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Game of September 17, 2011 at 00:00, 4 players - after 17 words played
1. 470 pts coffeeman
2. 300 pts Gypsylady
3. 252 pts Suzette

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghinsz   H4    50    50   zings
 2. adeefnt   8F    63   113   fastened
 3. adeilot   K1    68   181   delation
 4. cgopruw   1G    33   214   crowd
 5. adeemno   6F    74   288   menadione
 6. ?aeqruv   9A    78   366   aquiver
 7. abdeisv   O4    55   421   visaed
 8. aaeilrt   4D    30   451   alteza
 9. ?iprsty   A8   194   645   partyism
10. eflnrux   D8    38   683   fixure
11. abcinrt   3I    27   710   balti
12. acimors   E9    33   743   vim
13. egiiknr  13C    30   773   reeking
14. beehooo   2J    30   803   he
15. aghinrs   2A    83   886   garnish
16. bclotuw  H10    39   925   cobnut
17. eeilnou   1A    22   947   ule

Remaining tiles: eijlnoooopwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5086 Filecoffeeman   3 13:50  -477  470     1.6644 Gypsylady   1 10:37  -647  300 
  2.6644 FileGypsylady   1 10:37  -647  300            Group: novice
  3.4185 FileSuzette     0  8:05  -695  252     1.5086 coffeeman   3 13:50  -477  470 
  4.5891 Fileritavanl    1  3:08  -862   85     2.5891 ritavanl    1  3:08  -862   85 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4185 Suzette     0  8:05  -695  252 

On 1st draw, ZINGS H4 50 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZEINS H4 48, ZINES H4 48, HIZENS H4 44, HIZEN H4 42, HIZENS H3 38
ZINGS H4 50 Gypsylady, coffeeman
ZIGS H5 28 Suzette

On 2nd draw, FASTENED 8F 63 --- FASTEN to secure [v]
Other moves: DEFIANT 5E 44, FADE I3 28, ZANTE 4H 28, NEAFE I2 27, DEFAT I1 26
FA I3 20 coffeeman, Gypsylady
FAZED 4F 18 Suzette

On 3rd draw, DELATION K1 68 --- DELATION the act of delating [n]
Other moves: FOLIATED F8 66, DELATION 6A 63, AZOTED 4G 32, OZALID 4G 32, ZEALOT 4H 30
ZEALOT 4H 30 ritavanl
DATE I3 22 Gypsylady
DA I3 16 coffeeman
DAZE 4F 14 Suzette

On 4th draw, CROWD 1G 33 --- CROWD to press into an insufficient space [v]
Other moves: OW J1 29, DUROC 1K 27, GOWD 1H 27, ROW L2 26, COURD 1G 24
CROWD 1G 33 coffeeman, ritavanl
WORD 1H 24 Suzette, Gypsylady

On 5th draw, MENADIONE 6F 74 --- MENADIONE [n]
Other moves: AMENDE L3 35, NAMED L2 33, NOMAD L2 33, WEANED J1 33, ZAMAN 4H 32
DAM J4 27 Gypsylady
DEMAND M3 22 ritavanl
MA I3 18 coffeeman
DEMODE M4 12 Suzette

On 6th draw, AQU(I)VER 9A 78 --- AQUIVER quivering [adj]
Other moves: (S)QUARE O6 54, QUAR(T)Z 4C 46, QUEAZ(Y) 4D 46, (S)UQ O6 45, FAQU(I)R F8 37
(S)QUARE O6 54 Suzette, coffeeman

On 7th draw, VISAED O4 55 --- VISA to put an official endorsement on, as a passport [v]
Other tops: AVISED O3 55
Other moves: VISED O4 52, ABIDES O1 46, BASED O4 46, DAVIES O1 46, BIASED O3 43
SAVED O6 40 coffeeman
SAVED A8 33 Suzette
BADS A8 21 Gypsylady

On 8th draw, ALTEZA 4D 30 --- ALTEZA highness [n]
Other moves: AIRT 10A 24, TALARIA A3 24, TALARIA A6 24, TALARIA A8 24, AIR 10A 22
RETAIL A6 18 Gypsylady
TRAIL A7 15 coffeeman, Suzette

On 9th draw, PARTYIS(M) A8 194 --- PARTYISM devotion to a political party [n]
Other moves: P*p*STRY A8 167, p*P*STRY A8 167, SPAR(S)ITY A7 89, (S)PARSITY A7 89, OPER(O)SITY L6 80
STRIP(E)Y 10F 80 Gypsylady
PATSY A8 42 coffeeman

On 10th draw, F(I)XURE D8 38 --- FIXURE firmness [n]
Other moves: FLEX 10G 36, FLUX 10G 36, F(I)XER D8 36, FULLER 3I 35, INFLUX 13A 32
FLUX 3J 28 coffeeman
SEX 14A 20 Suzette
OXEN L6 20 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, BALTI 3I 27 --- BALTI (Urdu) a spicy Indian dish [n]
Other moves: VIN E9 25, ABRI C12 22, BAC C13 22, CERATIN 13C 22, CERTAIN 13C 22
BAN C13 18 Gypsylady
CURB 11C 16 coffeeman
BRAIN D2 7 Suzette

On 12th draw, VIM E9 33 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: SCRAM 10F 30, SCRIM 10F 30, SATI L1 29, SIMAR 14D 29, MARCS C11 28
SAM 14D 27 coffeeman, Suzette

On 13th draw, REEKING 13C 30 --- REEK to give off a strong, unpleasant odor [v]
Other moves: EIKING N9 29, IRKING N9 29, DIRKING M8 28, GRIKE 3A 28, REINK 13C 28
REEKING 13C 30 coffeeman

On 14th draw, HE 2J 30 --- HE a male person [n]
Other tops: WHA J1 30
Other moves: BOHO 5B 27, HOBO 5B 26, HOO 5D 26, ETH L2 24, H*B* 3B 24
NOB H13 15 coffeeman

On 15th draw, GARNISH 2A 83 --- GARNISH to decorate [v]
Other moves: SHARING 10G 66, GNASH 3C 41, SHAN 14D 40, SHIN 14D 40, SHA 14D 37
HANGS H11 30 coffeeman

On 16th draw, COBNUT H10 39 --- COBNUT an edible nut [n]
Other moves: BUNCO H11 30, CLOU 5C 23, BLOW 10G 22, CLOW 10G 22, TWO 5C 21
NOW H13 18 coffeeman

On 17th draw, ULE 1A 22 --- ULE a rubber tree [n]
Other moves: OLEINE N9 19, GLUON 7H 18, IGLU A1 18, OGEE A1 18, OGLE A1 18
OGLE A1 18 coffeeman

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