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Game of September 17, 2011 at 01:34, 4 players - after 17 words played
1. 355 pts dannyboy
2. 267 pts Suzette
3. 206 pts ceosickey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?behjox   H4    42    42   jobes
 2. cehnrsu   6H    69   111   brunches
 3. degiort   O2    86   197   digestor
 4. eilpttw   2I    38   235   twilted
 5. deeloor   1D    29   264   doolee
 6. ?inprtz   2B    39   303   stirp
 7. afggmos   3A    34   337   foams
 8. aeilovy   A3    39   376   foveal
 9. adeioyz   K5    68   444   anodize
10. ahnopvy   N9    42   486   aphony
11. acefgnr  O12    49   535   fear
12. aginnru   M2    24   559   tanghin
13. bdiirtu  12I    33   592   budi
14. acegqrv   4A    30   622   ogre
15. aiimnsu   B6    29   651   mains
16. ceeiltu  13C    77   728   leucite
17. ikntuvy  D12    32   760   yeuk

Remaining tiles: aainqrstvwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6521 Filedannyboy    2 18:34  -405  355     1.6521 dannyboy    2 18:34  -405  355 
  2.4200 FileSuzette     0 13:16  -493  267     2.6669 ceosickey   1  6:41  -554  206 
  3.6669 Fileceosickey   1  6:41  -554  206            Group: not rated
  4.4999 FileSnook       0  3:42  -746   14     1.4200 Suzette     0 13:16  -493  267 
                                             2.4999 Snook       0  3:42  -746   14 

On 1st draw, JOBE(S) H4 42 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: E(M)BOX H8 42, JOBE(D) H4 42
Other moves: HEJ(A)B H4 40, HEJ(A)B H8 38, HOXE(D) H4 36, HOXE(S) H4 36, JE(U)X H5 34

On 2nd draw, BRUNCHES 6H 69 --- BRUNCH to eat a late morning meal [v]
Other tops: RUNCHES G7 69
Other moves: UNHORSE 5E 40, JEHUS 4H 30, REH I5 25, CHOREUS 5F 24, CHOUSER 5F 24
HEN I5 19 dannyboy

On 3rd draw, DIGESTOR O2 86 --- DIGESTOR an apparatus which softens substances [n]
Other moves: STODGIER O6 83, (S)TODGIER 8H 83, GOITERED N2 70, DIGE(S)TOR 8D 61, GRODIE(S)T 8B 60
RIDGES O1 30 dannyboy
STORED O6 21 Suzette

On 4th draw, TWILTED 2I 38 --- TWILT to quilt [v]
Other moves: WILTED 2J 36, WITTED 2J 36, PITTED 2J 30, TEWHIT M3 26, WEPT G7 26
WIPE G7 26 dannyboy
TWINE K3 16 Suzette

On 5th draw, DOOLEE 1D 29 --- DOOLEE a stretcher for the sick or wounded [n]
Other moves: JODEL 4H 26, JOLED 4H 26, RODEO 1F 25, C*L*R*D L6 22, CROODLE L6 22
JOLED 4H 26 dannyboy
OLEO 1G 19 ceosickey
HELD M6 11 Suzette

On 6th draw, (S)TIRP 2B 39 --- STIRP direct descent from an ancestor [n]
Other tops: T(W)IRP 2B 39
Other moves: P(O)Z N8 38, (U)NZIP 2A 37, N(A)ZIR N8 36, N(A)ZI N8 35, PIZ(E) G7 35
DITZ D1 28 ceosickey
ZIN(C)(S) 8D 22 Suzette

On 7th draw, FOAMS 3A 34 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: GOAFS 3A 33, FOAM 3A 29, OAFS 3B 29, GOAF 3A 28, GOAFS 10K 28
JAGGS 4H 28 ceosickey
FOAMS 10K 27 Suzette
FOG G7 23 dannyboy

On 8th draw, FOVEAL A3 39 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEAL relating to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: JIVEY 4H 36, ALOE 4A 35, LYE 4B 34, VIE 4B 34, VOE 4B 34
FOVEAL A3 39 ceosickey
JOVIAL 4H 32 dannyboy
ENVY K5 20 Suzette

On 9th draw, ANODIZE K5 68 --- ANODIZE to coat with a protective film by chemical means [v]
Other moves: DOZY N8 42, DIAZO B7 40, DAZE N8 39, DOZE N8 39, AZIDE N9 37
JOYED 4H 32 dannyboy
COZY L6 28 Suzette

On 10th draw, APHONY N9 42 --- APHONY loss of voice [n]
Other moves: AHOY L10 36, ANCHO L4 33, CYANO L6 33, NACHO L4 33, HAO B6 31
ZANY 10K 24 Suzette
NAVY L11 22 ceosickey
EA 6A 4 dannyboy

On 11th draw, FEAR O12 49 --- FEAR to be afraid of [v]
Other moves: FRANC B6 41, FARCE L9 38, FANG L9 34, FRAG B6 33, FANE L9 32
FEAR O12 49 dannyboy
FRANC B6 41 ceosickey
FAZE 10I 18 Suzette

On 12th draw, TANGHIN M2 24 --- TANGHIN a poison [n]
Other tops: UNCIA L4 24
Other moves: GUANINE 13I 20, AIRN I4 19, ANI L10 19, ANN L10 19, RAHING M4 19
ANN L10 19 dannyboy
GAIN(S) 8D 7 Snook
LUNAR 8A 6 Suzette

On 13th draw, BUDI 12I 33 --- BUDI an insulting term for an old woman (India) [n]
Other tops: BIDI 12I 33
Other moves: BIRD 12H 29, BURD 12H 29, TURBID 12F 29, BID 12I 25, BUD 12I 25
BIRD 12H 29 ceosickey
BID G7 19 dannyboy
BIRD J11 15 Suzette

On 14th draw, OGRE 4A 30 --- OGRE a monster [n]
Other moves: ARC M13 22, VARVE 5A 22, RE 4C 21, ERG M13 20, VAREC 5A 20
CRAVE 13E 17 dannyboy
GAZE 10I 16 Suzette

On 15th draw, MAINS B6 29 --- MAIN the principal part [n] --- MAIN to make lame [v]
Other moves: MAIN B6 26, MNAS B6 26, MNA B6 25, AMINS L10 22, ANIMIS L10 22
MAINS B6 29 dannyboy
LIMAS 8A 8 Suzette

On 16th draw, LEUCITE 13C 77 --- LEUCITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: LEET C7 18, TARCEL C2 18, CUIT 13G 17, UREIC I5 17, UTILE C9 17
CLUE 13F 13 Suzette
CUBE I10 9 dannyboy
LICE 8A 7 Snook

On 17th draw, YEUK D12 32 --- YEUK to itch [v]
Other moves: YUK G7 29, INKY 14H 28, TINK 14G 27, NEUK D12 26, TYIN C8 25
YIKE D10 22 Suzette
YIN G7 21 dannyboy

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