J 43 --- DICTUM an authoritative statement [n]
Other moves: CRIM 1L 34, CRUD 1L 31, RIMU A1 31, CRIT 1L 28, DIRHAM 2I 28
RIM G1 26 pandora1._
DIM A1 25 immy
MI A1 15 Suzette
TRIM 11I 12 coffeeman
DEX 3K 11 naomiari

On 17th draw, O(R)GANOTIN 7G 62 --- ORGANOTIN
Other moves: TIGON A1 32, THAGI 2K 30, TOGA A1 27, HANTING 12I 26, THANA 2K 26
UG N1 20 immy, pandora1._
THAN 2K 20 naomiari
FINO 4L 19 coffeeman

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